Logged DGPS Station #190 from Dandridge, TN on 305 kHz this morning at 1115 UTC with a nice signal. Was able to decode that signal using Multipsk 4.9 (see my writeup on this fine piece of software in the August 2008 Whats New column in Monitoring Times magazine). Screen capture of the event below.

4027.0 USB US Army MARS AAA4RD/K Net with usual traffic then AAR4FY sent his net report via MT63 mode at 1145 UTC. AAR4EM was NCS. Frequency identifier was KCG.
4369.0 USB WLO Marine Coastal with computerized (YL) marine weather broadcast then traffic holding list, end at 1208 UTC.
4548.0 USB This is the center of a fairly wideband sweeper signal that runs from about 4535-4563 kHz. Confirmed it is a CODAR station transmitting from Rutgers, NJ. Noted at 1215 UTC.
5077.0 GW-OFDM WNU Globe Wirless, typical idling signal from this Globle Wireless network station in Slidell, LA at 12:33.
5121.5 GW-OFDM WNU Globe Wirless, typical idling signal from this Globle Wireless network station in Slidell, LA at 12:40.
6317.0 SITOR idler/CW call only marker WLO Mobile, AL, at 1327.