Teak Publishing is proud to announce the release of their first Kindle eBook - QSLing the World - A How to Guide by Gayle Van Horn, a Monitoring Times columnist and the shortwave frequency manager for the magazine.
QSLing the World - A How-to Guide is a comprehensive resource and reference ebook for any radio hobbyist who is interested in acquiring a verification of reception from almost any type of radio station, whether it is broadcast, utility, amateur radio, satellites, or clandestine!
For many radio listeners who tune to shortwave, broadcast (AM/FM/TV), VHF/UHF scanner spectrum, or the amateur radio bands, the main objective of listening is to collect stations for the listener's logbook. While some radio hobbyists are program listeners who just listen for the content being broadcast, there is a large segment of the hobby who collect written proof that they have monitored the stations they have received or talked too.
These participants in this portion of the radio hobby attempt to QSL or verify the reception of the stations they hear or work. They do this by sending them a report of reception or their verification card in the hope that the station staff will return a card or letter (a.k.a. a QSL) verifying the radio reception. Along with QSLs, some radio hobbyists also collect station memorabilia that may include such items as frisbees, bumper stickers, pennants, decals, T-shirts, or anything associated with the station logo, slogan or call sign.
This new 140 plus page Kindle eBook covers the "how-to's" of QSLing, drawn from Gayle's 30 plus years of experience in the radio hobby. This includes best general practices in logging, reporting, and mailing a station reception report.
Should you try to send a report in a language you don't speak? What enclosure should you include with your reception report? How long should you wait for a reply from the station? Should you send a second report? This book answers these common questions and much more.
Finally, Gayle addresses an often-neglected question – what do you do with your QSL cards and letters after they start to accumulate? This and more is now available in this new edition of QSLing the World.
And there is no need to worry if you do not own a Kindle reader. You can still read our new Kindle electronic reader edition or any Kindle books anywhere with Amazon's free reading apps.
There are free Kindle reading apps for Smartphones (iPhone & iTouch,
Android, Windows Phone 7, and Blackberry); Computer platforms (Windows and
Mac); Tablets (iPad and Android Tablet), and of course the Kindle readers
including the new Kindle Fire. You can get more detail on these apps by checking out this link to the Amazon website at http://tinyurl.com/84wodbx.
This Kindle eBook sells for $2.99 US, and is also available internationally through Amazon's various international servers. The book can be purchased at Amazon.com at
You can view Gayle's author page at http://amazon.com/author/gaylevanhorn.
This second edition of QSLing the World, now in Kindle eBook format, is the most comprehensive compilation of trends and tips on the art of QSLing ever published for the radio listening hobby. It is a must-have reference in any hobby radio shack if you want to QSL the stations you are hearing on your radios.