As I have posted here and tweeted on my twitter feed, some of the images from the orbiting Russian Meteor weather satellites can be stunning if you have the right setup. So, if you are into weather satellite image decoding and use SDR#, a new version (v2.1) of the Russian Meteor weather satellite demodulator is available at

Here is a Meteor M-N2 (not the N2-2) weather satellite image received on 137.100 MHz a 0825 UTC pass over Italy. Working conditions: "V" antenna, ArispyHF+, SDR#, Meteor plugins, Orbitron and MeterorGIS. QPSK@72Kbits, RX:S/Rate=128 Ksps, RX BW=100KHz. Courtesy of Marco @BlackApple62 from his twitter feed. Thank you, Marco.