
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Jonathan's Space Report, No. 776

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 776                                                        2020 Mar 10  Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 62 continues.

Cygnus NG-13, the S.S. Robert Lawrence, was grappled by Canadarm-2 at 0905 UTC Feb 18
and berthed at Unity nadir at 1116 UTC.

NG-13's pressurized cargo of 3466 kg includes;
    ColKa, a Ka-band antenna package to be EVA-installed on Columbus. (ESA, built by MDA-UK; 120 kg)
    RED-EYE 2, a DARPA satellite (100kg class, Kaber deployer)
    Nanoracks NRCSD-18 deployment with 2 known cubesats:
     DeMi, a 6U cubesat with a DARPA deployable mirror experiment, led by Aurora Flight Sciences (10 kg class)
     TechEdSat-10, a 1x6U cubesat (0.6 x 0.1 x 0.1m) with a controllable aerobrake for targeted reentry
                  (Ames/San Jose State, 10 kg class)
NG-13's external cargo of 167 kg is an NRCSD-E deployer carrying unknown cubesats.

On Feb 19 the Nanoracks NRCSD-17 deployment was carried out, with
cubesat deployers launched on NG-13 and CRS-19 extracted frome the Kibo
module by the JEM-RMS.

On Feb 20 the JEM-RMS robot arm moved the ICS-EF unit from JEM-EF slot
EFU7 to slot EFU13. The ICS-EF Inter-Orbit Communication System provided
data links via the Kodama satellite, which was retired in 2017. The
Canadarm-2 arm unberthed and jettisoned the 310 kg, 1.9 x 0.8m box into
orbit at 1850 UTC Feb 21.

On Mar 7 Dragon CRS-20 was launched carrying cargo for ISS including the
commercial Bartomoleo  experiment platform from Airbus, which will be
attached to the Columbus module. The Falcon 9 first stage made a
successful return to Landing Zone 1 at Cape Canaveral. Dragon arrived at
ISS on Mar 9, with Canadarm-2 grapple at 1025 UTC and berthing at 1218


Four new technology test satellites (Xin Jishu Shiyan Weixing) for Earth
observation and intersatellite communications were launched from Xichang
on Feb 19. XJS C and D were built by SAST/Shanghai; XJS E by Harbin, and
XJS F by DFH Satellite.


Russian military communications satellite Meridian-M No. 19L was launched on Feb 20
from Plesetsk into a Molniya orbit.


The Northrop Grumman MEV-1 satellite approached within 5 km of its target satellite Intelsat 901
on Feb 18. After several practice approaches, MEV-1 successfully docked with Intelsat 901
on Feb 25 at 0715 UTC. MEV-1 will remain attached to I-901 to provide attitude control and propulsion,
extending the communications satellite's useful life. I-901 raised itself out of GEO on Dec 11
to participate in the experiment. The satellites are in a 36080 x 36099 km x 1.6 deg orbit, drifting 4 degrees
west a day over Indonesia.

USA 294

The USA 294 satellite launched by Electron in January has been located in a 586 x 588 km x 70.0 deg orbit.

Debris event

The S5M rocket stage of Tsiklon-3 No 67082-803, which launched Meteor-3 No. 5 in Aug 1991,
disintegrated on Feb 12 at 1046 UTC. 28 debris objects have been cataloged. This is
the 5th S5M stage to disintegrate. 104 more S5M stages remain in orbit.


Beidou DW 54, the second geostationary payload in the Beidou-3 series, was launched to geotransfer
orbit on Mar 9. The satellite has the system designations Beidou-3 GEO-2/C60.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission       INTL.   Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl   Notes

