
Saturday, November 02, 2013

Teak Publishing Announces New E-book

Well written, especially for newcomers to aviation listening Five Stars By Walter B Turner  This publication covers a specific aspect of aviation radio, and it does it very well. The explanation of how the air traffic control system is very clear. This book would be great for someone who wants to listen to aircraft radio but doesn't live near a major airport. Awesome Reference! Five Stars by ScannerfoodWell organized and convenient resource that contains verified (by me after purchasing) accurate information with detail not found elsewhere. A must have for those that love to listen to airplanes! Plug in your local ARTCC's and hear everything you missed last time because you didn't have all the frequencies. Makes following a plane through airspace a breeze!

Definitive Guidance Five Stars By PK766 The author has gone to great extents to provide the most up to date and informative guide to listening to North American Enroute Aviation comms. As an avid monitor of ARTCC comms I can appreciate the portability of this book, which I can now carry almost anywhere on my phone, tablet, laptop, etc... The accuracy of the information at the time of publishing is spot on and I have not found any errors. BRAVO!!! Great Job Mr. Van Horn!

Useful and Portable! Five Stars By C Parris An extremely useful publication for aviation monitoring, made even more useful now that I can carry it in my Kindle or iPad. The information contained by this volume is very complete and organized for easy access. Being that I travel and are often looking up things on-line, having this stored in my portable device makes it that much more useful. And at a very reasonable price, I can give this publication high praise!

Great Reference Immediate Use Information for the Monitoring Hobbyists Five Stars By Kenneth Windyka  WOW!!! Got to admit for such a small price this guide is packed with concise frequency information that a beginning or seasoned aviation radio monitoring hobbyist can readily use. It also provides a concise explanation of the organization of the Air Route Traffic Control Centers. As a daily monitor of military and civilian aviation, this is a very handy publication to have on one's tablet, computer or other device for following aircraft's communications. One can also print out the pertinent pages for the geographic areas normally monitored. I think this long time hobby monitoring hobbyist as well as author, again shows us that he can produce a reference publication that is right on target for the radio monitoring hobby to enjoy!

Teak Publishing, owned by Monitoring Times Staffers Larry and Gayle Van Horn, is pleased to announce a new Amazon e-book that is now available for sale – North American Enroute Aviation Guide.

One of the most common misconceptions that most radio hobbyists have about the aircraft monitoring hobby is that you have to live close to an airport in order to hear any civilian or military aeronautical communications.

While it is true that if you live close to any major airport you will hear a lot of air and land mobile radio traffic associated with that aero facilities’ operation, all is not lost if you are not within VHF/UHF line-of-sight range of a major airport.

You can still hear a lot of civilian and military communications by monitoring the frequencies used by any of the 22 Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) or the Area Control Centers (ACC) located in Canada and Mexico.

In this new Teak Publishing e-book, Larry covers all of the known VHF/UHF frequencies broken down by VHF frequency used by various area control centers in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico. Unfortunately, most of the "official" FAA records (especially the ATA-100 series, DoD IFR FLIP publications, etc) available in the public domain, within government intranet systems, and ARTCC frequencies published on a wide variety of Internet scanner websites are notoriously inaccurate. Even FAA officials responsible for some of these "official" lists have admitted they are not accurate.

The author has worked with a number of radio monitors nationwide to refine and provide the most current and updated frequency information available for all 22 Air Route Traffic Control Centers in the United States. We have also published information for the seven Canadian Area Control Centers and the four centers located in Mexico.

If you do not own a Kindle reader there is no need to purchase one. You can still read our Kindle electronic reader books or any Kindle books with Amazon's free reading apps.

There are “free” Kindle reading apps for the Kindle Cloud Reader, Smartphones (iPhone,  iTouch, Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry); computer platforms (Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 and Mac); Tablets (iPad, Android and Windows 8), and, of course, all of the Kindle family of readers including the Kindle Fire series. A Kindle e-book allows you to buy your book once and read it anywhere. You can get more detail on these apps by checking out this link to the Amazon website at

The North American Enroute Aviation Guide by MT Milcom columnist Larry Van Horn N5FPW is available for purchase worldwide from for $2.99.

Go to the North American Enroute Aviation Guide e-book page at for further details and to order.

Be sure to monitor the Teak Publishing company Internet radio hobby blogs – The Military Monitoring Post ( and The Shortwave Central ( for availability and pricing for additional radio hobby e-books that are currently in production.

One of these new e-publications will include Gayle's new International Shortwave Broadcast Guide e-book (the former MTXpress Shortwave Broadcast Guide) that will be available in January 2014.