Logs on 8/29/2008 from Brasstown, NC. Primary receiver: Icom IC-706 MKIIG, PC-ALE, Rigblaster Pro, Full size 80 meter G5RV.
73 and hope all my friends and family along the Gulf remain safe and sound.
Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
4780.0 INDOPS - National Guard Indianapolis, IN, ALE/USB sounding at 1825 on IN NG Primary freq.
5402.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1548 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
AAT3BF - US Army MARS Newark, DE, ALE/USB sounding at 1530/1558/1851 on SHARES SCN channel 4.
ZLSNNN - Navy/Marine Corps MARS, Yorktown, VA, ALE/USB sounding at 1837 on SHARES SCN channel 4.
0011ARCAP - Civil Air Patrol ALE/USB sounding at 1532 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
054NHQCAP - Civil Air Patrol ALE/USB sounding at 1847 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
101NCRCAP - Civil Air Patrol North Central Region Unit, ALE/USB sounding at 1531/1544/1556 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
6809.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1548 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
0004WICAP - Civil Air Patrol Wisconsin, Wing Communications Officer, ALE/USB sounding at 1537 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
054NHQCAP - Civil Air Patrol ALE/USB sounding at 1848 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
RIC - Civil Air Patrol CAP Region 2 MER/CAP National Technology Center Richmond, VA, ALE/USB sounding at 1840 on the nationwide CAP ALE net.
8050.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1548 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
DMLS - Unknown station, using ALE/USB on USAF HF-GCS Scope Command ALE HF Network at 1638.
MCC - West Coast, McClellan CA, using ALE/USB on USAF HF-GCS Scope Command ALE HF Network at 1634.
OFF - Offutt AFB, NE, using ALE/USB on USAF HF-GCS Scope Command ALE HF Network at 1631.
Mexican Army Net - Jupiter clg Venus, ALE/USB at 1600.
AAT3BF - US Army MARS Newark, DE, ALE/USB sounding at 1525/1554/1818/1846 on SHARES SCN channel 5.
BF741 - Director of Military Support, Washington, DC at 1811 on SHARES SCN channel 5.
9143.5 NRK - US Army National Guard Norfolk, VA, ALE/USB sounding at 1550 on the NG STARC nationwide net.
10194.0 FR5FEM - FEMA Chicago, IL (WGY9865) ALE/USB sounding at 1819 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
10588.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1847 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
XSS - UK DHFCS TASCOMM ALE Network, ALE/USB sounding at 1836. I was really surprised to be hearing this station at this hour.
AAT3BF - US Army MARS Newark, DE, ALE/USB sounding at 1823 on SHARES SCN channel 6.
12087.0 R27069 - US Army aircraft calling T1Z147 - National Guard (WI) 1-147 AVN, Madison WI, ALE/USB at 1807.
12216.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1847 on FEMA FNARS net freq.
13446.0 FC6 - FEMA Region 6 Office Denton, TX, ALE/USB sounding at 1810 on FEMA FMARS net freq.
15708.0 FC8FEM - FEMA Region 8 Denver, CO, ALE/USB sounding at 1846 on FEMA FNARS net freq.