
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Pacific Aero HF/VHF Coverage


Mode is USB for all frequencies below unless otherwise indicated.

North Pacific (NP) MWARA
San Francisco 5628  6655  8951  10048  13339  17946  21925 kHz

The North Pacific is considered to be above 37N and west of 150W, west to the Tokyo FIR at 165E, and includes the Anchorage FIR and Russian Airspace. Some checkpoints along the Aleutian chain are in  HF range of remote relay stations; therefore, Anchorage controllers communicate directly with flights along much of their route. Tokyo Radio is the only other radio station using the North Pacific frequency  groups

NP/Polar Routes: Anchorage ARTCC’s current radio voice capabilities in the Arctic CTA do not extend past N75°. Lack of satellite coverage in the polar region affects CPDLC coverage as well. Because of the lack of ATC communications available in the Polar region, SFO provides communications using the NP1 HF family as primary and the Barrow, Alaska LDOCF as a secondary means for these aircraft.

Central East Pacific (CEP) – 2/3 MWARA
San Francisco 2869  3452  5547  6673  10057  11282  13288  21964 kHz
Central East Pacific (CEP) – 1/2/3 MWARA
San Francisco  2869  3413  3452  5547  5574  6673  8843  8915  10057  11282  13288  13354  21964 kHz

CEP (Central East Pacific): The Central East Pacific has composite route structures which primarily cover the areas between the Continental United States and Hawaii. It also covers the route structures between Canada and Hawaii. When assuming radio guard on CEP flights, flights will monitor the  primary and secondary HF assignment and set the aircraft transponder unit on code 2000 (also called  squawk Code)
South Pacific (SP) MWARA
San Francisco  3467  5643  8867  13261  17904 kHz

SP (South Pacific): Most flights traveling to and from the South Pacific operate during the mid-shift. Generally, the lower frequencies of the SP family are reliable during these hours. Several ground stations share this group: Brisbane, Auckland, Nadi, Tahiti, and San Francisco. Station interference is not normally a problem. Most flights leave SFO radio guard and enter Nadi’s guard. Nadi radio operators (ROs) occasionally work traffic well into the SFO guard area when atmospheric conditions make reading the flights difficult.
Central West Pacific (CWP) -1 MWARA
San Francisco 2998  3455  4666  6532  8903  11384  13300  17904 kHz

Central West Pacific (CWP) -2 MWARA
San Francisco 2998  5652  6532  8870  11384  13300  17904  21985 kHz

CWP (Central West Pacific): The frequencies of the Central West Pacific family cover a vast amount of territory. The boundaries of the Oakland FIR have neighboring control authorities and radio stations.  San Francisco shares this frequency group with Tokyo, Manila, and Port Moresby. The West Pacific frequencies are divided into 2 groups. CWP- 1 generally works flights east of 170E and flights traveling between Honolulu and the Orient, and CWP-2 works flights in the Guam area, west of 170E.

San Francisco LDOC (Asia, Pacific, Polar)  3494  6640   8933  11342  13348  17925  21964 kHz

Pacific (PAC) Air/Air (AM) 123.450 MHz