Islands, Castles & Portable Operations.
Listing is by calendar date (day/month/year).
Note: Listings with announced digital operations are in italics.
29/11/2007: Gena, RA9CMI is currently QRV until December 15th as RA9CMI/9 from District AL-72 (Belokuriha), Altaysky kraj (AL). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]
29/11/2007: Juergen, DJ3KR is currently QRV until December 15th from Indonesia using the call sign YB1AQB. He will be active on all bands with an IC-7000 and a vertical with a height of 10m. QSL via DJ3KR. [DX Newsletter]
30/11/2007: Radio Club Ushuaia, with yearning to activate different geographic points of the Isla Grande, Tierra del Fuego (SA-008) [according to the connected Awards], will be active from 'MOAT' (Destacamento de la Prefectura Naval Argentina) Grid Square FD65PA, from 1501 UTC November 30th to the 1800 UTC December 2nd, using AY7X call sign, operating SSB, CW, PSK and RTTY around the following suggested November 30th to the 18:00 UTC of December 2nd, using AY7X callsign, frequencies: CW - 3.550, 7.020, 14.010, 21.010 28.050 MHz; SSB - 3.680, 7.080, 14.200, 21.200, 28.300 MHz; PSK - 3.610, 7.035, 14.070, 21.070, 28.120 MHz; RTTY - 3.620, 7.040, 14.080, 21.070, 28.130 MHz. QSL via WD9EWK, direct (Patrick Stoddard, 4031 E. Aster Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85032-7417, U.S.A.) or bureau. Contact with Tierra del Fuego qualifys,for WAP Awards (ARG-023) or IOTA (SA-008 - Tierra del Fuego islands). Web site at: www.lu8xw.net/ [I1HYW]
30/11/2007: Lee Sanghoon, DS4NMJ (DT8A) will be QRV from Chung island (AS-060) with other Japanese and Korean operators, namely HL4/JA1HGY, HL4/JA1WPX, HL4/JA1RJU, DS4NMJ, HL4CEL and HL4CEY for 24 hours from 0400z November 30th to 0400z December 1st. This IOTA is for attending JA's Korean Wedding ceremony. [F5NQL]
30/11/2007: Rick, K6VVA will be going back to Revillagigedo Island (NA-041, USi AK-141S, 1st S. Eastern County), Alaska, again for the ARRL 160m Contest (Nov 30 - Dec 02) operating as KL8C, and also hopes to be QRV on other bands as K6VVA/KL7 again (the Sept/2007 QSLs are being printed - QSL via N6AWD). The operating QTH has a great over-salt-water path to the U.S. and much of Europe, although condx in Sept. were not good for EU. There is a big hill in the direction of JA, so Rick may try to operate from the other side of the Island with a clear shot to JA for a while during the daytime/non-160m hours (if not this trip, then the next time). QSL via N6AWD. [K6VVA]
30/11/2007: Victor RX6DL will be active November 30th to December 2nd as RU9QRP/6/p from Districts KR-26 (Apsheronsky), Krasnodarsky kraj (KR) and AD-06 (Majkopsky), Republic of Adygeya (AD). QSL via RX6DL, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]
30/11/2007: Alan, WQ5W will be signing V25W from the island of Antigua (NA-100, WLOTA LH-1118) during the ARRL 160 Metre Contest (November 30-December 2) as a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL direct to WQ5W, or via LoTW. Further info at: wq5.blogspot.com/ [NG3K]
01/12/2007: Jan, PA4JJ will once again be active as C56JJ from Banjul, The Gambia, between December 1-11th. Further information and QSL route can be found at: www.c56jj.pa4jj.nl/ [NG3K]
01/12/2007: Jean/ON5JV and Georgette/ON6AK will sign EA8/homecall from Tijoco Bajo, Tenerife Island (S-012 for the Spanish Islands Award, WLOTA LH-1276), Canary Islands (AF-004), between December 1, 2007 and January 31, 2008. Mainly on 20 and 40m in the evening (local time). QSL via home calls, bureau preferred. [F5NQL]
01/12/2007: Patrick, F8DYD/p will be QRV December 1st to activate the Castle of Boivre (DFCF 86-039) and the Mill of Vouneuil sous Biard (DMF 86-003), located in the City of Vouneuil sous Biard (CP 86580), Poitiers 5th canton (DDFM 86-35), Department Vienne/86, Province Poitou Charentes (DPF 19). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [F8DYD]
