
Friday, August 23, 2019

Jonathan's Space Report No. 768

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 768                                                       2019 Aug  22   Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 60 continues.

On Aug 6, the Canadarm-2 unberthed the S.S. Roger Chaffee (Cygnus NG-11)
from the Unity module at 1330 UTC and released it into orbit at 1615

On Aug 7 at 1300 UTC, cubesats Aerocube-10a and Aerocube-10b were
deployed from the Nanoracks NRCSD-E deployer on Cygnus. The satellites
are nicknamed JimSat and DougSat respectively.

Sometime probably on Aug 7 the Hypergiant
SEOPS/Spaceflight Inc Slingshot deployer was also used to deploy four
cubesats: RTFSat (3U), from Northwest Nazarene University, NARSScube-2
(1U) from Egypt,  Quantum Radar 3 (3U) from Hypergiant, and the
DARPA/Hypergiant ORCA  6U cubesat to test an intersatellite radio link.
Unfortunately the deployment time has not been made public.

On Aug 19 the Dextre arm unberthed the IDA-3 docking adapter from Dragon
CRS-18's trunk. On Aug 21 at about 1100 UTC Dextre soft docked IDA-3 to
the PMA-3 docking port. Then, at 1219 UTC, the Quest airlock was
depressurised and astronauts Hague and Morgan began spacewalk ISS
EVA-55, with spacesuits 3006 and 3008 and SAFER backpack units 18 and 13
respectively. The hatch was open at 1226 UTC and the astronauts went to
battery power a minute later. They connected cables to IDA-3 and
activated it; IDA-3 was firmlymated to PMA3 between 1443 and 1500 UTC.
At 1614 UTC Dextre released the IDA and at 1641 UTC the astronauts
removed its thermal cover (which was stuffed in a bag and returned to
the airlock). Two `hemi reflectors' were installed and after some final
connections the astronauts returned to the Quest airlock, with hatch
close at 1855 UTC and repressurization at 1859 UTC.

The PMA-3 port with its APAS adapter was designed for Shuttle dockings;
the IDA-3 converts it to be suitable for Crew Dragon and Starliner dockings.

On Aug 22 Roskosmos launched Soyuz MS-14 on a Soyuz-2-1a rocket. This
was the first launch of the comnbination and tested the interaction of
the modern rocket's digital control system with the old-fashioned Soyuz
spaceship's abort system. Soyuz MS-14 was launched without a crew,
but a humanoid robot Skybot F-850 'Fyodor' takes up one of the seats.
Soyuz MS-14 also carries 658 kg of cargo for ISS.


On Aug 5 Russia launched a Proton-M with the Blagovest No. 14L military communications
satellite. The Briz-M upper stage delivered it to geosynchronous orbit. On Aug 20
it was drifting west over the Indian Ocean.


Arianespace flew an Ariane 5 on Aug 6 placing the EDRS-C and Intelsat
IS-39 comms satellites in geotransfer orbit. By Aug 20 both satellites
were in near-GEO drift orbits.  EDRS-C (European Data Relay Satellite),
to be located at 31E, has a laser communications payload. It also
carries a secondary Ka-band payload, Hylas 3, for Avanti Communications.
IS-39 will replace Intelsat 901 over the Indian Ocean.

Amos 17

SpaceX launched a Falcon 9 on Aug 6. No attempt was made to recover the
B1047 first stage, which was on its third flight. The second stage
placed the AMOS 17 communications satellite in geotransfer orbit. AMOS
17 is a Boeing 702MP satellite for Israel's Spacecom. By Aug 19 it was
on station in GEO at 13.8E.


ULA's Atlas V flight AV-083, using the powerful 551 model, was launched
on Aug 8. Centaur AV-083 made three burns to a high perigee GTO to drop
off the strategic US military communications satellite AEHF 5. After the
second burn, a 12U cubesat called TDO was ejected into geotransfer
orbit. TDO, for the USAF Space and Missile Command, tests satellite and
space debris tracking technologies.

By Aug 21, AEHF 5 was in a 24870 x 35300 km orbit.


