
Thursday, September 19, 2019

ARLD037 DX news

ARLD037 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 37  ARLD037
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  September 19, 2019
To all radio amateurs  

ARLD037 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
EA4NF, KV1J, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

FIJI, 3D2.  Heli, DD0VR will be QRV as 3D2VR from September 23 to
27.  Activity will be on the HF bands using only SSB.  QSL to home

UGANDA, 5X.  Anton, ON6NL is QRV as 5X8C from Entebbe until October
7 while working on telecom training.  Activity is in his spare time.
This includes an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide RTTY DX
contest.  QSL to home call.

GUYANA, 8R.  Rudi, DK7PE will be QRV as 8R1CW beginning September 21
and here for a week.  Activity will be in his spare time.  QSL to
home call.

TONGA, A3.  Grant, VK5GR, Oly, VK5XDX and Andrew, VK5AKH will be QRV
as A35JT from Tongatapu, IOTA OC-049, from September 22 to October
7.  Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various
digital modes.  This includes entries in the upcoming CQ World Wide
RTTY DX and Oceania DX contests.  QSL via M0OXO.

NAURU, C2.  Operators Yuris, YL2GM, Jack, YL2KA, Kaspars, YL1ZF and
Kristers, YL3JA are QRV as C21WW until September 25.  Activity is on
160 to 6 meters, and possibly 60 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8
in DXpedition mode.  QSL via YL2GN.

SOUTH COOK ISLANDS, E5.  Fred, DH5FS is QRV as E51SFS from Aitutaki
Island, IOTA OC-083, until September 25.  Activity is holiday style
on 40 to 10 meters using CW and FT8.  QSL to home call.

SPAIN, EA.  Special event station AM500SAN is QRV from September 21
to 29 to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the first
circumnavigation.  QSL via EA7URF.

BALEARIC ISLANDS, EA6.  Philippe, EA4NF is QRV as EA6/EA4NF from
Formentera Island, IOTA EU-004, until September 23.  Activity is on
the HF bands, including various Satellites, using SSB and FM.  QSL
via LoTW.

ST. PIERRE AND MIQUELON, FP.  Eric, KV1J will be QRV as FP/KV1J from
Miquelon, IOTA NA-032, from September 24 to October 8.  Activity
will be on 160 to 6 meters using primarily SSB, RTTY and FT8 with
some CW.  This includes some activity on the analog Satellites, as
well as being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide RTTY DX
contest.  QSL to home call.

HONDURAS, HR.  Operators W1UE, N2WQ, LZ5VV, SP4Z and VE3JI are QRV
as home calls/HR9 from Roatan Island, IOTA NA-057, until October 7.
They will be QRV as HQ9X in the upcoming CQ World Wide RTTY DX
contest as a Multi-2 entry.  QSL HQ9X via KQ1F and all others to
home calls.

MINAMI TORISHIMA, JD1.  Kazu, JD1BNA plans to be QRV as JD1BNA/JD1
from September 25 to 30.  Activity will be on 160 to 17 meters using
mostly CW with a little SSB and FT8.  QSL direct to JL1UTS.

AUSTRIA, OE.  Special event stations OE190APD, OE192APD and OE196APD
will be QRV from September 21 to October 20 to draw attention to
Animal Protection Day that takes place on October 4.  QSL via

PAPUA NEW GUINEA, P2.  Tim, KD5SSF plans to be QRV as P29ZL from
Ukarumpa and active until April 1, 2020.  Activity is mainly on 40,
30 and 20 meters from 0800 to 1200z using SSB and FT8, and FSKCW.
QSL via W1YRC.

SEYCHELLES, S7.  Lance, W7GJ is QRV as S79GJ from La Digue Island,
IOTA AF-024, until October 5.  This is a 6 meter EME DXpedition.
When the Moon is not visible, he is active on 20 and 6 meters using
SSB and some FT8.  QSL direct to home call.

CRETE, SV9.  Frank, PH2M is QRV as SV9/PH2M until October 3.
Activity is holiday style.  QSL to home call.
EAST KIRIBATI, T32.  Ken, KH6QJ is QRV as T32AZ on Kiritimati, IOTA
OC-024, until September 24.  Activity is on 80, 40, 20 and 15 meters
using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

Contest, All Africa International DX Contest, Collegiate QSO Party,
NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, Activity Group of Belarus 80-Meter
NEMIGA Contest, SARL VHF/UHF Digital Contest, Scandinavian Activity
CW Contest, Iowa QSO Party, QRP Afield, New Hampshire QSO Party, New
Jersey QSO Party, Washington State Salmon Run, Wisconsin Parks on
the Air and Feld Hell Sprint will certainly keep contesters busy
this upcoming weekend.

The 144 MHz Fall Sprint and Classic Phone Exchange are scheduled for
September 23.

The UKEICC 80-Meter CW Contest, CWops Mini-CWT Test, SKCC CW Sprint
and Phone Fray are scheduled for September 25.

The Canadian National Parks on the Air, CNPOTA, operating event runs
for the entire year of 2019, with special stations active from
Canada's parks and historic sites.

Please see September QST, page 80, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest
Web Sites for details.