
Monday, October 07, 2019

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1434

SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1434
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1434

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 1434
BID: $OPDX.1434
October 7, 2019
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Written/Sent from Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, the AB5K's AR Cluster
Networks, NJ1Q & W1AW, WA2HZR,  NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, W5JON,
WB6RSE, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter,,, DX-World.Net, EA5RM, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles
DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, MDXC, RN3RQ, RW6HS, Sixitalia Weekly,
SP6DVP, and VA3RJ & ICPO for the following DX information.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 29th/September, through Sunday, 6th/October there were
214 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,
4J, 4L, 4O, 4S, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5U, 5X, 6W, 6Y, 7P, 7Q, 7X, 8P,
8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9V, 9Y, A2, A3, A4, A6, A7,
A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4,
DL, DU, E3, E5/n, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET,
EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA,
HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, J8,
JA, JT, JW, JY, K, KH0, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA,
OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PY, PZ, S0,
S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, SV, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TZ,
UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V4, V5, V7, V8, VE, VK, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V,
VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XU, XW, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YK, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU,
YV, Z3, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZK3, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
  more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
  First Worry Later".

3B8, MAURITIUS (Update). The current list of operators for the 3B8MU
Mauritius (AF-049) Multi-Multi entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November
23-24th) includes the following: Olof/G0CKV, David/K1ZZ, Denny/KX7M,
Rich/N6AA, Martin/N6VI and Arthur/W6XD. QSL via LoTW or M0OXO. The team
is expected to be there between November 18-29th. No other details were

9H, MALTA. Operators Rene/DL2JRM and Robert/DM7XX will be active as 9H9XX
during the Worked All Germany (WAG) Contest (October 19-20th). QSL via

9J, ZAMBIA. Mario, IK1MYT, is expected to be active as 9J2MYT from Lusaka
by the time you read this. The length of his stay is not known. Activity
will be on 40/20/15/10 meters using SSB. QSL via IK2MYT.

9K, KUWAIT. Abdallah, 9K2GS, will be active as 9K2K during the CQWW DX
CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry.
QSL via EC6DX or LoTW.

CB1, CHILE. Members of the Antofagasta Contest Group will be active as
CB1H during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th) as a Multi-? entry.
QSL via CB1H, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS.

CN44, MOROCCO (Special Event). Members of the Groupe de Radioamateurs
CN8/Morocco will be active as CN44MS from Tan-Tan, Sahara, between November
1-12th. Activity is to celebrate the 44th anniversary of La Marche Verte.
QSL via RW6HS.

CP, BOLIVIA. Antonio, EA5RM, will once again be active as CP1XRM from
Bolivia between November 10-30th, working as Solidaridad Medica and
Radioamateurs Without Frontiers NGO volunteer. He plans to be on the air
during his spare time on 40-10 meters using SSB and the Digital modes.
He may also be on 60 meters. QSL via EA5RM.

D4, CAPE VERDE. Eric, OE4AAC, will be active as D44C from Santa Maria,
Sal Island (AF-086), between November 17-30th. Activity will be on various
HF bands, and an entry in the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 23-24th).
QSL via OE4AAC or ClubLog's OQRS.

D68CCC COMOROS DXPEDITION NEWS (Update).  Members of the Mediterraneo DX
Club (MDXC) will be active as D68CCC from Comoros Island (AF-007) between
October 21st and November 2nd. The following was posted on their FaceBook
page (, October 1st:
  Here we are! Yes just few steps more and the multinational team of
the Mediterraneo Dx Club is ready to fire the radios with their signals
from Comoros Islands under the callsign of D68CCC. Their usual inter-
national DXped will be on air from 21st October to 1st November. The
leader IZ8CCW and the co-leader I2VGW are checking once again all items
and so you make the same at home and be ready. Donation will be very very
welcomed and QSL via IK2VUC. Official site:

DXCC'S MOST WANTED (ClubLog). The "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list has
been updated on ClubLog as of October 2nd. The list contains 340 entities.
The following are the top 10 entities:
    1. P5    DPRK (North Korea)           6. BV9P  Pratas Island
    2. 3Y/B  Bouvet Island                7. KH7K  Kure Island
    3. FT5/W Crozet Island                8. KH3   Johnston Island
    4. BS7H  Scarborough Reef             9. FT5/X Kerguelen Island
    5. CE0X San Felix Islands            10. 3Y/P Peter 1 Island
  No changes this month. The complete "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list
is available at:

FG, GUADELOUPE. Philippe, F1DUZ, will once again be active as FG4KH from
Guadeloupe (NA-102) between October 14-29th. Activity will be on 80/40/
20/1715/12/10 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL via his home callsign, direct
or by the Bureau.

