Teak Publishing Amateur Radio Digital Voice Resource List

In the August issue of the Spectrum Monitor magazine (https://www.thespectrummonitor.com/), I wrote a beginners article titled, Talking to the World via Amateur Radio Digital Voice. Page constraints didn't allow for the Internet resource guide I prepared to run with the article. So Ken Reitz and I decided to post it here on the official Teak Publishing blog - The Btown Monitoring Post. 

The description of that article as it appears in the TSM August 2021 issue follows: "Looking for a way to keep in touch with your ham friends wherever they are in the world, despite dismal propagation conditions? So was Larry. That’s when he discovered the world of VHF/UHF digital voice. In this introductory feature, Larry explains the technology and equipment used in digital voice and how you can take advantage of this low-cost, highly portable method of amateur radio communications."

As a service to our readers in TSM and to those of you interested in Ham Radio Digital Voice modes and communications, here is a list of my favorite digital voice resources list of material on the Internet.

TSM Ham Digital Voice Resource List

● Books

From the ARRL website (http://www.arrl.org): ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2021, ARRL Operating Manual, 12th Edition, and ARRL Radios to Go

From Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com): Amateur Radio Digital & Voice Emergency Communications (Jun 2017)

From Nifty Accessories: Nifty E-Z Guide to D-STAR Operation             https://www.niftyaccessories.com/D-STAR_book.php

Books and Equipment

Bridgecom (DMR equipment dealer) and video learning resources            https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/

Ham Radio Outlet  https://www.hamradio.com/

● Online Digital Voice Resources

• General Digital Voice Online Resources

Charlotte Digital Radio group: Website (The Superstars of Digital and great website)              https://www.charlottedstar.org/

Comparison of Amateur Radio Digital Voice Systems (Charlotte Digital radio Group): PDF. I highly recommend downloading this PD. Very useful to understanding digital voice.      https://tinyurl.com/fvf2jpap

Digital Voice Modes Forum (2017 Green County Hamfest): Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Cj6pGkdts

DMR and Digital Modes (K7ID 2017): PDF  https://tinyurl.com/p644mvpc

Ham Radio Digital Voice Modes Comparison – DMR, D-STAR or YSF? P25 or NXDN? Video              https://tinyurl.com/ea4jj8e7

Intro to Digital Voice Modes (2019 By Bay-Net.org): PDF  https://tinyurl.com/ydjz2whx 

Introduction to Digital Voice Modes June 2014 (RAR Club): PDF   https://tinyurl.com/35f94nyh

Repeater Book  https://www.repeaterbook.com


Discover D-STAR from Icom: Video (bit dated but shows some basic concepts)              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMMt55Dtp5Q&t=471s

D-STAR Application List  http://www.dstarinfo.com/applications.aspx

D-STAR Downloads  http://www.icomamerica.com/en/downloads/default.aspx?Category=308

D-STAR Info  http://dstarinfo.com/

D-STAR Last Heard List  https://www.dstarusers.org/lastheard.php

D-STAR Quick-Start Guide   http://www.roblocher.com/whitepapers/dstar.html

D-STAR Repeater List  https://www.dstarusers.org/repeaters.php

D-STAR Repeater Maps  http://www.dstarinfo.com/maps-by-region.aspx

D-STAR Reflector List   http://www.dstarinfo.com/reflectors.aspx

D-STAR Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-STAR

Kenwood TH-D74 A/A Operating Tips (APRS/D-Star): PDF            https://www.kenwood.com/i/products/info/amateur/pdf/TH-D74AE_IDM.pdf

What is D-STAR? Website (Good starter page and terminology overview)            https://icomuk.co.uk/What-is-D-STAR

 •System Fusion

 Difference Between Yaesu WiresX and Hotspots: Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RghsOLCv_mU

Yaesu website  https://www.yaesu.com/

Yaesu System Fusion (April 2014): Website  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcF-kOejPjg

 • Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)

 There are many great online resources out there about ham radio DMR. It is hard to find time to find and appreciate all of them. Here are just a few we think you will find useful in exploring the world of amateur radio DMR digital voice, now one of the most popular voice digital modes in use today.