The Changzheng Houjian YG (China Long March Rocket Co), a
commercialization subsidiary of the government CALT launch vehicle
manufacturer, carried out its first orbital launch on Aug 17. The
Jielong-1 (Smart Dragon 1) four-stage solid rocket put three satellites
in sun-synchronous orbit.

Qiancheng-1 01 xing is an imaging satellite for Qiancheng Exploration Tech Co (Beijing).
Xingshidai-5 is a test satellite for Guoxing Aerospace (Chengdu), using a Weina MN10 bus.
Tianqi-2 is a satellite for Guodian Gaokeji (Beijing) for IoT data relay.


The Zhongxing-18 (Chinasat-18) C/Ku/Ka-band communications sat, using
the enhanced DFH-4E bus, was launched by CZ-3B S/N Y58 on Aug 19 to
geotransfer orbit. However, it was announced that the payload was
malfunctioning following its separation from the upper stage.

Electron 8

The 8th Rocket Lab Electron launch from New Zealand placed the BlackSky Global 4
imaging satellite in orbit together with three 6U cubesats: the signals
intelligence (spectrum monitoring) BRO-ONE for the Breton company Unseen
Labs and two Pearl White technology cubesats for USAF Space Command.
On this flight, the kick stage does not appear to have been cataloged
and may have been deorbited. Although RocketLab videos describing Electron
tout its ability to deorbit and not leave junk around, most and possibly
all of the previous Electron flights have actually left their kick stages up.

    Flight           Kick stage             Current orbit
    -----------      ----------------       -----------------------
    Electron 1       Failed to orbit        -
    Electron 2       43164  2018-010B       488 x 529 km x 82.9 deg
    Electron 3       43692  2018-088C       495 x 516 km x 85.0 deg
    Electron 4       43851/53? 2018-104C/F? Unclear (more unid track objects than missing payloads)
    Electron 5       44074  2019-016B       410 x 428 km x 39.5 deg
    Electron 6       44427  2019-026C       494 x 510 km x 40.0 deg
    Electron 7       44365/68? 2019-037A/D? Unclear (more unid track objects than missing payloads)
    Electron 8       Deorbited?  Number of unid tracked objects same as number of payloads


The second GPS Block III satellite, nicknamed Magellan, was launched on
Aug 22 aboard a Delta 4 from Cape Canaveral. The Delta 4 second stage
deorbited itself south of South Africa at the end of its first orbit.


Chandrayaan-2 made its translunar injection burn  at 2051 UTC Aug 13,
raising apogee to 408,000 km. Lunar orbit insertion occurred around 0330
UTC Aug 20 into a 114 x 18072 km x 87.8 deg orbit.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission       INTL.   Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl   Notes

