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30 May 2009
A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 943
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
till 30/05 N6IC/KL7: Douglas Island (NA-041) 941
till 30/05 TM0M: Molene Island (EU-065) 939
till 31/05 GB100BP: special callsign (Wales) 939
till 31/05 IL3T: Torcello Island (EU-131) 938
till 31/05 K5N: Burwood Island (grid EL58) 943
till 31/05 LZ2009KM: special callsign 939
till 31/05 PA/DC2KN: Terschelling Island (EU-038) 943
till 31/05 SY2WT: Posidhion Lighthouse (Greece) 941
till 31/05 UE80 special prefix callsigns 939
till 31/05 XL, XN, XM, XO: special prefixes (Canada) 934
till 31/05 XO0ICE/2: special callsign 938
till 01/06 4K3K and 4J0K: Nagorno Karabakh (Azerbaijan) 941
till 01/06 A35RK/p: Vava'u (OC-064) 938
till 01/06 EJ6DX: Aran Islands (EU-006) 941
till 02/06 5H1HP and 5H1MS: Zanzibar Island (AF-032) 939
till 02/06 AH2Y and KH2/WX8C: Guam (OC-026) 939
till 02/06 K3VX/KP2, W3WH/KP2, W3WN/KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 939
till 02/06 TA3J/7 and TA7KI: Turkey 943
till 02/06 W9UK/KP2 and K9CS/KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 939
till 03/06 FK/G4JVG: Noumea (OC-032) 941
till 03/06 OH0/DJ7JC, OH0/DJ9IE, OH0/DK3QZ: Aland Isls (EU-002) 941
till 03/06 OH0/DL1EKC, OH0/PA0R, OH0EC:: Aland Isls (EU-002) 941
till 03/06 SV5/G0TSM: Kos Island (EU-001) 941
till 04/06 8Q7GP: Maldives (AS-013) 942
till 04/06 TM100C: special event callsign (France) 942
till 05/06 5H2WK: Tanzania 942
till 05/06 TM2RPC: special callsign (France) 941
till 06/06 SV8/HA0HW and J48HW: Thassos Island (EU-174) 942
till 07/06 SV8/PA3DEU: Alonissos Island (EU-072) 942
till 07/06 UE6LHP and UE1RLH/6: Beglitskiy Lighthouse 943
till 08/06 TM5RPC: special callsign (France) 941
till 10/06 II6AN: special callsign 941
till 13/06 9A5AN, 9A2AA, 9A3KS, HA3HP: Croatian islands tour 942
till 17/06 TA0/WA2KBZ: Buyukada (not IOTA) 942
till 19/06 ZK2V: Niue (OC-040) 940
till 20/06 S21XR: Bangladesh 940
till June 5X4X: Uganda 923
till June AP2AHSF: Pakistan 929
till 02/07 TT8CF: Chad 930
till 20/07 8J040M-8J940M: special event stations 940
till 20/07 IY0GM: special callsign 942
till 20/07 IY0NGM: special callsign 938
till 24/07 5N0OCH and 5N0EME: Nigeria 933
till 31/07 HG160FNY and HA160: special event station and prefixes 935
till 31/08 LY1000: special prefix 924
till 31/08 VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006) 908
till September LZ8WHST and LZ17ARDF: special event stations 924
till 30/11 FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 916
till November HF0APAS: South Shetlands (AN-010) 921
till November OD5/W5YFN: Lebanon 915
till 31/12 9A09P: special event station 932
till 31/12 9A48IFATCA: special event station 926
till 31/12 9A800VZ: special event callsign 933
till 31/12 GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till 31/12 GB40WAB: special callsign 922
till 31/12 HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland) 921
till 31/12 IA3GM: special callsign 927
till 31/12 II2RAI: special callsign 924
till 31/12 IY7GM: special callsign 939
till 31/12 LZ50BNT: special event station 940
till 31/12 Z30MCWG: special callsign 928
30/05-06/06 9A/OE3WGC and 9A/OE3ZK: Palagruza Island (EU-090) 931
30/05 GB5BOO: special event station (England) 942
30/05-06/02 IL7G: Tremiti Islands (EU-050) 933
30/05-06/06 OZ/NX1S: Romo Island (EU-125) 943
30/05 PA08DWN: special event callsign 942
31/05-01/06 IK4GLV/4, IK4JPR/4, IK4RUX/4: EU-155 942
31/05-01/06 IZ4CCO/4 and IZ4ISX/4: EU-155 942
31/05-12/06 SD1B/7: Oland Island (EU-037) 943
31/05-14/06 TM6ACO: special event callsign (France) 942
May H44MY and H44TO: New Georgia Island (OC-149) 942
01/06-15/06 8Q7CQ: Maldives (AS-013) 943
01/06-14/06 C6AMS: Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas 943
01/06-31/07 EM15DIG: special callsign (Ukraine) 943
01/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
01/06-30/06 VE7IYOA: special event station 943
03/06-05/06 F5AAR/p and F5OZC/p: Yeu Island (EU-064) 943
03/06-08/06 F/ON6JUN/P: "D-Day" special event 943
03/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
04/06-12/06 FS/K9EL: St. Martin (NA-105) 943
04/06 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
04/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
04/06-14/06 PA6JEROEN: special event station 943
04/06-07/06 SY2DDAY: "D-Day" special event (Greece) 943
04/06-12/06 TM5BBC: special event station (France) 943
05/06-08/08 F/PA65DDAY: "D-Day" special event 943
05/06-15/06 JW/OK1IPS, JW/OK1IEC: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard 943
05/06-15/06 JW/OK1JK, JW/OK1JST: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard 943
05/06-14/06 TM6SME: "D-Day" special event (France) 943
06/06-07/06 EG3FI: Formigues Islands (EU-078) 943
06/06-07/06 II3JD and IY1SP (Museum Ships Weekend) 943
07/06-09/06 G4JVG/VK4: North Stradbroke Island (OC-137) 941
08/06 F5HTR/p and F5LKW/p: Riou Island (EU-095) 943
