
Friday, November 05, 2010

Chinese Lunar Orbiter Downlink

Paul Marsh reported the following on the Hearsat-L newsgroup:

I think I have re-found the Chinese Chang'e-2 lunar orbiter downlink. I've been monitoring it for a few hours, and can see both Doppler inversions as it orbits the Moon. shows the signal, downlinking on 2210.800 MHz nominally.

I also caught this fft showing the Doppler inversion.

Can someone else with S-Band facilities try to track this orbiter and report back its signal strength etc?

Also Nils in Germany confirmed Paul's observation:

I can confirm the Signal on 2210.816 MHz from Moon with upward doppler direction
at ~ 12:30 UTC. The Moon is about to set here currently, the following FFT was taken at 3°Elevation only. This is using a 1m mesh dish + EME103B LNA and Winradio Converter into an ICOM IC-R7100 with SDR-14 on the IF out.

Thanks gentlemen for sharing your observations with the rest of the monitoring community.