HC, ECUADOR. Members of Quito Radio Club will be active as HC0E from
Ecuador during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th) as a Multi-
Multi entry. QSL via HC1QRC, direct or by the Bureau.

HC, ECUADOR. Antonio "Toni", EA5RM, plans to be in Ecuador between December
2nd and January 5th. He will be on the air during his spare time mainly as
HC3/EA5RM from Loja, and perhaps also as HC2/EA5RM from Guayaquil. His
activity will be on 40-10 meters using SSB and the Digital modes. QSL
via his home callsign.

HS0, THAILAND. Lars, SM6NT, will once again be active as HS0ZME from Hua
Hin between November 12th and April 6th (2020). Activity will be on 40-10
meters using CW. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

IOTA NEWS..............
  AS-017.  Markus, DJ4EL, will be active from Yomitan, Okinawa, between
           October 13-25th. His (JR6) callsign is pending upon his arrival
           (possibly JR6/DJ4EL). Activity will be on 20m using a Quad an-
           tenna (other bands are possible, if propagation allows) using
           50 watts. QSL via LoTW or ClubLog's OQRS. For updates, watch
           is Twitter page at:                 

  AS-147.  Makoto, JI5RPT, will be active as JI5RPT/8 from Okushiri Island
           between October 19-20th. Activity will be on 630m (475 kHz) to
           10 meters. The "630m Band" will mainly be the JT9 mode. QSL via
           his home callsign. Log will be uploaded to ClubLog.

  AS-206.  Members of the Nara DX Association will be active as JK3ZXK/2
           from Suga Island between October 12-14th. Operators mentioned
           are Tosy/JA3FGJ, Hid/JA3KGF and Joe/JJ3PRT. Activity will be
           on 40-17 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. They will focus on EU
           and NA. QSL via a famous YL DXer JP3AYQ direct only. No Bureau.

  AS-206.  Operators Masa/JG1LFF, Ryo/JG3DOR, Yoshi/JJ2ONH and YJ Kaori/
           JR2NMA will be active as homecall/2 from Shino Island for only
           a few hours (sometime between 0100-0730 UTC) on October 20th.
           Activity will be on 80-6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via
           their home callsigns.

  EU-039.  Operators Bastien/F4EYQ and Fabien/F4GYM, members of the F6KOP
           Radio Club de Provins, will be active as F4EYQ/P and F4GYM/P
           from Grande Ile de Chausey between October 19-25th. Activity
           will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes
           (RTTY, PSK, FT8). QSL via their home callsigns, by the Bureau
           or direct.

  EU-138.  Fred, SM7DAY, is once again active as SM7DAY/P from Senoren
           Island until October 12th. Activity will be on CW, SSB and FT8.
           QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the Bureau or ClubLog's

  SA-100.  The 3G1DX operation from Pajaros Rocks that was to be active
           for 3 days sometime around October 18-23rd, has been cancelled.
           The team reports on their Web page, September 30th, at 0437z:
             "After long and exhausting negotiations with the Chilean Navy
           we have been informed that they have denied the permit to land
           on the island. With the tickets and licenses in hands, all the
           gear packed and the logistics planned, regretfully, we have
           now cancelled the operation.
             All the donations will be refund to the sponsors and donors.
           According to the Chilean Navy standing it is our humble opinion
           that the activation of this IOTA Group will not occur in the
           next few years."

  PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
  decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
  operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
  and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

JW, SVALBARD. Operators Erling/LA6VM, Halvard/LA7XK and Just/LA9DL will
be active as JW6VM, JW7XK and JW9DL, respectively, from the JW5E radio
club cottage in Longyearbyen, Svalbard (EU-026), between October 9-14th.
Activity will be on various HF bands and modes. QSL via operator's home
callsign. They will also be active as JW5X during the Schandinavian
Activity SSB Contest (October 12-13th). QSL JW5X via LA5X, direct, by
the Bureau, LoTW, eQSL, or ClubLog.
  ADDED NOTES FOR SATELLITE OPS. Halvard, LA7XK, will be active as JW7XK
via FO-29, starting Wednesday, Oct 9th, to Friday, Oct.11th, during his
local evenings between 1630Z and 0100Z. His WW Locator is JQ78. His best
takeoff will be from 240 degrees via west and north to about 34 degrees.
In that sector the elevation will be 1 to 2 degrees. The team has rented
a car up there and will drive west from the city out past the airport
for the best takeoff. They should be able to work most of USA and Canada,
and also Alaska. They will alternate between SSB and CW, using an IC-9700
and an Arrow antenna. Please spread the word in the North American satellite