08/06-16/06 IM0/I0PNM: San Pietro Island (EU-165) 943
10/06-15/06 ZY0F: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 929
11/06-14/06 PT2T: Ilha da Moela (SA-071) 939
13/06-14/06 DF0WFF: Nature Reserve of Flusslandschaft Elbe 939
13/06-28/06 IY1GMN: special event station 931
13/06-25/06 S92LX: Sao Tome (AF-023) 943
15/06-22/06 ES8/DL3BQA: Kihnu Island (EU-178) 939
15/06-02/07 RZ3AMW/1: Ryashkov Island (EU-162) 943
16/06-06/07 7U2ISM: special event station (Algeria) 943
18/06-12/07 PH100EL: special callsign 939
19/06-05/07 5J0M: San Andres (NA-033) 911
20/06-02/07 HB0/DL5YL and HB0/DL5YM: Liechtenstein 941
20/06-21/06 SX2MT: special event station 931
26/06-05/07 TZ6EI: Mali 941
27/06-28/06 SX2MT: special event station 931
29/06-03/07 3D2YA: Mana Island (OC-121) 939
June 4U1WED: special callsign (Austria) 943
June KL7RRC: Delarof Islands (NA-233) 943
04/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
05/07-07/07 SX2CM: special callsign (Greece) 927
09/07-28/07 Glorioso Islands (AF-011) 941
12/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
15/07-27/07 VE3ZZ/VY2, VE2BR/VY2, VY2Z: Prince Edward Isl (NA-029) 943
19/07-31/07 F5SGI/p: Belle-Ile (EU-048) 943
22/07-29/07 VK9AAA: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 941
23/07-27/07 C6APR, C6AXD, C6AQO: Crooked Island (NA-113) 937
23/07-26/07 CG200I: Ile Verte (NA-128) 937
23/07-27/07 GS3RCM/p and MM3M: Isle of Arran (EU-123) 939
23/07-26/07 OZ0FR: Romo Island (EU-125) 939
23/07-26/07 W4T: Tangier Island (NA-083) 937
24/07-27/07 MM0NDX/p and GM5A: St. Kilda Islands (EU-059) 943
24/07-27/07 VC8B: Banks Island (NA-129) 943
25/07-01/08 OZ/PA1H and OZ/PA7PA: EU-172 941
25/07-01/08 TK9X: Corsica (EU-014) 943
26/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
26/07-06/08 OH0/CT1BWW: Aland Islands (EU-002) 943
27/07-29/07 OY/IW4BLZ: Faroe Islands 935
31/07-11/08 TF/IW4BLZ: Iceland 935
July-December 4U30VIC: special callsign (Austria) 943
29/09-12/10 TX5SPA: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands 941
09/10-19/10 K4M: Midway Island (OC-030) 935
16/10-22/10 TX5SPM: Marquesas Islands (OC-027) 941
19/10-26/10 N0TG/CY0, WA4DAN/CY0, AA4VK/CY0 Sable Island (NA-063) 938
19/10-17/11 VK7ACG: Tasmania (OC-006) 929
20/10-30/10 J68JA: St. Lucia (NA-108) 941
22/10-26/10 P29VCX: Tanga Islands (OC-102) 939
27/10-31/10 P29VLR: Green Islands (OC-231) 939
02/11-09/11 P29NI: Woodlark group (OC-205) 939
11/11-13/11 P29VCX: D'Entrecasteaux Islands (OC-116) 939
24/11-03/12 XR0ZN: Juan Fernandez (SA-005) 937
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
All Skysweep Decoding Products Being Discontinued
This shocking and very disappointing message was posted early this morning east coast time on the Skysweep message board.
All sales, marketing and development of SkySweeper Std, SkySweeper Plus and SkySweeper Pro will be discontinued from 1st of June 2009.
SkySweep Technologies LTD is now fully concentrating on the SkySweep Messenger product family and some other professional systems development.
SkySweeper support continues as it is until 1.1.2011.
The latest versions and manuals can be downloaded here:
We would like to send our warmest thanks to all the SkySweeper users!
Mikko Huttunen
General Manager
SkySweep Technologies
All sales, marketing and development of SkySweeper Std, SkySweeper Plus and SkySweeper Pro will be discontinued from 1st of June 2009.
SkySweep Technologies LTD is now fully concentrating on the SkySweep Messenger product family and some other professional systems development.
SkySweeper support continues as it is until 1.1.2011.
The latest versions and manuals can be downloaded here:
We would like to send our warmest thanks to all the SkySweeper users!
Mikko Huttunen
General Manager
SkySweep Technologies
Friday, May 29, 2009
New Solar Cycle 24 Prediction
Courtesy of NASA Science News, Author: Dr. Tony Phillips | Credit: Science@NASA
An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots.
"If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78," says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.
It is tempting to describe such a cycle as "weak" or "mild," but that could give the wrong impression.
"Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather," points out Biesecker. "The great geomagnetic storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same size we’re predicting for 2013."
The 1859 storm--known as the "Carrington Event" after astronomer Richard Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar flare--electrified transmission cables, set fires in telegraph offices, and produced Northern Lights so bright that people could read newspapers by their red and green glow. A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause $1 to 2 trillion in damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require four to ten years for complete recovery. For comparison, Hurricane Katrina caused "only" $80 to 125 billion in damage.