Feb  1 1544   CIRiS                                      Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Sci   19071K? S45120?  458 x  474 x 51.6
Feb  1 1943   ORCA-2                                     Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Tech  19071L? S45121?  459 x  473 x 51.6
Feb  1 2115   EdgeCube   )                               Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Rem.sen. 19071M? S45122? 459 x  473 x 51.6
              MakerSat-1?)                                                    Tech  19071N? S45123?  459 x  473 x 51.6
Feb  1?       MiniCarb                                   Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Sci   19071P? S45124?  459 x  473 x 51.6
Feb  1?       VPM                                        Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Sci   19071Q? S45125?  459 x  473 x 51.6
Feb  1?       Lynk??                                     Slingshot/NG-12,LEO  Comms 19071R? S45126?  459 x  473 x 51.6
Feb  6 2142   OneWeb 0013 )               Soyuz 2-1B/Fregat  Baykonur LC31    Comms    08A  S45131   439 x  460 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0021 )                                                   Comms    08D  S45134   439 x  464 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0028 )                                                   Comms    08K  S45140   440 x  465 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0026 )                                                   Comms    08J  S45139   440 x  465 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0020 )                                                   Comms    08C  S45133   449 x  466 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0051 )                                                   Comms    08AA S45155   440 x  466 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0059 )                                                   Comms    08AH S45162   442 x  467 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0036 )                                                   Comms    08P  S45144   443 x  467 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0032 )                                                   Comms    08L  S45141   443 x  468 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0058 )                                                   Comms    08AG S45161   444 x  468 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0022 )                                                   Comms    08E  S45135   446 x  467 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0024 )                                                   Comms    08G  S45137   447 x  467 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0044 )                                                   Comms    08V  S45150   447 x  467 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0041 )                                                   Comms    08T  S45148   448 x  468 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0039 )                                                   Comms    08R  S45146   448 x  468 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0047 )                                                   Comms    08X  S45152   448 x  468 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0056 )                                                   Comms    08AE S45159   448 x  469 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0062 )                                                   Comms    08AJ S45163   448 x  470 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0057 )                                                   Comms    08AF S45160   448 x  472 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0023 )                                                   Comms    08F  S45136   448 x  472 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0038 )                                                   Comms    08Q  S45145   448 x  473 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0054 )                                                   Comms    08AD S45154   448 x  473 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0049 )                                                   Comms    08Z  S45154   448 x  474 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0035 )                                                   Comms    08N  S45143   449 x  475 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0017 )                                                   Comms    08B  S45132   449 x  475 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0065 )                                                   Comms    08AK S45164   449 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0025 )                                                   Comms    08H  S45138   451 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0052 )                                                   Comms    08AB S45156   451 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0053 )                                                   Comms    08AC S45157   452 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0040 )                                                   Comms    08S  S45147   452 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0033 )                                                   Comms    08M  S45142   453 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0045 )                                                   Comms    08W  S45151   454 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0048 )                                                   Comms    08Y  S45153   454 x  476 x 87.4
              OneWeb 0043 )                                                   Comms    08U  S45149   455 x  476 x 87.4
Feb  9 0134   IGS O-7                     H-IIA              Tanegashima      Imaging  09A  S45165   477? x 506?x 97.4?
Feb  9 1515   Zafar                       Simorgh            Khomeini         Imaging  F01  F01548 -2000? x 540 x 55
Feb 10 0403   Solar Orbiter               Atlas V 411        Canaveral LC41   Probe    10A  S45167   240  x-38671x32.9
Feb 15 2021   S.S. Robert Lawrence        Antares 230+       Wallops MARS LA0A Cargo   11A  S45175   195 x  267 x 51.6
Feb 17 1505   Starlink 1105     )         Falcon 9           Canaveral LC40   Comms   )12A           212 x  383 x 53.0
              Starlink 1138     )                                            
              Starlink 1143     )
              Starlink 1154     )
              Starlink 1187-1189)
              Starlink 1191-1192)
              Starlink 1197-1206)
              Starlink 1208-1212)
              Starlink 1214-1222)
              Starlink 1224-1241)
              Starlink 1243-1247)
              Starlink 1254     )
              Starlink 1269-1271)                                             Comms   )12BM          212 x   383 x 53.0
Feb 18 2218   JCSAT 17      )              Ariane 5ECA+       Kourou ELA3     Comms    13A   S45245  280 x 35729 x  6.0
              GEO-Kompsat 2B)                                                 Comms    13B   S45246  280 x 35729 x  6.0
Feb 19 0710   RadSat-U                                 NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Tech   9867QZ? S45257  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 0935   Phoenix                                  NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO    Imaging 9867RA? S45258  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 1120   QARMAN                                   NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Sci    9867RB? S45259  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 1255   CryoCube-1  )                            NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Tech   9867RC? S45260  413 x   421 x 51.6
              AztechSat-1 )                                                   Comms  9867RD? S45261  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 1430   SOCRATES                                 NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Tech   9867RE? S45262  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 1600   Argus-02 MVP)                            NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Tech   9867RF? S45263  413 x   421 x 51.6
              HARP        )                                                   Tech   9867RG? S45264  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 1740   SORTIE                                   NRCSD-17, ISS, LEO     Sci    9867RH? S45265  413 x   421 x 51.6
Feb 19 2107   XJS C )                      Chang Zheng 2D     Xichang         Tech      14A  S45249  474 x   483 x 35.0
              XJS D )                                                         Tech      14B  S45250  474 x   483 x 35.0
              XJS E )                                                         Tech      14C  S45251  474 x   483 x 35.0
              XJS F )                                                         Tech      14D  S45252  474 x   483 x 35.0
Feb 20 0825   Meridian-M No. 19L           Soyuz-2-1A/Fregat  Plesetsk LC43/3 Comms     15A  S45254 1017 x 39344 x 62.8
Mar  7 0450   Dragon CRS-19                Falcon 9           Canaveral SLC40 Cargo     16A  S45341  204 x   384 x 51.6
Mar  9 1155   Beidou DW 54                 Chang Zheng 3B     Xichang         Nav       17A  S45344  231 x 35775 x 28.4

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches

Date UT       Payload/Flt Name Launch Vehicle      Site                  Mission    Apogee/km    Target

Jan 19        RV                K-4                  Visakhapatnam       Test          500?      Indian Ocean
Jan 24        RV                K-4                  Visakhapatnam       Test          500?      Indian Ocean
Jan 27 1340   Polar NOx 2       Black Brant 9        Poker Flat          Aeronomy      260       Alaska
Feb  5 0833   FTU-2             Minuteman 3          Vandenberg          Test         1300?      Kwajalein
Feb 12        USN RVs           Trident D5LE         USS Maine, Pacific  Test         1000?      Wake Island
Feb 16        USN RVs           Trident D5LE         USS Maine, Pacific  Test         1000?      Wake Island

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
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