01/12/2007: Peter, RW3PF will be active December 1-2nd as RW3PF/m from the following RDA Districts TL-02 (Privokzal'nyj - Tula Area), TL-03 (Proletarian - Tula Area), TL-13 (Shchekino City), TL-12 (Uzlovaya City), TL-33 (Uzlovsky), TL-28 (Novomoskovsk) and TL-25 (Kireevsky), Tul'skaya oblast (TL). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [RX3RC]
01/12/2007: Claude, F6AEW/p will be QRV December 1st using the special call TM7AJ from the Castle of l'Aune Mongenard (DFCF 53-144), Martigne sur Mayenne (CP 53470), Department Mayenne/53, Province Pays de Loire (DPF 17). Activity will be on 80 and 40m, starting around 0830z. QSL via F6KSU, direct or bureau. [F6AEW]
02/12/2007: The Radio Club of Fagnes (F5KDB) and some of its members will be QRV December 2nd to finish the reactivation of the Forts of the defense of Maubeuge. These Forts will count for the Diplôme des Forts du Val de Sambre (DFVS). Information about the Val de Sambre Fortresses award can be found at: pageperso.aol.fr/f8bmn/ReglementDFVS.html. This activity will take place mainly on 40m and possibly 80m, propagation permitting. The following calls and Forts will participate: F5KDB will be at Fort de Leveau in the buildings of the Radio-Club (DFCF 59-013), commune of Feignies (CP 59750, DDCF 59-08, DFVS 59-01); Bruno, F4FIU/p will reactivate the Fort des Sarts (DFCF 59-033), located on the commune of Mairieux (CP 59600, DDCF 59-44, DVFS 59-06); and J-François, F8BMN/p will reactivate the Fort d'Hautmont (DFCF 59-023), located on the commune d'Hautmont (CP 59330, DDCF 59-69, DFVS 59-02). QSL via operator's instructions. [F8BMN]
04/12/2007: Well-known DXer Kan, JA1BK will be visiting Southwestern Europe and Africa between December 4-13th. He might be showing up on the air time permitting in his busy schedule. Look for him as F/JA1BK from the Bordeaux area, EA3/KH6BK from Barcelona, side visit to Gibraltar (activity unlikely), then EA7/KH6BK. Paul, F6EXV, plans to join him and both will attend the Spanish URE DX Convention in San Fernando. On December 10th and 11th, Kan along with Paul, will be visiting Juan, EA9IE and might take the mike and/or the key, signing EA9/KH6BK and EA9/F6EXV. QSL respectively to their home call signs (JA1BK and F6EXV). [OPDX]
04/12/2007: Look for Geoff, W0CG and others to be active as PJ2/homecall from Signal Point, Curacao (SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) between December 4-11th. Their main focus will be the ARRL 10-Metre Contest (December 8-9th) using the call sign PJ2T, a Multi-Single entry. QSL PJ2T via N9AG. QSL others via their home call. [CCC]
05/12/2007: Michael, F1IQH will visit Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, as XT2WC December 5th through early January 2008. QSL via F1IQH. [DX Newsletter]
06/12/2007: Bob/K0OK and Dale/KB7UB, will be active as VP5/K0OK and VP5/KB7UB from Providenciales (NA-002), Turks and Caicos Islands, December 6-11th. Look for activity on 6 through 160 metres CW and SSB. They will be operating in the ARRL 10 Metre Contest (December 8-9th) as VP5E (K0OK) and VP5UB (KB7UB). QSL via home calls. Online logs will be available at: www.dxer.com/dxlogs/; all QSOs will be uploaded to LOTW. [425 DX News]
06/12/2007: Look for Dave, KY1V to be active as 6Y1V from Hopewell, Jamaica (NA-097, WLOTA LH-0214) for the ARRL 10-Metre Contest (December 8-9th), as a Single-Op/High-Power/CW entry. QSL only to OH3RB, direct preferred but bureau ok. [6Y1V]
07/12/2007: Hiro/W1VX, Toshi/N3YS, and Hide/AB2WE will be active from Saipan, Northern Mariana Isands (OC-086), December 7-10th as KH0/homecall and KH0D. They plan to operate 80-10 metre CW, SSB, RTTY and FM. QSL W1VX and KH0D via JF1OCQ, N3YS via JE1SYN, AB2WE via JI1JPJ. See QRZ.com. [F5NQL]
08/12/2007: The Radio Club F6KIM (Dept. 54) will air the special call TM4AFM for the 21st annual Téléthon 2007, the fund-raising event organized by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association on December 8th and 9th from the town hall in Richardménil. They will add on the QSL confirming the QSO a recall to make gifts for the AFM. QSL via operator's instructions. [F5TSB]
