Based on our monitoring ans some additional field reports via twitter and our monitoring team, here is the latest list of HF freqs associated with the earthquake off of the northeast Honshu coast.
Air Self-Defense Force patrol boat and rescue aircraft for Coast Guard (USB)
2130.0 2245.0 2325.0 kHz
SDF CG Search and Rescue (USB)
3151.0 kHz
J SDF Aviation administration emergency frequency (USB)
2770.5 5545.5 10335.5 kHz
J SDF/JMSDF Air Traffic Control Squadron 1 HF Net - Aircraft posit reporting/weather using YL operators (USB)
6727.0 6742.0 6751.0 8977.0 9022.0 11184.0 kHz
J SDF/US Military Search and Rescue Coordination frequency (USB)
4520.0 kHz
Search and Rescue Aircraft/ground liaison (USB)
2182.0 2618.0 2670.0 2820.0 5673.0 5680.0 5690.0 kHz
Japanese Navy XSL Slot machine (MPSK)
3058.0 3075.0 4152.5 4153.0 4231.5 4280.5 4294.5 5643.0 6249.5 6417.0
6418.9 6445.1 6446.0 6500.0 6645.0 6693.0 6738.0 8312.5 8587.5 8704.0 khz
Will update this list and roll up it up to the top of the blog as new information warrants. Will also update our twitter feed @MilcomMP