Above: This plot of sunspot numbers shows the measured peak of the last solar cycle in blue and the predicted peak of the next solar cycle in red. Credit: NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center.
The latest forecast revises an earlier prediction issued in 2007. At that time, a sharply divided panel believed solar minimum would come in March 2008 followed by either a strong solar maximum in 2011 or a weak solar maximum in 2012. Competing models gave different answers, and researchers were eager for the sun to reveal which was correct.
"It turns out that none of our models were totally correct," says Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA's lead representative on the panel. "The sun is behaving in an unexpected and very interesting way."
Researchers have known about the solar cycle since the mid-1800s. Graphs of sunspot numbers resemble a roller coaster, going up and down with an approximately 11-year period. At first glance, it looks like a regular pattern, but predicting the peaks and valleys has proven troublesome. Cycles vary in length from about 9 to 14 years. Some peaks are high, others low. The valleys are usually brief, lasting only a couple of years, but sometimes they stretch out much longer. In the 17th century the sun plunged into a 70-year period of spotlessness known as the Maunder Minimum that still baffles scientists.

Above: Yearly-averaged sunspot numbers from 1610 to 2008. Researchers believe upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will be similar to the cycle that peaked in 1928, marked by a red arrow. Credit: NASA/MSFC
Right now, the solar cycle is in a valley--the deepest of the past century. In 2008 and 2009, the sun set Space Age records for low sunspot counts, weak solar wind, and low solar irradiance. The sun has gone more than two years without a significant solar flare.
"In our professional careers, we've never seen anything quite like it," says Pesnell. "Solar minimum has lasted far beyond the date we predicted in 2007."
In recent months, however, the sun has begun to show timorous signs of life. Small sunspots and "proto-sunspots" are popping up with increasing frequency. Enormous currents of plasma on the sun’s surface ("zonal flows") are gaining strength and slowly drifting toward the sun’s equator. Radio astronomers have detected a tiny but significant uptick in solar radio emissions. All these things are precursors of an awakening Solar Cycle 24 and form the basis for the panel's new, almost unanimous forecast.
According to the forecast, the sun should remain generally calm for at least another year. From a research point of view, that's good news because solar minimum has proven to be more interesting than anyone imagined. Low solar activity has a profound effect on Earth’s atmosphere, allowing it to cool and contract. Space junk accumulates in Earth orbit because there is less aerodynamic drag. The becalmed solar wind whips up fewer magnetic storms around Earth's poles. Cosmic rays that are normally pushed back by solar wind instead intrude on the near-Earth environment. There are other side-effects, too, that can be studied only so long as the sun remains quiet.
Meanwhile, the sun pays little heed to human committees. There could be more surprises, panelists acknowledge, and more revisions to the forecast.
"Go ahead and mark your calendar for May 2013," says Pesnell. "But use a pencil."
An international panel of experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak, they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots.
"If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78," says panel chairman Doug Biesecker of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center.
It is tempting to describe such a cycle as "weak" or "mild," but that could give the wrong impression.
"Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe space weather," points out Biesecker. "The great geomagnetic storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of about the same size we’re predicting for 2013."
The 1859 storm--known as the "Carrington Event" after astronomer Richard Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar flare--electrified transmission cables, set fires in telegraph offices, and produced Northern Lights so bright that people could read newspapers by their red and green glow. A recent report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a similar storm occurred today, it could cause $1 to 2 trillion in damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require four to ten years for complete recovery. For comparison, Hurricane Katrina caused "only" $80 to 125 billion in damage.

Above: This plot of sunspot numbers shows the measured peak of the last solar cycle in blue and the predicted peak of the next solar cycle in red. Credit: NOAA/Space Weather Prediction Center.
The latest forecast revises an earlier prediction issued in 2007. At that time, a sharply divided panel believed solar minimum would come in March 2008 followed by either a strong solar maximum in 2011 or a weak solar maximum in 2012. Competing models gave different answers, and researchers were eager for the sun to reveal which was correct.
"It turns out that none of our models were totally correct," says Dean Pesnell of the Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA's lead representative on the panel. "The sun is behaving in an unexpected and very interesting way."
Researchers have known about the solar cycle since the mid-1800s. Graphs of sunspot numbers resemble a roller coaster, going up and down with an approximately 11-year period. At first glance, it looks like a regular pattern, but predicting the peaks and valleys has proven troublesome. Cycles vary in length from about 9 to 14 years. Some peaks are high, others low. The valleys are usually brief, lasting only a couple of years, but sometimes they stretch out much longer. In the 17th century the sun plunged into a 70-year period of spotlessness known as the Maunder Minimum that still baffles scientists.

Above: Yearly-averaged sunspot numbers from 1610 to 2008. Researchers believe upcoming Solar Cycle 24 will be similar to the cycle that peaked in 1928, marked by a red arrow. Credit: NASA/MSFC
Right now, the solar cycle is in a valley--the deepest of the past century. In 2008 and 2009, the sun set Space Age records for low sunspot counts, weak solar wind, and low solar irradiance. The sun has gone more than two years without a significant solar flare.
"In our professional careers, we've never seen anything quite like it," says Pesnell. "Solar minimum has lasted far beyond the date we predicted in 2007."
In recent months, however, the sun has begun to show timorous signs of life. Small sunspots and "proto-sunspots" are popping up with increasing frequency. Enormous currents of plasma on the sun’s surface ("zonal flows") are gaining strength and slowly drifting toward the sun’s equator. Radio astronomers have detected a tiny but significant uptick in solar radio emissions. All these things are precursors of an awakening Solar Cycle 24 and form the basis for the panel's new, almost unanimous forecast.