MD, ISLE OF MAN. David, G3NKC, will be active as MD4K during the CQWW DX
SSB Contest (October 26-27th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry, and the CQWW
DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via

OPDX MAILING LIST (Just A Reminder). The "new" OPDX Mailing List is back up
and running! Details on how to subscribe/unsubscribe are at the bottom of
this bulletin. PLEASE pass the word around.... Thanks and 73 de Tedd KB8NW

PJ2, CURACAO. Operators Roberto/CE3CT, Geoff/W0CG, Ed/K8IV, Peter/K8PGJ,
Egon/KF4DX, Ray/ND8L, Jim/W8WTS and Bob/VE4GV will be active as PT2T from
the Caribbean Contesting Consortium's (CCC) Signal Point contest station
on Curacao Island (SA-099, WLOTA 0942) during the CQWW DX SBB Contest
(October 26-27th) as a Multi-Multi entry. QSL PJ2T via W3HNK. Outside
the contest, operators will probably be signing PJ2/homecall or their
own personal PJ2 callsign. QSL via their home callsigns.      

PJ4, BONAIRE. Operators Jeff/KU8E, John/K4BAI and Scott/NE9U will be active
as PJ4/KU8E, PJ4/K4BAI and PJ4/NE9U from the "PJ4G Radio House" on Bonaire
(SA-006, WLOTA LH-1279) between November 19-26th. Activity will include
the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 23-24th) as a Multi-Single entry signing
as PJ4A. QSL PJ4A (also LoTW), PJ4/K4BAI and PJ4/KU8E via K4BAI. QSL
PJ4/NE9U via NE9U. Check out the "PJ4G Radio House" at:
Also, look at:   

 Oct/07th AN      Oct/10th  AN     Oct/12th  AN
 Oct/08th AN      Oct/11th  AN     Oct/13th  HN
 Oct/09th AN

    NORMALITY               GEOMAG       K Values    Alpha
   -----------------        ------       --------    ------
   AN  - Above Normal       Quiet        K=0-1       0-7
   HN  - High Normal        Unsettled    K=2         8-15
   LN  - Low Normal         Active       K=3         16-29
   BN  - Below Normal       Minor Storm  K=4         30-49
   DIS - Disturbed          Major Storm  K=5         50-99
   VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9       100-400

    Meanwhile, check out the following Web sites for propagation:
     * VOACAP predication Web page at:
     * DX.QSL.NET Propagation page:
     * A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
     * SolarHam Web page:
     * Radio Propagation/Space Weather/Sunspot Cycle Information at:
     * Monthly propagation charts between four USA regions and twelve
       overseas locations are at:
     * Information and tutorials on propagation are at:
     * Graphic propagation tool by DR2W:
     * Point to point propagation at:
     * Realtime propagation at:
     * Also on Twitter:

PY0F, FERNANDO DE NORONHA. Members of the Noronha Contest Group will be
active as PY0F from Fernando de Noronha Island (SA-003) during the CQWW
DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th), possibly as a Multi-Single/High-Power
entry but not yet decided. The team will be active between October 22-29th.
There will be some activity during the week before the contest on 160-10
meters (as time allows; maintenance) using mainly SSB and FT8. QSL via
PY7RP direct or ClubLog's OQRS. No Bureau. All QSOs will be uploaded to
LoTW. For more details and updates, see:

PZ, SURINAME. Members of the "Team Parbo" Contest Group will be active
as PZ5K from Lelydorp during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (Oct 26-27th) as a
Multi-Op entry. QSL via G3NKC. Look for some operations before and after
the contest - all modes. No other details provided.

QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
  QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF ( 6th)
  3W9KJ via SP5APW (O/L)      I/DL6GCA/P via DL6GCA   PH100ADL via (PA-B/e)
  5H3CA via RC5A              IQ9SY via IT9NVA        PI4MRC via PD2PN
  5H3RRC via RC5A             IR8SRE via IZ8XJJ       PJ2MAN via EC5AHA (d)
  5Q7DX via PA7JWC & (L)      L60ESC via LU7DUE & (L) PS36OKT via PY2AA
  9A01GPPVC via 9A5WW         LZ73TRC via LZ1YE       SN110WM via SP3PGS
  A35JT via M0OXO (O)         MS0ORK/P via GM0WED (d) SN120OSP via SP4CUF
  A82X via I2YSB & (L)        OC19IARU via OA4O      SV5/SM8C via SM0CMH & (L)
  A82Z via I2YSB & (L)        OE8/DL1MKW via DL1MKW   SV9/DJ9XB via DJ9XB & (L)
  CS5CRE via CS5CRE (B/d/L/e) OH0/R1BEV via R1BEV     TA3/UA9CDC via G3SWH (d)
  DK0ERZ via DG0MKO           OL19CAMP via OK1MP      TC16DOGA via YM3KB
  DL/HA7UL/P via HA7UL (d/L)  OL4ACF via OK1AR        TC3COTA via TA3CX
  DL/HB9CGA/P via HB9CGA      OL5DIG via OK1AR        TF/PD4L via PD4L
  DL70AFUG via DM4EAX & (L)   OL9A via OK2ZAW & (L)   TO80SP via DL7DF
  EA6TS via EA6AZ and LoTW   OZ/DK2AJ via DK2AJ & (L) UT5C via UX7CQ
  EW/LY2SL via LY2SL & (L)    P49X via W0YK (d/L)     WC1X/VE2 via WC1X (d)
  HB0/DF3FS via DF3FS (d/L)  PA350RB via PA2CVD & (e) WW0WWV via WW0WWV (O/L)
  HI9/F5PLR via F5PLR & (L)  PA75LIMBURG via PC9DB (O) ZZ40ZT via PT7ZT (d/L)

  (e) eQSL only  (d) direct only   (B) Bureau only  (*-B) DX's- Bureau
  (O) OQRS only  (C) ClubLog only  (L) LoTW only    (N) No QSL needed
  (I) No IRC     (P) PayPal        (NB) No Bureau

  K7TRI QSL STATUS. Cezar, VE3LYC, reports: This is to update you that
  these cards had been printed, and were shipped by Alfio (IT9EJW) yes-
  terday, Oct 2nd. They should arrive here in a couple of weeks or so.
  Meanwhile, on behalf of the K7TRI team, I would like to invite everyone
  who wishes to receive his card directly to submit a request. This will
  guarantee that his QSL will be mailed as soon as the cards arrive from
  the printing house.

  NEW QSL MANAGER. Vasiliy, RW6HS, informs OPDX that he is now the QSL
  Manager for Yuriesky García Meriño, CO5WE, who lives in Cardenas Matanzas.

  and VP8NO

  RW0IM/p (AS-059) and SF2CW (EU-192)

  DM125FS, DM2025C, DM65MVP, DM775FLD, DQ800HRO, EH40CE, EO26U, EO27U,
  KH8Z, NP3K, OE100SGU, OE17WCB, OZ100DVI, PF2018LWD, PQ5M (SA-027),
  PS0F, PY0F/PY7RP, PY0FW, PY7RP/6 (SA-080), PY7RP/P (SA-046), S21R,
  (SA-028), ZX5B (SA-088) and ZY8D (SA-072)
    --- We would like to see more QSL Bureaus (such as AS/US/SA/AF.. etc)
        to send in their info....

S7, SEYCHELLES (Update). Operators Leszek/SP6CIK and Janusz/SP9FIH will
be active as S79CI and S79W, respectively, from Seychelles between October
18-29th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.
Also, look for Janusz, SP9FIH, to be in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
26-27th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (??m) entry signing S79W. QSL via
their home callsigns or ClubLog's OQRS. For more details and updates,

T8, PALAU. Ichiro, JH7IPR, will once again be active as T88UW from the
VIP Guest Hotel (Free Radio Room) on Koror Island (OC-009), between
October 10-16th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes (FSK, JT65, JT9 and FT8). QSL T88UW via JH7IPR, direct,
by the Bureau, eQSL, LoTW or ClubLog.

TM20, FRANCE (Special Event). Members of the Radio Club de Vineuil (F6KJX)
will be active as TM20CI on the following weeks and weekends: October
26-27th, November 1-11th and November 23-24th. Activity is to commemorate
the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. QSL via F6KJX.

V3, BELIZE. Rev. Emilio, AG4T, has been in Belize and active as V31AG
since September 20th. He has been operating from Corozal Town. The length
of his stay is unknown. His page states, "The station is very
simple consisting of a Yaesu FT-891 and a multi-band dipole fed with
open line and tuner. I also have an MFJ -2982 ground mounted vertical
with radials that should be operational on 80-20 meters. My favorite
bands and frequencies are 7022 kHz and 14022 kHz, but sometimes I venture
to other locations. Very rarely I will operate SSB, so look forward to
a CW QSO." QSL via AG4T.

