
Thursday, August 13, 2009

30 Meter AR Band Digital Activity Weekend

It has been announced by several digital mode speciality groups that there is going to be a 30 meter multimode weekend August 22-23, 2009. This ham activity is designed to promote experimentation and the use of different amateur radio digital modes on the 30 meter band. A number of digital mode groups will be participating during this weekend event, so if you wanted to try out an ham digital mode, here is your chance to get on the 30 meter band and have a go at it. This is not a contest, there are no set times, no rules, no set exchanges and no winners.

During this special event you will have a chance to try out the 30 meter ham band and maybe a new mode or two; experiment with and chat with hams who are already using the band; and have some fun. For more details of this event and other 30 meter activity, check out

You can get more information on operating digital modes on the 30 meter ham bands by downloading this free pdf courtesy of the 30MDG at[1].pdf

You can get specific information on this August weekend event in a free pdf download at

This is one of my favorite bands to work in and I will probably be hanging around that weekend. So if you need North Carolina or Clay County on a digital mode in the 30 meter ham band, drop me a note and let's see if we can schedule something, I QSL in all forms (conventional, LOTW and eqsl (AG)), and will be glad to help those that need NC or Clay Co for their logbooks.
So plan ahead and if you have a computer with a soundcard, download some free software and give the ham digi world a shot. I hope to see some of my readers of this blog in two weeks during this special weekend activity on the 30 meter digi bands.

73 de Larry, N5FPW