
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Traditional SAQ Transmission On Christmas Eve

It is now 10 years since our first Christmas Eve transmissions started.
There will be, as earlier, a transmission with the Alexanderson alternator on VLF 17.2 kHz CW from Grimeton Radio/SAQ in the very early morning on Christmas Eve, Thursday, December 24th 2015.
A message will be transmitted at 08:00 UTC. The transmitter will be tuned up from around 07:30 UTC.
There will be no activity on amateur radio frequencies with the call SK6SAQ this time because the radio room is redecorated and cannot be used.

QSL-reports on SAQ transmission are kindly received:
- E-mail to:
- or via: SM bureau
- or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner,
  Radiostationen Grimeton 72                      
  SE-432 98 GRIMETON
  S    W    E    D    E    N

Also read our web site:
The radiostation will be open to visitors.

