
Saturday, January 02, 2021

10 Dec 2020 was a MW LA Night in Btown

 Have been reviewing an SDR IQ run I made on 10 Dec 2020 on the medium wave band and it appears thank to a weak geo storm, managed to log some nice Latins around 0000 UTC.

Here are just some of the stations heard:

539.8 18:55 19:06 YNOW Radio Corporación Managua, NCG (new Btown country)
600.0 18:55 19:06 CMBA Radio Rebelde San German, Urano Noris HO CUB
610.0 18:55 19:06 CMBA Radio Rebelde Guane, Guane PR CUB
620.0 18:55 19:06 CMBA Radio Rebelde Colon MA CUB
640.0 18:55 19:06 CMBC Radio Progreso Guanabacoa CH CUB
670.0 18:55 19:06 CMBA Radio Rebelde Arroyo Arenas CH CUB
690.0 18:55 19:06 CMBC Radio Progreso Progreso, Santa Clara VC CUB
710.0 18:55 19:06 CMBA Radio Rebelde Marti MA CUB
720.0 18:55 19:00 WRZN The Shepherd         Hernando FL
760.0 18:55 19:06 CMBC Radio Progreso Guane, Guane PR CUB
1180.0 18:57 18:58 WJNT Newstalk 1180 Pearl MS
580.0 18:59 19:00 WGAC                              Augusta GA
780.3 18:59 19:01 HJZG La Vox de Dios Cali, CLM
680.0 19:03 19:06 CFTR Global Radio Radio Toronto/Grimsby ON CAN

There is more in their IQ recording and I will add additional logs to this post. Should note there were more Cubans but these were the ones I added to the log others such as CMBQ Radio Enciclopedia Guanabaccao CH CUB and CMBA Radio Rebelde Guantanamo GU CUB both on 530 kHz were quite audible.