Jul 11 0153   FalconEye 1                Vega              CSG ZLV          Imaging   F05         -6175? x   75?x  98.5?      
Jul 12 1230   Spektr-RG                  Proton-M/DM-03    Baykonur LC81/24 Astronomy 40A            500 x1240000 x 51.6                           
Jul 20 1628   Soyuz MS-13                Soyuz-FG          Baykonur LC1/5   Spaceship 41A  S44437    200 x   211 x 51.6
Jul 22 0913   Chandrayaan 2              GSLV-3            Satish Dhawan    Lunar     42A  S44441    133 x 45171 x 21.4
Jul 25 0500   CAS-7B                  )  Shuang Quxian 1   Jiuquan          Comms     43   S44443    280 x   299 x 42.7
              Hangtian KKG Fazhang sat)                                     Tech      43
Jul 25 2201   Dragon CRS-18              Falcon 9          Canaveral SLC40  Cargo     44A  S44446    203 x   386 x 51.6
Jul 26 0357   Yaogan-30 05 zu 01 xing )  Chang Zheng 2C    Xichang          Sigint    45A  S44449    590 x   605 x 35.0
              Yaogan-30 05 zu 02 xing )                                     Sigint    45B  S44450    590 x   605 x 35.0
              Yaogan-30 05 zu 03 xing )                                     Sigint    45C  S44451    590 x   605 x 35.0
Jul 30 0557   Meridian-M No. 18L         Soyuz-2-1A/Fregat Plesetsk LC43/4  Comms     46A  S44453    985 x 39734 x 62.8
Jul 31 1210   Progress MS-12             Soyuz-2-1A        Baykonur LC31    Cargo     47A  S44455    185 x   218 x 51.6
Aug  5 2156   Kosmos-2539                Proton/Briz-M     Baykonur LC81/24 Comms     48A  S44457  35673 x 35851 x  0.0
Aug  6 1930   EDRS C         )           Ariane 5 ECA      Kourou ELA3      Comms     49A  S44475?   217 x 35528 x  4.5
              Intelsat IS-39 )                                              Comms     49B  S44476?   231 x 35801 x  4.5
Aug  6 2323   AMOS 17                    Falcon 9          Canaveral SLC40  Comms     50A  S44479    215 x 35733 x 26.0
Aug  6 or 7?  RTFSat          )                          Chaffee, LEO       Tech      22G  S44417    470 x   485 x 51.6
              Quantum Radar 3 )                                             Tech      22F  S44416    470 x   485 x 51.6
              NARSScube-2     )                                             Tech      22H  S44418    470 x   485 x 51.6
              ORCA            )                                             Tech      22E  S44415    470 x   485 x 51.6
Aug  7 1300   Aerocube-10a  )                            Chaffee, LEO       Tech      22D  S44485    471 x   485 x 51.7
              Aerocube-10b  )                                               Tech      22C  S44484    469 x   481 x 51.7
Aug  8 1013   AEHF 5 )                   Atlas V 551       Canaveral SLC41  Comms     51A  S44481  14366 x 35286 x 10.0
              TDO    )                                                      Sp.Surv.  51B  S44482    207 x 35259 x 26.4
Aug 17 0411   Qiancheng-1 01 )           Jielong-1         Jiuquan          Imaging   52A  S44486    532 x   559 x 97.6
              Xingshidai-5   )                                              Tech      52   S44487?   529 x   559 x 97.6
              Tianqi-2       )                                              Comms     52   S44488?   529 x   560 x 97.6
Aug 19 1203   Zhongxing-18               Chang Zheng 3B    Xichang          Comms     53A  S44493    228 x 35879 x 28.4
Aug 19 1212   BlackSky Global 4)         Electron          Mahia            Imaging   54   S44496?   531 x   558 x 45.0
              Pearl White 1    )                                            Tech      54   S44497?   531 x   558 x 45.0
              Pearl White 2    )                                            Tech      54   S44498?   531 x   558 x 45.0
              BRO-ONE          )                                            Sigint    54   S44499?   531 x   558 x 45.0
Aug 22 0338   Soyuz MS-14                Soyuz-2-1a        Baykonur LC31    Spaceship  55A S44504    194 x   226 x 51.6
Aug 22 1306   GPS III SV02               Delta 4M+(4,2)    Canaveral SLC37B Navigation 56A S44506   1199 x 20177 x 55.0

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches

Date UT       Payload/Flt Name Launch Vehicle      Site                  Mission    Apogee/km    Target

Jul 15?       MRBM Target       eMRBM?             C-17, Kauai?          Target        300?      Alaska
Jul 15?       Arrow 3 KV        Arrow 3            Kodiak                Interceptor   100?      Intercept MRBM
Jul 24        Shahab RV         Shahab 3           Iran                  Test          250?      Iran?
Jul 26        Topol-E RV        Topol'             Kapustin Yar          Reentry test 1000?      Sary Shagan
Jul 22?       MRBM Target       eMRBM?             C-17, Kauai?          Target        300?      Alaska
Jul 22?       Arrow 3 KV        Arrow 3            Kodiak                Interceptor   100?      Intercept MRBM
Jul 27?       MRBM Target       eMRBM?             C-17, Kauai?          Target        300?      Alaska
Jul 27?       Arrow 3 KV        Arrow 3            Kodiak                Interceptor   100?      Intercept MRBM
Aug  1?       Warhead           Burkan-3           Yemen                 Weapon        300?      Dammam, S. Arabia
Aug  7 1510?  RV                DF-31/41?          Taiyuan               Test         1000?      Xinjiang
Aug 11 0607   SISTINE           Black Brant IX     White Sands           UV Astronomy  259       White Sands
Aug 12 0944   RockSat-X 9       Terrier Imp.Mal.   Wallops Island        Education     154       Atlantic

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
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