
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Attention European Radio Readers

Patrick Lindecker, the developer of the Multipsk digital decoding software package, has pasted along the following interesting info.


Hello to all European testers,

I have had the information that an helicopter or airplane of the Tour de France could use "1382" frames with GPS ($GPRMC) positions inside.

So I have issued a test version of Multipsk, in which I have added a function to display GPS positions carried in the "1382" frames either on a local map or GoogleEarth. The "1382" professional mode is only available for licencied users.

The frequency is 164,6875 MHz. The Tour de France is tomorrow (Sunday) between France and Switzeland. It could be fun to follow their positions.

The test version contains the Multipsk test version and the help files:

Paste this adress in your Internet Explorer or equivalent. Download the file. Create a tempory folder (C:\TEST, for example), unzip the file in it and start C:\TEST\Multipsk.exe (the auxiliary files will be created automatically). Add your user key and the Maps sub-directory in this temporary folder.

TKS for reports.


Here are the modifications done in this test version:

* TCP/IP command "SDR_HF_FR" of the SdR central frequency (commande TCP/IP "SDR_HF_FR" de la fréquence SdR)

* improvement of the SdR mode and frequency management (amélioration de la gestion de la fréquence et du mode SdR)

* possibility of a wide vertical dash on the waterfall (possibilité d'une barre verticale épaisse sur la chute d'eau)

* Addition of the number of Acars positions on the map (ajout du nombre de positions Acars sur la carte)

* modification of the sound generation from the PC (modification de la génération de son du PC)

* ARQ FAE: extension to callsigns containing the "/" character (ARQ FAE: extension aux indicatifs contenant "/")

* ARQ FAE mail: extension of the delay before abandon (courrier ARQ FAE: extension du délai avant abandon)

* ARQ FAE: slight modification of the progression display (ARQ FAE: légère modification de l'affichage de la progression)

* ARQ FAE: bug on 'End of mail transfer' not displayed (ARQ FAE: "bug" sur 'End of mail transfer' non affiché)

* ARQ FAE: bug on addressee on mail transfer (ARQ FAE: "bug" sur le destinataire en transmission de courrier)

* ARQ FAE: bug on display of control messages (ARQ FAE: "bug" sur l'affichage des messages de contrôle)

* JT65: DF with "Ø" considered, if callsign is clicked (JT65: DF avec "Ø" considéré, si l'indicatif est cliqué)

* JT65: on a CQ, the report in dB will fill the dB fields (JT65: sur un CQ, le report en dB sera chargé dans les champs dB)

* JT65: "synchro-1270" display (JT65: affichage "synchro-1270")

* JT65: frequency adjustment with left and right buttons (JT65: réglage de la fréquence avec les boutons gauche et droit)

* 1382: display of GPS positions on local map or Googlearth (182: affichage des positions GPS sur carte ou sur GoogleEarth)

* updating of the internal prefixes list (mise à jour de la liste interne des préfixes)

* bug on Panoramics started from the Configuration screen ("bug" sur les panoramiques lancés depuis l'écran Configuration)