12/12/2007: John/G7HIA and Robert/G8ATE will be using the special call sign GB0OO (golf bravo Ø oscar one) between December 12-16th. The 12th of December is an unofficial OSCAR DAY celebrating the launch of Amateur radio's first satellite Oscar-1. They will be operating only on analogue satellites. Further information can be found at: www.turlington.supanet.com/ [Southgate ARC]
15/12/2007: Special event station 8J1TFD will be aired from December 15, 2007 until March 31, 2008 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Tokyo Fire Department. Look for activity on all bands and modes. QSL via the JARL bureau. [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
11/02/2008: André, ON7YK will be QRV from Kerr Serign, Banjul, The Gambia (WW Loc. IK13PM, as C56YK between February 11th and March 6th. 80m-10m, for 80 and 40 metre with a FD4 Ant. and for all other bands with a spiderbeam. Also QRV on 6 metre and 160 metre bands. QSL Information - see C56YK's notice on QRZ.com. [F5NQL]
12/02/2008: José, ON4LAC will be in The Gambia as C56JC, between February 12th to March 5th. He will focus on PSK and RTTY modes which were, unless we are mistaken, never actived from C5. Some SSB too, except when André, C56YK will be using this mode. QSL via home call. [F5NQL]
29/03/2008: Operators Trent/VK4TI, Tony/VK3TZ and Laurie/VK4VCC will be active from Vanuatu, New Hebrides (OC-035) during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30, 2008) as a Multi-Two entry, using the call sign YJ0AX. QSL TBA NA and Europe. [NG3K]
26/11/2007: The 'ARAN 59' will activate the special call TM8T again this year, by F0FGG, F4DBA, F5TBE and F6BDM in Croix, for the 21st annual Téléthon, the fund-raising event organized by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association that will take place December 7-8th. Activity will be from November 26th to December 9th on 80, 40, 20 metre CW and SSB, also on 144 MHz FM and SSB. Strong activity on Saturday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time. This demonstration is done in collaboration with association "A Croix Tous Ensemble for the Téléthon (ACTE)", which gathers a score of associations Croisiennes, the Association of the Radios Amateurs of North (ARAN 59), as well as the "Genealogy Club of the North and Flandres (GCNF)" of Croix. A special QSL could be obtained against exchanges your QSL, 2 Euros or 3 dollars and a self addressed envelope. A diploma could also be exchanged for all contacts carried out on two different bands: 80, 40, 20, 2m and 70cm and Echolink, counter exchanges your QSL, 5 Euros or 8 dollars and self addressed envelope, which covers the QSL and diploma. If possible an A4 self addressed envelope. This money will be transferred for Telethon. Address: GCNF, 87 Avenue Roger Salengro, 59170 Croix, France. For obtaining the special QSL all information can be found at: f6bdm.free.fr/ [F6BDM]
28/11/2007: One of the most important French Engeneers Higher School, located in Toulouse, South France, the ENSEEIHT, l'Ecole Nationale Sup'rieure d'Electro-technique, Electronique, Informatique, Hydraulique et T'l'communications, is celebrating its first Century. A special callsign, TM7IET, will be activated between November 28th and December 9th. 7 is for 1907, year of founding, and IET for Institut Erlectrotechnique de Toulouse which was the first name of the School. HF bands, in SSB, CW and PSK31 and on VHF FM at the intention of the novice operators. You can contact this call sign operating from the Higher School, Monday/Friday, during the day, from the F5KSE ARC facilities Saturday amd Sunday during the day, and from various operators' homes every evening. QSL via F4DQG. [F5NQL]
01/12/2007: Santa Claus Land (OH9SCL) will be again active in December from the Artic Circle. Activity will be on 10-160 metre CW, SSB and digital modes. Among others, Santa's helpers will include Rami/OH3BHL, Erkin/OH9KL, Kimmo/OH9MDV, Juha/OH9MM and Aaro/OH9RJ. QSL via OH9UV. [425 DX News]
