
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1436.1

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1436.1
Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin No. 1436.1

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Special Bulletin No. 1436.1
BID: $OPDX.1436.1
October 20, 2019
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent From Strongsville, OH

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Clusters
Network and W0GJ for the following DX information.

VP6R Pitcairn Island DXpedition Press Release (20th October)[edited].
  The Braveheart anchored just off Pitcairn Island at dawn, Thursday,
October 17th.  After customs & immigration, the team was transported
to the home of Andy Christian where all of the equipment was waiting
for us. This equipment arrived about 6 weeks prior to our arrival. The
steep dirt roads were very muddy from lots of recent rains and had our
equipment not been prepositioned, we would have been delayed by several
days getting all stations on the air.

  By the end of the first day we had antennas up and four stations QRV
at Andy?s house.

  The next morning (Friday) everyone moved to the old Radio Site to set
up more antennas and stations. This is our primary low band site. The DX
Engineering 160M falling derrick vertical is almost full-size and generated
huge pileups that night, with 700 stations in the 160M log!

  Saturday morning left just a couple more antenna projects to finish and
by late morning everything was set up and we settled into our operating

  Pitcairn has power from 8 am until 10 pm. After 10 pm we switch to
generators until morning. The Radio Site is 100% generator powered.

  As of about 2400Z Sunday, we have over 16,000 Q?s in the logs, including
several 6M EME contacts.

  We are down to 12 operators today. One of the team members fell, suffering
several fractures. A supply ship was leaving today and he is being evacuated
to Mangareva and on to Papeete. Naturally we are all disappointed with this
situation, but medically it is in everyone?s best interest. DXpeditions
to remote places are not without risk and medical care is quite limited
at best.

  The weather has been very cooperative with pleasant temperatures. When
it rains, which is often, the dirt roads become ?the world?s friendliest
mud,? as the residents call it, making travel between the two sites some-
what treacherous.

  We will have a station on 20M continuously, often with more than one
mode, with the goal of giving Pitcairn Island a new one to everyone.  

  The Flex Radios are working extremely well. With good conditions, at
times we have been able to sustain nearly 400 Q?s/hr with FT8 Fox & Hound
mode, working five stations simultaneously!

  Logs are periodically uploaded to ClubLog during the times we have
?commercial? power on the island.

  Please check our website often for the latest updates:

73, Glenn W0GJ


CORRECTION IN OPDX.1436. Under "H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE" it should read as

H40, TEMOTU PROVINCE Operators Grant/KZ1W and Rob/N7QT will be active
as H40KT and H40TT, respectively, from Pigeon Island (OC-065) between
November 14-26th. Activity will be on various HF bands and modes. QSL
via M0URX or OQRS. Look for more details to be forthcoming.

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  Just a reminder, you can still obtain the OPDX Bulletins via the
OPDX Web page (provided by John, K8YSE) [], (under Forums; News; Special Events, Contests.. etc.), several
DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups ( and The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
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* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
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   Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
                           1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
...... 73 de Tedd KB8NW


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<> or <>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)