
Thursday, April 30, 2020

ARLD018 DX news

ARLD018 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 18  ARLD018
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  April 30, 2020
To all radio amateurs  

ARLD018 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks
to all.

BAHRAIN, A9.  Operators Fawaz, A92AA, Ahmed, A92AB and Ely, A93LT
will be active as A91WTIS from May 10 to 17 for World
Telecommunication and Information Society Day.  Activity will be on
various HF bands.  QSL via A92AA, direct.

ANTARCTICA, 8J.  Members of the Japanese Antarctic Research
Expedition team (JARE) will be active as 8J1RL from Showa Research
Station, Queen Maud Land (AN-015), until January 2021.  Listen for
operators Take, JA1AGS and Hiro, JH7JCX.  Activity will be on
various HF bands using CW and the digital modes.  QSL via JG2MLI or
the JARL Bureau.

CHILE, 3G2.  Stay-At-Home station 3G2HOME is now QRV.  Activity has
been mainly on 20 meter CW.  QSL via LoTW only.

ISRAEL, 4X2.  Isaac, 4Z1TL will activate Stay-At-Home station
4X2BESAFE until August 12.  Activity will be on various HF bands.
QSL via 4Z1TL, direct.  No IRCs.

JAMAICA, 6Y6.  Nigel, 6Y5HN is supporting the COVID-19 Stay-At-Home
event as 6Y6STAYHOME.  Activity has been on 40 meters.  QSL via

CHINA, B0-9.  Members of the Chinese Radio Amateurs Club (CRAC) will
activate 10 special event call signs (B0CRA - B9CRA) across their
country to make QSOs with hams all over the world.  Operations will
take place from May 1 to 7.  QSL via BA1GG.

CANADA, CH2.  Ian, VO2IR is active as CH2IR until June 20 to remind
everyone to Stay-At-Home.  Activity is on various HF bands.  QSL via

LEBANON, OD5/OD50.  Members of the Radio Amateurs of Lebanon (RAL)
will activate special event call signs OD50SH and OD5STAYHOME to
spread awareness and Stay-At-Home as part of social distancing
policies during the COVID-19 outbreak.  QSL via IZ8CLM.

BELARUS, EU.  The following special event stations will take part in
the Pobeda-75 commemoration of the end of World War II: EV75B,
EV75F, EV75GK, EV75K, EV75M and EV75PG.

ENGLAND, G.  Members of the RSGB Contest Club will put GB1945PE,
GB1945PJ and GB75PEACE on the air during May and August to mark
Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan Days.  QSL only via LoTW and
eQSL.  Also, The Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society (RAFARS)
marks the end of World War II in Europe with the call sign GB75VED
from May 1 to 28.  QSL via 2E0NDZ.

ITALY, I.  The ARI Fidenza Club (IQ4FE) will put a number of special
event stations on the air during 2020 to commemorate the life and
achievements of Guglielmo Marconi.  During May, II4TEA commemorates
the first transatlantic transmission in 1903.  QSL via IQ4FE.

BULGARIA, LZ.  The Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs (BFRA)
celebrates its 50th anniversary with the call sign LZ50BFRA until
the year's end.  QSL via bureau to LZ1BJ.

AUSTRIA, OE.  Alex, OE3DMA will be active with the call sign OE60IPA
on April 30 and May 1 for the 60th anniversary of the International
Police Association.  QSL to OE3DMA via bureau.

RUSSIA, RP.  A large number of special event call signs with the
prefix RP75 will be active from Russia celebrating the end of World
War II.

AUSTRALIA, VK.  Station VI250COOK commemorates Captain James Cook's
voyage on HMS Endeavour along Australia's east coast with activity
from May 1 to August 31.  For QSL information see

STAY AT HOME.  More stations in the stay at home effort:

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The Araucaria World Wide VHF Contest,
10-10 International Spring Contest, CW, RCC Cup, Microwave Spring
Sprint, ARI International DX Contest, 7th Call Area QSO Party,
Indiana QSO Party, RTTYOPS Weekend Sprint, Delaware QSO Party, FISTS
Spring Slow Speed Sprint and the New England QSO Party are all on
tap for this weekend.  Please see May 2020 QST, page 69 and the ARRL
Contest Calendar and WA7BNM Contest Web Sites for details.