01/12/2007: Look for special event station 8J7AKARI to be aired December 1-31st to celebrate the "Sendai Pageant of Starlight", which will be held in the City of Sendai December 12-31th. The Sendai Tuning DX Club will operate from the City of Sendai on HF/VHF/UHF using SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV and AO51 satellite. Suggested digital frequencies are 7.028 10.144 14.080 18.108 21.080 and 24.922 Mhz, with SSTV on 21.335 and 18.160 Mhz. Note: AKARI is Japanese word that means light with warmth. It is simple physics-like; shine, and hold it. For example, the warmth to show human feeling, love and friendship in. QSL info can be found at: www.qrz.com/callsign/8J7AKARI/ [JJ1WTL/AC6IM]
01/12/2007: Special event callsign PF30FRG will be aired during the month of December to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Frisian Radio Amateur Group (FRAG) in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. QSL via PI4FRG. [425 DX News]
01/12/2007: Look for special event station SP80KKK to be aired from Cracow, Poland during the month of December to commemorate the area of Crakow 80 years of revolt of movement (traffic) Krótkofalarskiego and Cracow land (earth). QSL via SP9PKZ. [DX Summit]
01/12/2007: Look for special call sign UE3DWP to be QRV December 1-9th for the days of activity of the Moscow suburbs and areas. This activity counts for the diploma "KM3-65". Activity will be on all bands and modes. QSL via operator's instructions. Inforamtion on the diploma "KM3-65" can be found at: www.qrz.ru/awards/detail/2301.html [QRZ.ru]
01/12/2007: The Thailand FCC, called the NTC, is sponsoring a celebration of His Magesty the King of Thailand's 80th birth year with the fact that the King is a ham, HS1A, and has been active as such over the years. The special call sign of HS80A (HS8 zero A) will be used from the NTC celebration site. Date is December 1, 2007, All day Thai time (+7 UTC). No freqs. yet determined. check RAST web site. [K1XN & The GOLIST]
01/12/2007: The ISWL Club Callsigns in use during December 2007 will be: GX4BJC /A - Operated from Braintree in Essex, by Keith M0CLO (WAB Square = TL72 ESX & IOTA = EU-005). MP1SWL /A - Operated from Guernsey, in the Channel Islands, by Lionel MU0GSY (WAB Square = WV38 & IOTA = EU-114). All QSL Info is on www.iswl.org.uk or www.qrz.com or via www.eQSL.cc NO LOTW! ISWL Awards are available to all Hams and SWL's - see www.iswl.org.uk eQSL.cc cards ARE accepted for their awards. [Pete's-DX-Newsdesk]
08/12/2007: The Radio Club F6KIM (Dept. 54) will air the special call TM4AFM for the 21st annual Téléthon 2007, the fund-raising event organized by the French Muscular Dystrophy Association on December 8th and 9th from the town hall in Richardménil. They will add on the QSL confirming the QSO a recall to make gifts for the AFM. QSL via operator's instructions. [F5TSB]
U.S.A. Special events can be found at: www.arrl.org/contests/spev.html

27/11-18/12 P40TA: Aruba Island WLOTA:0033 QSL WM6A (d/LoTW)
27/11-03/12 PJ2/K8ND: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/C (d/b)
27/11-03/12 PJ2/W8WTS: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/C (d/b)
30/11-02/12 PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL K8ND (d/LoTW)
30/11-02/12 V25W: Antigua Island WLOTA:1118 QSL WQ5W (d/LoTW)
01/12-31/1/08 EA8/ON5JV: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL H/C (b)
01/12-31/1/08 EA8/ON6AK: Isla de Tenerife WLOTA:1276 QSL H/C (b)
04/12-11/12 PJ2/W0CG: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL H/C (d/b)
08/12-09/12 6Y1V: Jamaica Island WLOTA:0214 QSL OH3RB (d/b)
08/12-09/12 PJ2T: Curacao Island WLOTA:0942 QSL N9AG (d/b)
Pedestrian mobile spans the globe -
Despite the sunspot minimum, Blackpool amateur Dave Starkie, G4AKC, has managed two way pedestrian mobile contact with G7LPW/ZL3 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