According to the forecast, the sun should remain generally calm for at least another year. From a research point of view, that's good news because solar minimum has proven to be more interesting than anyone imagined. Low solar activity has a profound effect on Earth’s atmosphere, allowing it to cool and contract. Space junk accumulates in Earth orbit because there is less aerodynamic drag. The becalmed solar wind whips up fewer magnetic storms around Earth's poles. Cosmic rays that are normally pushed back by solar wind instead intrude on the near-Earth environment. There are other side-effects, too, that can be studied only so long as the sun remains quiet.
Meanwhile, the sun pays little heed to human committees. There could be more surprises, panelists acknowledge, and more revisions to the forecast.
"Go ahead and mark your calendar for May 2013," says Pesnell. "But use a pencil."
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
HOT SPOT DXING- Monitoring North and South Korea on shortwave radio
North Korea has responded to international condemnation of its nuclear test and a threat of new U.N. sanctions by saying it is no longer bound by an armistice signed with South Korea at the end of the 1950-53 Korean War, in essence, we are now back at a state of war with North Korea.
For complete Shortwave Broadcast schedules for both North and South Korea, see our Shortwave Central Blog at http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/2009/05/hot-spot-dxing-monitoring-north-and.html
See the Reuters story at
North Korea Threatens Armed Strike, End to Armistice, see Bloomberg story at
NKorea threatens to attack US, SKorean warships, see AP story athtp://apnews.myway.com/article/20090527/D98EKAHG0.html
For complete Shortwave Broadcast schedules for both North and South Korea, see our Shortwave Central Blog at http://mt-shortwave.blogspot.com/2009/05/hot-spot-dxing-monitoring-north-and.html
See the Reuters story at
North Korea Threatens Armed Strike, End to Armistice, see Bloomberg story at
NKorea threatens to attack US, SKorean warships, see AP story athtp://apnews.myway.com/article/20090527/D98EKAHG0.html
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Very Rare VHF/UHF Grid to Activate in South Louisiana -- EL58

Courtesy of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #907.
K5, UNITED STATES (6m/Grid/LH/USI Op). Members of the "EL58 Grid ActivationGroup" will be active as K5N between May 29-31st (1700-1700z). Activitywill be from the sandy beach facing the Gulf of Mexico in Grid SquareEL58hx, ARLHS USA 1101 under the "Visual Site Rule" and a New USI Island(USI LA105S - Burwood Island, LA) (South West Pass). The operation will be6 meters ONLY, consist of 2 stations with both SSB/CW, and M/S capability,two 6M5 antennas, and 6 operators. Power out will be approximately 200W.Operating frequencies are: 50.100/CW, 50.150/SSB and 50.315 Meteor Scatter.QSL via: Joey Fierro II, 1054 Cajun Ln, Magnolia, MS 39652. Operatorsmentioned are: Al/WA4EWV, Bill/K5YG, Bob/WN2E, Bruce/N5SIX, Daniel/KE5KDMand Danny/N5OMG.
Visit their Web pages at: http://www.kcvhfgridbandits.com/kc_vhf_grid_bandits_018.htmhttp://w4abc.com/K5N.html
And this note from Danny N5OMG, one of the gang heading to south Louisiana:
It is less than a week till our operation in EL58 and we have updated our website with some interesting items. Our video from the scouting trip and the info regarding the lighthouse and island we will be activating on HF has been updated. It should be very lively down there.
At this time, all transportation has been finalized, our group members are consolidating the items for departure, and our last few conference calls will be later this week to tie up any loose ends. Our internet should be ready when we get there, so we will be monitoring both pingjockey and packetcluster nodes.
Although our main focus, and reason for being there, will be 6 meters, look for K5N on the HF IOTA freqs.. and maybe guest appearances elsewhere??
For those who haven't yet seen the website: http://www.kcvhfgridbandits.com/kc_vhf_grid_bandits_018.htm
With our special thanks to JD-N0IRS for the work he put in to this project. Thanks to JD, our logo has been finalized as well, it is too cool...
If you haven't yet made a schedule for Meteor Scatter, please email Bruce for a time slot. Check the slots available at: http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/EL58/EL58hx.htm and send your requests to Bruce: n5six@bellsouth.net
If you have any questions or need info, our email address: k5n@bellsouth.net
73, and hope to work everyone from EL58
K5, UNITED STATES (6m/Grid/LH/USI Op). Members of the "EL58 Grid ActivationGroup" will be active as K5N between May 29-31st (1700-1700z). Activitywill be from the sandy beach facing the Gulf of Mexico in Grid SquareEL58hx, ARLHS USA 1101 under the "Visual Site Rule" and a New USI Island(USI LA105S - Burwood Island, LA) (South West Pass). The operation will be6 meters ONLY, consist of 2 stations with both SSB/CW, and M/S capability,two 6M5 antennas, and 6 operators. Power out will be approximately 200W.Operating frequencies are: 50.100/CW, 50.150/SSB and 50.315 Meteor Scatter.QSL via: Joey Fierro II, 1054 Cajun Ln, Magnolia, MS 39652. Operatorsmentioned are: Al/WA4EWV, Bill/K5YG, Bob/WN2E, Bruce/N5SIX, Daniel/KE5KDMand Danny/N5OMG.
Visit their Web pages at: http://www.kcvhfgridbandits.com/kc_vhf_grid_bandits_018.htmhttp://w4abc.com/K5N.html
And this note from Danny N5OMG, one of the gang heading to south Louisiana:
It is less than a week till our operation in EL58 and we have updated our website with some interesting items. Our video from the scouting trip and the info regarding the lighthouse and island we will be activating on HF has been updated. It should be very lively down there.