V4, ST. KITTS. John, W5JON, will once again be active as V47JA from his
Calypso Bay, St. Kitts, West Indies vacation home, located 200 feet from
the Caribbean Sea, between October 16-22nd. Activity will be on 160-6
meters (incl. 60m) using SSB and FT8. Equipment is a Yaesu FT1000MP,
FT857D and an Elecraft KPA500 Amplifier. John states his antennas are
a Mosley Mini32A 10/15/20m, 33' Vertical 10-40m, 35' Top Loaded 80m
Vertical, 160m Vertical and 6m 5 element Yagi. ALL QSLs go to W5JON
direct or via LoTW. NO Bureau QSLs. John states to OPDX, "Just a quick
five day visit to get the QTH ready for V49V Contest Group's operation
in the CQWW SSB Contest (Oct. 26/27)." See OPDX.1416 for details."

VK9/N, NORFOLK ISLAND (Update/Reminder). Operators Jacek/SP5EAQ (VK9NE),
Mek/SP7VC (VK9NC) and Marcin/SP5ES (VK9NG) will be active from Norfolk
Island (OC-005) between October and November. All three operators will
have different lengths of stay on the island: SP5EAQ (October 18th-
November 4th), SP7VC (October 18-28th) and SP5ES (October 28th-November
4th). Activity will be on various HF bands. Modes: Jacek/SP5EAQ (SSB
exclusively); Mek/SP7VC (Digital modes) and Marcin/SP5ES (CW). Jacek/
SP5EAQ will participate in the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October 26-27th).
QSL Manager will be SP7VC (direct, by the Bureau or LoTW). Jacek, SP5EAQ,
informed that the Internet access on the island will be very limited, so
it will be a problem to have real time online logs. However, if
possible the logs will uploaded in batches to a database which will be
available online. So there will be some delay. For more details and
updates, visit their Web page at:

VP6R PITCAIRN ISLAND DXPEDITION NEWS (Update). On September 29th, the
following was posted on the Pitcairn Island DXpedition VP6R Web page
( [edited]: We are pleased to
announce our pilot station network for the Pitcairn Island DXpedition.
Our pilot station system is in place to relay your reports, concerns,
and advise to us through our pilot stations. Initially, the information
most important to us will be when we are being heard in your area. This
is especially true if there are openings to more than one geographical
area at the same time and one of those areas has strong signals that
obscure stations calling from the other areas.  We need to attend to
those weaker signals and your reports will help us do that.
  With time your band and mode needs will be relayed to us through our
system. Constructive criticism is welcome as well.
  Our system is somewhat "Eurocentric," with north, south, east, and
western Europe each having a representative in our system. We do this
because needs for a VP6 contact are greater in Europe and European signals
may be "under" stronger signals from other geographical areas.
  Our chief and North American pilot is Jerry, WB9Z. He will be supported
Please go to our Pilots and Off-Island Team Members page for more details.
  We want you in our log and we want you to have fun working us.

  On October 3rd, the following was also posted: We have added Lance,
W7GJ, to our off island team. He will be our EME pilot, helping to maximize
our effectiveness on 6 meter EME.
  We have also formalized our FT8 protocol.  You can find the details on
the "How to Work VP6R" page. Read and study them carefully. We also suggest
you use the link on this page to read "The FT8 DXpedition User Guide" by
Joe Taylor, K1JT.

XZ, MYANMAR . Yuki, JH1NBN, who makes frequent trips back and forth from
Yangon, Myanmar, and Japan, will be active as XZ2C until October 12th.
Activity will be limited (due to work) on 15/12/10/6 meters on SSB and
FT8, but must run QRP (25w). QSL via his home callsign.

YJ, VANUATU (Reminder). By the time you read this, Oleh, KD7WPJ, will be
active as YJ0BCP from Efate Island (OC-035) until October 10th. Activity
will be on 40-6 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via KD7WPJ for CW and
SSB contacts, LoTW for FT8 contacts.

Z8, SOUTH SUDAN. James, VK4GKA (ex-P29HG), is now active as Z81C from
Juba until December 31st, but one source states that he will reside there
for at least 18 months. His activity will be on SSB and limited as time
permits.  QSL info TBD.

tinue until October 11th. Activity is on various bands and modes using
CW, SSB, FT8, RTTY and 6m EME, including the 60m band. They state, "We
originally were going to utilize the ClubLog Live Stream logging, but
due to the very expensive cost of the internet on the island, we decided
not to use this feature. Logs are uploaded to ClubLog once per day!"
QSL via YT1AD direct, OQRS (direct or Bureau) or LoTW (uploaded 6 months
after DXpedition). For more details and updates, see:

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DX Mailing Lists, and two different UseNet Groups ( and The weekly bulletin (issue # from the OPDX Web
page URL) is also posted on the following Media pages:
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* All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
  long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
             ( or (
   Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
                           1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
...... 73 de Tedd KB8NW


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<> or <>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)