
Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Blog Logs - 1 Feb 2011 - Midwest USA

Our friend Walt in the Midwest passed along the following winter weather related amateur radio activity.

0230Z - Kansas / Western Missouri (MOKAN) SATERN net on 3920.0 LSB + OR - 5 (Tues) (WB0CNK NCS) No joy but found @ 0230Z - W9SEM - Indiana RACES net holding freq due to "emergency situation" in Indiana due to weather // makes ref to SATERN Net also being on the freq // Fm W9SEM is the official call sign of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security RACES Team


0300Z - Kansas / Western Missouri (MOKAN) SATERN PSK31 net on 3579.5 (Tues) No joy but PSK31 signals fm stations in McBee, SC; Bristol, TN; Cedar Rapids, IA; Berryville, VA & Willard, OH all working PSK31