At this time, all transportation has been finalized, our group members are consolidating the items for departure, and our last few conference calls will be later this week to tie up any loose ends. Our internet should be ready when we get there, so we will be monitoring both pingjockey and packetcluster nodes.
Although our main focus, and reason for being there, will be 6 meters, look for K5N on the HF IOTA freqs.. and maybe guest appearances elsewhere??
For those who haven't yet seen the website: http://www.kcvhfgridbandits.com/kc_vhf_grid_bandits_018.htm
With our special thanks to JD-N0IRS for the work he put in to this project. Thanks to JD, our logo has been finalized as well, it is too cool...
If you haven't yet made a schedule for Meteor Scatter, please email Bruce for a time slot. Check the slots available at: http://www.ykc.com/wa5ufh/EL58/EL58hx.htm and send your requests to Bruce: n5six@bellsouth.net
If you have any questions or need info, our email address: k5n@bellsouth.net
73, and hope to work everyone from EL58
Amateur Radio Museum Ships Event This Next Weekend
Courtesy of Howard Bingham, KE5APJ
Mark your calendars, Jun6 - 7, 2009 Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station will conduct an event involving amateur radio operators at over 50 "Museum Ships", this will include both SSB & CW operations from in many cases on-board the 50 museum ships that may include operation of original ship radios over long wire antennas.
Details are at: http://www.nj2bb.org/museums/index.html
In Texas there will be the Battleship Texas, Submarine Cavalla, Destroyer Escort Stewart, Aircraft Carrier Lexington.
The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (http://www.bvarc.org/) is sponsoring operation from Galveston Seawolf Park using long wire antennas aboard the USS Cavala and the Destroyer Escort USS Stewart on several bands & will include PSK31 from the radio room of the USS Cavalla. Club call "KK5W" will be used from Galveston, operators will work 40, 20, 10 and 6 meters from the site, as well as a few other frequencies. (See the listing of suggested frequencies at the Battleship New Jersey site.).
Documented contacts with call KK5W will count as 2 ships contacted, if 15 or more ships are contacted, logs submitted with 15 different ships will get you a colorful "Marine Ships 2009" 8.5 x 11 certificate in addition to QSL cards.
These are fun events and I have a lot of neat QSLs from these floating museums. Hope to see you in the pilups this weekend.
Mark your calendars, Jun6 - 7, 2009 Battleship New Jersey Amateur Radio Station will conduct an event involving amateur radio operators at over 50 "Museum Ships", this will include both SSB & CW operations from in many cases on-board the 50 museum ships that may include operation of original ship radios over long wire antennas.
Details are at: http://www.nj2bb.org/museums/index.html
In Texas there will be the Battleship Texas, Submarine Cavalla, Destroyer Escort Stewart, Aircraft Carrier Lexington.
The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (http://www.bvarc.org/) is sponsoring operation from Galveston Seawolf Park using long wire antennas aboard the USS Cavala and the Destroyer Escort USS Stewart on several bands & will include PSK31 from the radio room of the USS Cavalla. Club call "KK5W" will be used from Galveston, operators will work 40, 20, 10 and 6 meters from the site, as well as a few other frequencies. (See the listing of suggested frequencies at the Battleship New Jersey site.).
Documented contacts with call KK5W will count as 2 ships contacted, if 15 or more ships are contacted, logs submitted with 15 different ships will get you a colorful "Marine Ships 2009" 8.5 x 11 certificate in addition to QSL cards.
These are fun events and I have a lot of neat QSLs from these floating museums. Hope to see you in the pilups this weekend.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Report: Faulty Communications Imperil President
As reported in an online Wired article by Kim Zetter, the U.S. Secret Service is asking for $34 million to help upgrade its communication system, and says that without the money the president’s life could be in danger, according to a news report.
More on this story at http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/secretservice/.
More on this story at http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/secretservice/.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
NHC's WX4NHC Sets On-The-Air Station Test

Courtesy of the The ARRL Letter Vol. 28, No. 19 May 15, 2009
The annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) in Miami will take place Saturday, May 30, from 1300-2100 UTC. "The purpose of this annual Station Test is to test all of our radio equipment, computers and antennas using as many modes and frequencies as possible. This is not a contest or simulated hurricane exercise. New equipment and software will be tested, and we will also conduct some operator training," said WX4NHC Assistant Amateur Radio Volunteer Coordinator Julio Ripoll, WD4R.
Ripoll said that WX4NHC also will be testing new computers and software, as well as conducting operator training. "NHC Director Bill Read, KB5FYA, will be at WX4NHC, making contacts," he said. WX4NHC will be on the air on HF, VHF and UHF, plus 2 and 30 meter APRS. Suggested SSB frequencies are 3.950, 7.268, 14.325, 21.325 and 28.525 MHz, +/-QRM; WX4NHC reports that they will mostly be on 14.325 MHz and will make announcements when they change frequencies. WX4NHC also will be on the VoIP Hurricane Net 1700-1900 UTC (IRLP node 9219/EchoLink WX-TALK Conference) and on South Florida area VHF/UHF repeaters and simplex; APRS and e-mail will also be monitored.
Stations working WX4NHC exchange call sign, signal report, location and name plus a brief weather report, such as "sunny," "rain" or "cloudy." Non-hams may submit their actual weather using the On-Line Hurricane Report Form. QSL to WD4R and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Do not send cards to the NHC. Due to security measures, no visitors will be allowed at NHC during the test.
