
Thursday, April 23, 2020

ARLD017 DX news

DX Bulletin 17  ARLD017
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  April 23, 2020
To all radio amateurs  

ARLD017 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral
from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites.  Thanks
to all.

CAMBODIA, XU.  Chenxing, BG9XD is active as XU7AMG from Phnom Penh
until June 14.  Activity is on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters using
CW, SSB and RTTY.  QSL via BG9XD direct.

AZERBAIJAN, 4J0/4K0.  Members of the Federation of Radiosport have
activated two special event stations, 4J0STAYHOME and 4K0STAYHOME,
during the COVID-19 crisis.  The length of the activity was not
mentioned.  QSL to DC9RI via DARC or direct.

MOROCCO, CN20.  A group of operators will be using the COVID-19
Awareness special event call sign CN20SH until April 30.  QSL via

NORTHERN IRELAND, GB1.  Stevie, MI0GTA has activated special event
station GB1SOS from Co Derry until May 11.  Activity is to thank all
health care workers who put their lives at risk every day during the
pandemic crisis.  Operations will be on 20 to 10 meters using SSB.
See for QSL details.

PERU, OA7.  Yuri, N3QQ will be active as OA7/N3QQ from Machu Picchu
from August 6 to 12.  Activity will be holiday style on various HF
bands.  QSL via N7RO.

GREECE, SZ3.  Members of the Association of Radio Amateurs of the
Western Peloponnese (ERDYP) are active as SZ3STAYHOME during this
health crisis.  QSL via LoTW, e-QSL or

UNITED STATES, W2.  Look for special event station W2H to be
operating during its inaugural year in honor of World Pulmonary
Hypertension Day 2020 on May 5.  They will be QRV on 80, 40 and 20
meters using SSB, FT8/FT4 as well as other bands and modes as
conditions permit.  Check the page for a more detailed
operating schedule.

EASTER ISLAND, XR0.  Hans-Martin, DK2HM will be QRV as XR0YHM from
August 27 to September 7.  Activity will be holiday style on 80 to
10 meters using SSB and the digital modes.  QSL via DK2HM, direct,
by the Bureau, ClubLog's OQRS, eQSL or LoTW.

BRAZIL, ZW8.  Special event call sign ZW8THANKS is a tribute to
health care professionals fighting COVID-19.  Activity will be on
all bands and modes including the satellites.  QSL via direct, eQSL
or LoTW.

SOUTH KOREA, HL.  South Korea celebrates the 40th anniversary of the
May 18 Democratic Uprising with special event station D73M.
Activity will be on all bands and modes from May 1 to 31.  QSL via

CANADA, VE.  For the next two months Ian, VO2IR will be operating
with special call CH2IR to remind all of the COVID-19 pandemic and
friendly reminder to stay home.  Also, XN1BOA will be operated by
members of the Grassroots HAM Radio Club, commemorating the end of
the Battle of the Atlantic 75 years ago.  Look for them from April
25 to May 15.

CROATIA, 9A.  Members of the Hrvatski radioamaterski Savez are
celebrating World Amateur Radio Day with special call sign 9A20WARD
until April 30.  QSL via LoTW and eQSL.

ENGLAND, G.  Members of the Bury Radio Society urge everyone to
"Wash Your Hands".  They are using the call sign GB9WYH until May 11
on SSB, FM, FT4, FT8 and CW.

HUNGARY, HA.  The following special event calls will be active until
May 15:  HG20ST, HG20AY, HG20AT, HG20HO, and HG20ME.  QSL via bureau
or LoTW.

AUSTRIA, OE.  The Documentary Archive for the History of Radio
Communication and Electronic Media special event station OE20M marks
Marconi's birthday from April 24 to 26.  QSL via bureau to OE1WHC or

STAY AT HOME.  More COVID-19 special event call signs include

BRUNEI, V8.  Members of the Brunei Darussalam Amateur Radio
Association are celebrating World Amateur Radio Day with the call
sign V84SAR until May 2 on HF using SSB, CW and digital modes.  QSL
via direct with the info at QRZ.COM.

AUSTRALIA, VK.  The Wireless Institute of Australia celebrates its
110th anniversary and World Amateur Radio Day with the following
call signs over the next six months:  VK1WIA, VK2WIA, VK3WIA,

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The 10-10 International Spring Contest,
Digital, SP DX RTTY Contest, Helvetia Contest, Florida QSO Party and
the BARTG Sprint 75 are all on tap for this weekend.  The QCX
Challenge is on April 27 and the UKEICC 80 Meter Contest is on April
29.  Please see April 2020 QST, page 71 and the ARRL and WA7BNM
Contest Web Sites for details.