
Monday, June 27, 2016

India Launches Amateur Radio Satellites

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has successfully launched several satellites carrying Amateur Radio payloads. Satellites put into orbit include Swayam-1, a 1U CubeSat that carries a digital store-and-forward messaging system for use by the Amateur Radio community.

"We are eagerly waiting for your reception report of the CW beacon at 437.025 MHz. You can also get the decoded beacon data by entering 'beacon' in Swayam beacon signal decoder available on our website," said Rupesh Lad, VU2LRD/VU2COE of the College of Engineering Pune CSAT team.

The website can be found at,
Swayam-1 is in a low-Earth polar orbit. It operates on 437.025 MHz with a power output of 1 W.

Other satellites on the launch that carried Amateur Radio payloads include BEESAT-4 (435.950 MHz - 4800 bps GMSK, CW); BIROS (437.525 MHz - 4800 bps GMSK); Max Valier (145.860 MHz down, 145.960 MHz CW beacon), and Sathyabamasat (145.980 MHz - 2400 bps BPSK).