Scientists Predict Solar Cycle 24 to Peak in 2013
Courtesy of the The ARRL Letter Vol. 28, No. 19 May 15, 2009
At the annual Space Weather Workshop held in Boulder, Colorado last month <http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sww/index.html>, an international panel of experts led by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) predicted that Solar Cycle 24 will peak in May 2013 with 90 sunspots per day on average. If the prediction proves true, Solar Cycle 24 will be the weakest cycle since Solar Cycle 16, which peaked with 78 daily sunspots in 1928, and ninth weakest since the 1750s, when numbered cycles began.
The panel predicted that the lowest sunspot number between cycles -- the solar minimum -- occurred in December 2008, marking the end of Solar Cycle 23 and the start of Solar Cycle 24. If December's prediction holds up <http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/01/07/100/>, at 12 years and seven months Solar Cycle 23 will be the longest since 1823 and the third longest since 1755. Solar cycles span 11 years on average, from minimum to minimum.
An unusually long, deep lull in sunspots led the panel to revise its 2007 prediction that the next cycle of solar storms would start in March 2008 and peak in late 2011 or mid-2012. The persistence of a quiet sun also led the panel to a consensus that Solar Cycle 24 will be what they called "moderately weak."
Although the peak is still four years away, a new active period of Earth-threatening solar storms will be the weakest since 1928. Despite the prediction, the scientists said that Earth is still vulnerable to a severe solar storm. Solar storms are eruptions of energy and matter that escape from the Sun and may head toward Earth, where even a weak storm can damage satellites and power grids, disrupting communications, the electric power supply and GPS. A single strong blast of "solar wind" can threaten national security, transportation, financial services and otheressential functions.
The most common measure of a solar cycle's intensity is the number of sunspots -- Earth-sized blotches on the sun marking areas of heightened magnetic activity. The more sunspots there are, the more likely it is that solar storms will occur, but a major storm can occur at any time.
"As with hurricanes, whether a cycle is active or weak refers to the number of storms, but everyone needs to remember it only takes one powerful storm to cause huge problems," said NOAA scientist Doug Biesecker, who chaired the panel. "The strongest solar storm on record occurred in 1859 during another below-average cycle." The 1859 storm shorted out telegraph wires, causing fires in North America and Europe and sent readings of Earth's magnetic field soaring. It also producednorthern lights so bright that people read newspapers by their light, he said.
Biesecker cited a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences that found if a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause $1-2 trillion in damages the first year and require four to 10 years for recovery, compared to the $80-125 billion of damage that resulted from Hurricane Katrina<http://www.nap.edu/nap-cgi/report.cgi?record_id=12507&type=pdfxsum>.
The Space Weather Prediction Center is part of the National Weather Service and is one of the nine National Centers for Environmental Prediction. It is the nation's official source of space weather alerts, watches and warnings. SWPC provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical events that impact satellites, power grids, communications, navigation and many other technological systems.
At the annual Space Weather Workshop held in Boulder, Colorado last month <http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sww/index.html>, an international panel of experts led by NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) predicted that Solar Cycle 24 will peak in May 2013 with 90 sunspots per day on average. If the prediction proves true, Solar Cycle 24 will be the weakest cycle since Solar Cycle 16, which peaked with 78 daily sunspots in 1928, and ninth weakest since the 1750s, when numbered cycles began.
The panel predicted that the lowest sunspot number between cycles -- the solar minimum -- occurred in December 2008, marking the end of Solar Cycle 23 and the start of Solar Cycle 24. If December's prediction holds up <http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2008/01/07/100/>, at 12 years and seven months Solar Cycle 23 will be the longest since 1823 and the third longest since 1755. Solar cycles span 11 years on average, from minimum to minimum.
An unusually long, deep lull in sunspots led the panel to revise its 2007 prediction that the next cycle of solar storms would start in March 2008 and peak in late 2011 or mid-2012. The persistence of a quiet sun also led the panel to a consensus that Solar Cycle 24 will be what they called "moderately weak."
Although the peak is still four years away, a new active period of Earth-threatening solar storms will be the weakest since 1928. Despite the prediction, the scientists said that Earth is still vulnerable to a severe solar storm. Solar storms are eruptions of energy and matter that escape from the Sun and may head toward Earth, where even a weak storm can damage satellites and power grids, disrupting communications, the electric power supply and GPS. A single strong blast of "solar wind" can threaten national security, transportation, financial services and otheressential functions.
The most common measure of a solar cycle's intensity is the number of sunspots -- Earth-sized blotches on the sun marking areas of heightened magnetic activity. The more sunspots there are, the more likely it is that solar storms will occur, but a major storm can occur at any time.
"As with hurricanes, whether a cycle is active or weak refers to the number of storms, but everyone needs to remember it only takes one powerful storm to cause huge problems," said NOAA scientist Doug Biesecker, who chaired the panel. "The strongest solar storm on record occurred in 1859 during another below-average cycle." The 1859 storm shorted out telegraph wires, causing fires in North America and Europe and sent readings of Earth's magnetic field soaring. It also producednorthern lights so bright that people read newspapers by their light, he said.
Biesecker cited a recent report by the National Academy of Sciences that found if a storm that severe occurred today, it could cause $1-2 trillion in damages the first year and require four to 10 years for recovery, compared to the $80-125 billion of damage that resulted from Hurricane Katrina<http://www.nap.edu/nap-cgi/report.cgi?record_id=12507&type=pdfxsum>.
