I have received dozens of reports this afternoon that Haiti related traffic is being heard on the COTHEN Net. One of the major players on this net is the US Coast Guard. I have extensively covered this net in the pages of MT and on this blog for years. For a complete profile of this service check out a link to our profile at
In brief here are the major freqs:
Freqs: 5732.0 7527.0 8912.0 10242.0 11494.0 13907.0 15867.0 18594.0 20890.0 23214.0 25350.0 kHz
Note - 11494 kHz is also a USDA frequency which accounts for occasional USDA/Fedcom traffic
10-16-08 - CAMSLANT was logged using ALE in comms with an HH-60 on 20662.0 kHz.
12-08 - Numerous COTHEN stations logged using ALE in comms on 5250.0 kHz.
1-09 - COTHEN activity logged on 6709.0 and 12222.0 kHz.
In order to get a better picture who is on the net, download one of the ALE decoding programs and you will get a lot more than just monitoring the comms straight. I highly recommend also scanning the freqs above for the best results.
More as it develops. Thanks to Bill Wilstrom and several others for the heads up.