Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Monitored a New Satellite Downlink

While doing some scanning in the shack had a digital signal pop up on 465.9875 MHz. After some additional research I found out that this is a downlink from the EUMETSAT Metop and NOAA polar orbiting weather satellites used to communication with Data Collection System platforms in the 401 MHz area.

There is even a software decoder produced by my good friend Bev-Ewen Smith.

BTW Bev has a done of monitor related decoding software packages at

This includes his very popular Planeplotter ADS-B software at
https://www.coaa.co.uk/software.htm  (Be sure to tell Bev that N5FPW Larry sent ya).

Anyway the 465.9875 downlink was very strong and should be easy for anyone to hear even on simple equipment.