The Space Weather Prediction Center is part of the National Weather Service and is one of the nine National Centers for Environmental Prediction. It is the nation's official source of space weather alerts, watches and warnings. SWPC provides real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar and geophysical events that impact satellites, power grids, communications, navigation and many other technological systems.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Shuttle snapped up against sun

Interesting story of the space shuttle captured by an amateur astronomer transiting in front of the Sun. The complete story at http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2431157.ece
From Lars Kalland/SM6NM
The *planned* transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz at
Grimeton Radio/SAQ at Tuesday 19 May is *moved to Wednesday 20 May* at the
same times, 07:00 UTC and 07:30 UTC.
The *planned* transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz at
Grimeton Radio/SAQ at Tuesday 19 May is *moved to Wednesday 20 May* at the
same times, 07:00 UTC and 07:30 UTC.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Grimeton Radio/SAQ Planned Transmissions - 2009

There will hopefully be transmissions with the Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz, CW (A1A) at the following dates and times during 2009:
1) Tuesday, May 19 2009 at 07:00 and 07:30 UTC.
There will be a transmission to celebrate the Japanese VLF-station Josami Radio/JND when it will be nominated to Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Milestone and also celebrate its start 80 years ago. The radio station is now a museum. No reports required and no QSL-cards are given.
2) Sunday, May 24 2009 at 10:55 UTC.
A transmission will take place to celebrate the First Swedish Coast Radio Station and 100 years of Karlskrona Radio/SAA. The station is still working on military frequencies. No reports required and no QSL-cards are given.
3) Sunday, June 28 at 09:00 and 12:00 UTC.
The annual transmission on "Alexander Day". The station is open to visitors. We are glad to receive reports and will exchange QSL-cards.
4) Saturday, October 24 at 09:00 UTC.
As last year we will transmit on United Nations Day. No reports required and no QSL-cards are given.
5) Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve at 08:00 UTC.
The Christmas transmission as before. The stations is open to visitors. We are glad to receive reports and will exchange QSL-cards.
We will start tuning up some 30 minutes before message. Also read our web site: http://www.alexander.n.se.
QSL-reports are, when indicated, kindly received via:
- E-mail to: info@alexander.n.se
- or fax to: +46-340-674195
- or via: SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,Radiostationen, Grimeton 72 S-430 16 ROLFSTORP SWEDEN
Lars Kalland SM6NM
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Rocket set for launch on Virginia Eastern Shore

TacSat-3 features three revolutionary trials: the Raytheon Company-built Advanced Responsive Tactically Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer hyperspectral imager, the Office of Naval Research's Satellite Communications Package, and the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Avionics Experiment. This trio of payloads will offer real-time imagery (within 10 minutes of collection), sea-based information transmitted from ocean buoys and plug-and-play avionics to assist the warfighter in keeping one step ahead of the adversary.
Scientists say the 880-pound satellite atop the $60 million spacecraft will offer hyperspectral images and deliver them in 10 minutes. Officials say it is especially suited to battle conditions in the rugged, mountainous terrain of Afghanistan.
Military officials say it the satellite is successful, it could be ready for actual battlefield use in a year or two.
Two of the Tactical Satellite-3's trio of payloads may be called secondary, but their importance to the success of the spacecraft's year-long mission is primary.
Employing plug-and-play technology, the Space Avionics Experiment will provide backup downlink capability for TacSat-3's main experiment, the Advanced Responsive Tactically-Effective Military Imaging Spectrometer, and the Satellite Communications Package will transmit sea-based and space-generated data to ground stations.
Once launched, it will serve as the inaugural demonstration of plug- and-play avionics operating in the cosmos environment. The AFRL-funded SAE payload features plug-and-play components similar to desktop computer Universal Serial Bus components, which, if required due to a system failure, will perform data transfer to enable downlink of ARTEMIS sensor data, as well as will provide TacSat-3 with global positioning system information.
"The purpose of the technology is to significantly reduce spacecraft development time from years to months to weeks, as well as to lower production costs," said Maurice Martin, responsive systems group lead, the AFRL's Space Vehicles Directorate. "Our plan during TacSat-3's flight is to evaluate the Space Avionics Experiment on an occasional basis to ensure the components' reliability in case they are called upon to function in full operational mode."
Managed by the Office of Naval Research, the Satellite Communications Package will collect data from ocean buoys and then TacSat-3's onboard processor will download the details to a ground station. In addition, the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command will utilize the SCP experiment's ultra high frequency radio link known as the Army Tactical Data Link.
"USASMDC/ARSTRAT is going to use the Satellite Communications Package payload's ATDL to provide a direct tactical downlink of onboard processed information from the ARTEMIS to the joint force commander. The JFC will have direct access to task the spacecraft as it appears over the horizon, while the satellite is still in view, the requested information will then be transmitted back to the JFC," said Allen Kirkham, Army Space and Missile Defense Command Battle Lab technical lead for the TacSat-3 Joint Military Assessment, Peterson AFB, Colo. "We will coordinate with the TacSat-3 program team to utilize the SCP's ATDL for a few two-week periods during the spacecraft's 12-month mission. We also intend to use the SCP's ATDL during a major exercise to allow us to collect data and perform a Joint Military Utility Assessment of the satellite and sensor's capabilities to support the joint force commander in the field."
As a significant team member in the program, the Space and Missile Systems Center's Space Development and Test Wing, also situated at Kirtland AFB, is providing the Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Minotaur I launch vehicle. The four-stage rocket consists of two structures taken from retired Minuteman intercontinental ballistic missiles, and another two stages from Orbital's Pegasus booster. In addition, the Dept. of Defense's Operationally Responsive Space office is underwriting the launch and will be heading the Military Utility assessment to determine the operational value of the low-cost satellite and its three payloads. SMC's Space Development and Test Wing will also assist mission operations during TacSat-3's flight in Low Earth Orbit at approximately 425 kilometers (264 miles) altitude.
