
Thursday, September 05, 2019

ARLD035 DX news

ARLD035 DX news

QST de W1AW 
DX Bulletin 35  ARLD035
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  September 5, 2019
To all radio amateurs  

ARLD035 DX news

This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by
AA3B, K5SL, The Daily DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL,
Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web
sites.  Thanks to all.

SAMOA, 5W.  Heli, DD0VR and Bigi, DE3BWR will be QRV as 5W0VR from
September 9 to 16.  Activity will be on the HF bands using SSB.  QSL
via DD0VR.

GHANA, 9G.  Chip, KB1QU will be QRV as 9G5QU from September 8 to 21.
Activity will be on 40, 30 and 20 meters using CW, FT8, FT4 and some
SSB.  QSL direct to N4GNR.

WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2.  Special event station 9M16KING is QRV during
September to honor Malaysia's 16th head of state.  Activity is on 80
to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

BURUNDI, 9U.  Francesco, IV3TMM is QRV as 9U3TMM until September 17.
Activity is on 60 to 6 meters using SSB and various digital modes.
QSL via LoTW.
NIUE, E6.  Andrew, OZ5E will be QRV as E6AN from September 7 to 10.
Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands using SSB, FT8 and
some CW.  QSL direct to home call.

BALEARIC ISLANDS, EA6.  Alessandro, IU2IBU will be QRV as EA6/IU2IBU
from Punta Prime, Minorca Island, from September 7 to 13.  Activity
will be holiday style on 80 to 10 meters using SSB.  QSL to home

KYRGYZSTAN, EX.  A group of operators are QRV as EX0QP from Lake
Issyk Kul until September 15.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW,
SSB, RTTY and FT8.  QSL via SP6OJK.

JAPAN, JA.  Operators Take, JI3DST and Masa, JR8YLY are QRV as
JI3DST/0 and JR8YLY/0, respectively, from Sado Island, IOTA AS-206,
until September 11.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW, SSB,
RTTY and FT8.  QSL to home calls.

MONGOLIA, JT.  Operators RA0SMS, UA0SC, UA0SE, UA0SRQ and UA0SU are
QRV as JT7A from the Khovsgol Nuur National Park until September 9.
Activity is on the HF bands using CW, SSB, FT8 and FT4.  QSL via

FAROE ISLANDS, OY.  Operators DL1ZBO, DL2VU and DL5FF are QRV as
OY/home calls until September 12.  Activity is on the HF bands using
CW, SSB and various digital modes.  They will be active in the
Russian RTTY World Wide contest.  QSL to home calls.
BONAIRE, PJ4.  Randy, K5SL will be QRV as PJ4/K5SL from September 7
to 14.  Activity will be holiday style on 40, 30, 20 and 17 meters
using mainly CW and possibly SSB.  QSL to home call.

GREECE, SV.  Zdeno, OK1MBZ will be QRV as SV8/OK1MBZ/p from Kerkyra,
IOTA EU-052, from September 10 to 20.  QSL to home call.

WESTERN KIRIBATI, T30.  Operators Kaspars, YL1ZF, Yuris, YL2GM,
Jack, YL2KA and Kristers, YL3JA are QRV as T30L until September 25.
Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8.  QSL via

PALAU, T8.  Nobu, JA0JHQ is QRV as T88PB from Koror, IOTA OC-009,
until September 9.  This includes being an entry in the All Asian DX
SSB contest.  QSL direct to home call.

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA, V2. Bud, AA3B will be QRV as V26K from Antigua,
IOTA NA-100, from September 8 to 20 while performing maintenance on
the station.  Activity will be in his spare time on the HF bands
using primarily CW.  QSL to home call.

INDONESIA, YB.  Station 7I1TI is QRV from Tunda Island, IOTA OC-237,
until September 8.  Activity is on the HF bands.  QSL via HA3JB.

KOSOVO, Z6.  Station Z62FB has occasionally been QRV on 20 meters
using SSB between 2000 to 2200Z.  QSL via operator's instructions.

THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO.  The All Asian DX Phone Contest, IARU
Region 1 SSB Field Day, RSGB SSB Field Day, North American CW
Sprint, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, Russian RTTY World Wide
Contest, CWOps CW Open, Wake-Up. QRP CW Sprint, SKCC Weekend CW
Sprintathon, Nebraska QSO Party, Ohio State Parks on the Air, AGCW
Straight Key 40-Meter CW Party, PODXS 070 Club Jay Hudak Memorial
80-Meter Sprint and the WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone will certainly keep
contesters busy this upcoming weekend.

The RSGB 80-Meter Autumn SSB Series and 4 States QRP Group Second
Sunday Sprint are scheduled for September 9.

The CWops Mini-CWT Test and Phone Fray are scheduled for September

The Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration runs until
September 8.

The Canadian National Parks on the Air, CNPOTA, operating event runs
for the entire year of 2019, with special stations active from
Canada's parks and historic sites.

Please see September QST, page 80, and the ARRL and WA7BNM Contest
Web Sites for details.