Amateur Radio Guide to Digital Mobile Radio, 2nd Ed (May 2019)  http://guide.k4usd.org/

Beginners Quick Guide – Basics of DMR (May 2021): Website  https://www.radioddity.com/blogs/all/beginners-quick-guide-the-basics-of-dmr-digital-mobile-radio

Brandmeister Hoseline   https://hose.brandmeister.network/#/

Brandmeister Talk Network  https://brandmeister.network/#

Brandmeister Talkgroup Table, 1st Coast DMR website  https://tinyurl.com/56rm8mme

DMR Article by KN4SWB  https://scheart.us/dmr-article-by-matthew-littleton-kn4swb/

DMR Basics KB5RAB Oct 2016, 1st Coast DMR website: PDF   https://tinyurl.com/28pc9j23

DMR For Dummies   https://www.dmrfordummies.com/

DMR-MARC   https://dmr-marc.net/

 K3NXU Miklor Radio Support and Information Website: DMR: Website            https://www.miklor.com/DMR/

Miklor DMR – The Very Basics: PDF   https://www.miklor.com/DMR/ppt/DMR-BasicTutorial.pdf

Radio DMR ID (Where you register your call sign to get a DMR ID for your radio)            https://www.radioid.net

• Other Digital Modes

APCO Project 25 Radio Reference Wiki Page              https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/APCO_Project_25

Connecticut NXDN Amateur Radio Network: Website   https://ctnxdn.wordpress.com/what-is-nxdn-all-about/

NXDNInfo.com: Website  http://www.nxdninfo.com/

NXDN Radio Reference Wiki Page  https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/NXDN

TETRA Radio Reference Wiki Page  https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/TETRA

West Central Florida Group (NI4CE NXDN Regional Link System): Website  https://ni4ce.org/nxdn-digital-communications/

• Hints, Tricks and Tips

 Bridgecom (DMR equipment dealer) and video learning resources. This is a DMR resource that I have singled out is a great company to do business with and learn from. My ham friend Mac KF4LMT recommended this company to me and I purchased my Anytone AT-878uvii Plus DMR HT from them, I have been very pleased with their product and especially their after sales support. Their Bridgecom University really helped me dive into and understand the world of DMR.  https://www.bridgecomsystems.com/

Don Arnold W6GPS YouTube Channel: Video   Don is the superstar of the Kenwood D-74 world. He is also just an all-around nice guy and really knows his stuff. When I had a D-STAR question, Don very graciously picked up the phone and helped me get the answers. His videos are great if you are trying to get your Kenwood D-74 up and running.  https://www.youtube.com/user/w6gps

Ham Radio 2.0 News-Reviews-How-To YouTube Channel: Video.  If you are looking for some good stuff, I have always found it on Jason's Ham Radio 2.0 YouTube channel. Jason can make the hard easy and occasionally I get a good chuckle or two. Nice work KC5HWB.           https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKpVMjRE0m60lKCBWhIlo0A

K9WLW Radio YouTube Channel: Video  This YouTube channel is truly a hidden gem for the ham on YT if you are interested in some digital tips and tricks for hotspots, D-STAR, DMR and more. I'm still using it to learn various aspects of the digital voice world.    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2zfYLYQR-UbyRU0LCERRgQ

• DV Dongles, DVAPs, and Hotspots

 Best Ham Radio Hotspots for Early 2021: Video   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLe7FDxffxY

Comparison of Amateur Radio Digital Hotspots: PDF  https://tinyurl.com/94mjfeube

Dongles and Hotspots (Charlotte Digital Radio Group 2017): PDF              https://charlottedstar.org/Hotspots%20Charlotte%202017.pdf

Ham Openspot3 Reviews   https://www.eham.net/reviews/view-product?id=14507

How to Set Up Amateur Radio Digital Voice Hotspot With Pi-Star and MMDVM              https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-set-up-amateur-radio-digital-voice-hotspot

Openspot3 Review   https://radioamateur.us/openspot-3-review/

Pi-Star Setup and Notes  https://amateurradionotes.com/pi-star.htm