The downlink frequencies for this spacecraft have not been determined. We believe there will be a UHF military downlink from this satelite. Any reports on the freqs to be used by this bird or any post launch intercepts would be appreciated.
Three cubesats will be launched as secondary payloads on the TacSat-3 mission. The satellites, which contain their own power and data systems, are four-inch cubes that weigh 2.2 pounds each. The cubesats are being provided by California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, Calif. and the Hawk Institute for Space Sciences, Pocomoke City, Md.
These three cubesats are named PharmaSat-1, HawkSat-1 and PolySat CP6. The three satellites are placed in a Poly Picosatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD), the standard deployment system for cubesats. The P-POD was developed by the Aerospace Engineering Department at Cal Poly. During the rocket’s ascent, each cubesat will be deployed separately from the P-POD into space.
The PharmaSat experiment, developed by NASA’s Ames Research Center and will measure the influence of microgravity upon yeast resistance to an antifungal agent. PharmaSat focuses on questions key to countermeasure development for long-term space travel and habitation.
PharmaSat-1 will be in a low earth orbit at 40 degrees inclination. This submission is for a beacon on board PharmaSat. The orbit should be nearly circular with an altitude of 390 Km at the start of the mission, degrading to 200km after approx 250 to 300 days, at which time it would de-orbit. There will be a 150mW UHF beacon operating with 1200baud AX25 packet for 1/2 sec every 5 secs. Command and control will use an experimental licence in the 2.4 GHz ISM band. The satellite will be a triple cubesat with a mass of approx 4 kg. The co-ordinated downlink frequency is 437.465 MHz. See http://www.inwspace.org/genesatbeacon_fig1.htm for more info.
Hawksat-1 is a demonstrator cubesat mission. Payload consists of multiple COTS and custom products. The co-ordinated downlink frequency is 437.345 MHz. Views can be found at http://www.hawkspace.org/hawksat.htm
The experiment Polysat CP6 will measure plasma fields, using three tape measures that extend out about a meter, charging them up to 400 volts, and looking at the electrons flowing around the spacecraft in the plasma. The co-ordinated downlink frequency is 437.365 MHz (1200 bps AX.25). See http://polysat.calpoly.edu/index.php
Satellite Launch Announcement,
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
New Uniden Scanners Announced
Uniden has made the following announcement regarding two new scanners that are perfect for Milcom monitoring.
Today Uniden is announcing two new scanner models: The BCD996XT and BCT15X base / mobile scanners bring the latest improvements to Uniden's core scanner platform to the mobile scanner audience.
Complete details about these scanners will soon be available covered in our main Scanner Manuals site, but here are some of the features added to the new models:
More memory
BCD996XT: 25,000 channels
BCT15X: 9,000 channels
Fully automatic P25 decoding (BCD996XT only)
Enhanced GPS compatibility -- controls the scanning of groups of channels within systems.
More channels per system -- up to 500 channels per trunked system.
Channel Number Tagging -- lets you quickly select a channel for monitoring.
Fire Tone-Out Search -- helps to identify the tones used on fire paging dispatch channels.
Band Scope -- provides a visual representation of activity within a selected frequency range to help quickly identify active frequencies or sources of interference.
Multi-Color Display Backlight (BCD996XT only) -- lets you have the scanner alert you to particular channel activity using specific colors.
NAC Decoding -- lets you lelect specific NAC codes to limit reception to only the desired agency. (BCD996XT only)
Individual Channel Volume Offset -- helps to compensate for agencies that over- or under-modulate consistently.
Priority ID scan for trunked systems -- assigns preference to priority channels when evaluating incoming channel grants.
Preemptive Priority for Motorola Systems -- jumps to a priority channel even if the scanner is on a differerent voice communication on the system (requires compatible system-side priority assignments).
And more...
Availability for both models is expected late Summer, 2009.
In a week or so we'll have all the details for all the new features as well as in-depth instructions posted at Scanner Manuals.
Today Uniden is announcing two new scanner models: The BCD996XT and BCT15X base / mobile scanners bring the latest improvements to Uniden's core scanner platform to the mobile scanner audience.
Complete details about these scanners will soon be available covered in our main Scanner Manuals site, but here are some of the features added to the new models:
More memory
BCD996XT: 25,000 channels
BCT15X: 9,000 channels
Fully automatic P25 decoding (BCD996XT only)
Enhanced GPS compatibility -- controls the scanning of groups of channels within systems.
More channels per system -- up to 500 channels per trunked system.
Channel Number Tagging -- lets you quickly select a channel for monitoring.
Fire Tone-Out Search -- helps to identify the tones used on fire paging dispatch channels.
Band Scope -- provides a visual representation of activity within a selected frequency range to help quickly identify active frequencies or sources of interference.
Multi-Color Display Backlight (BCD996XT only) -- lets you have the scanner alert you to particular channel activity using specific colors.
NAC Decoding -- lets you lelect specific NAC codes to limit reception to only the desired agency. (BCD996XT only)
Individual Channel Volume Offset -- helps to compensate for agencies that over- or under-modulate consistently.
Priority ID scan for trunked systems -- assigns preference to priority channels when evaluating incoming channel grants.
Preemptive Priority for Motorola Systems -- jumps to a priority channel even if the scanner is on a differerent voice communication on the system (requires compatible system-side priority assignments).
And more...
Availability for both models is expected late Summer, 2009.
In a week or so we'll have all the details for all the new features as well as in-depth instructions posted at Scanner Manuals.
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