On 15 November they completed the 21,100km contact on 20 metres SSB. This was the result of two years work to improve and develop a high performance HF backpack which was used at both ends of the contact. [GB2RS]
Effective November 24, 2007 Spanish Amateur Radio operators were authorized use of 7100-7200 kHz on a secondary basis, using a total radiated power not exceeding 24 dBW. EA ops also gained access to the 51-52 MHz band giving them use of 50-52 MHz with a maximum power of 100 watts, except in the center of the country where the power is limit is 10 watts. [UBA HF News]
New DXCC-Entities to come: As found on the homepage of EUDXF, President of EUDXF Hans, PB2T, visited ARRL HQ in Newington July 24th. There was discussion about the DXCC status of Netherland's Antilles after December 15th, 2008. It looks like four new entities for Curacao, Sint Maarten, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Bonaire for future DXCC. (DJ5AV: I remember there should be no further Deleted Entities added to the existing ARRL-DXCC list - compare DXCC Rules, Removal Criteria.)
Political Background: The association "Netherland's Antilles" will finish with "Kingdom's Day", December 15th, 2008. Until late 2008 status of a new system will be set up. Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius voted for closer connection with the Netherlands, while Curacao and Sint Maarten want an autonomous status like Aruba. [DX Newsletter]
A change happened in the list of the next F6KOP team for the next January 2008 trip to J5, Guinée Bissau. Unfortunately, Serge, F6AML had to cancel his participation for some reasons independant of his one’s will. Jean-Marc, F8IXZ, (ex 6W1/F8IXZ, 6W4/F8IXZ, TM0GAY, F8IXZ/D44AC,5H1C), a CW operator will join the F6KOP team and go to in place of Serge. Please visit our pages at : http://www.j5c.eu/. If you want to help us you can use the information put on the sponsor page. And don’t forget to write a little word on our guest book. [F5NQL]
The 6th Edition release 1.10 of the WAP Directories (WAP-WACA & WAP-WADA) are available to download for free at the WAP web site www.waponline.it. Just go to the site and when on the download section, click on the "compass" to download WAP-WADA Directory and on the "penguin" to download WAP-WACA Directory. On the same location, you can download the Polar Ship Book, 180 pages edited by IT9MRM , Official at the Italian Navy and founder of ARMI. Suggestions new calls to insert and new report of Antarctic activities are always welcome. [I1HYW]
Denis, F5RJM reports that all direct QSL cards, received up November 25th for the last Tombelaine Island (EU-156) have been answered and mailed. The bureau cards are beeing to be treated and will be sent to the French REF-Union bureau at the beginning of December 2007. [F5NQL]
9Y - Trinidad and Tobago, SA-011
Trinidad and Tobago no longer permit two calls to one person - one for regular QSOing the second one for contests. Therefore Andy, 9Y4ZC, decided to maintain his contest call 9Y4W only. The last QSO as 9Y4ZC took place October 22nd, 2007 at 0319 UTC. He hopes that it takes some time until 9Y4ZC will be distributed again to avoid confusion with the QSLing. (You get Andy's QSL via DL4MDO, bureau ok!). [DX Newsletter]
During CQWW CW, the callsign MU0A was very active, and was spotted numerous times, as well as making many S&P contacts. Sadly, this call has never been issued, a fact which has been confirmed by Ofcom, the licencing authority in the UK, and therefore the operation was a pirate. [GU0SUP]
73 and Good DX!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Contest Calendar - DX Calendar - Lighthouse Activations
Join ICPO e-Group: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/icpo_mail.html
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All Croatian Islands Award Group - ACIAG
The World Light House Diplom - TWLHD