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30 May 2009
A.R.I. DX Bulletin No 943
*** 4 2 5 D X N E W S ***
******* CALENDAR *******
Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
till 30/05 N6IC/KL7: Douglas Island (NA-041) 941
till 30/05 TM0M: Molene Island (EU-065) 939
till 31/05 GB100BP: special callsign (Wales) 939
till 31/05 IL3T: Torcello Island (EU-131) 938
till 31/05 K5N: Burwood Island (grid EL58) 943
till 31/05 LZ2009KM: special callsign 939
till 31/05 PA/DC2KN: Terschelling Island (EU-038) 943
till 31/05 SY2WT: Posidhion Lighthouse (Greece) 941
till 31/05 UE80 special prefix callsigns 939
till 31/05 XL, XN, XM, XO: special prefixes (Canada) 934
till 31/05 XO0ICE/2: special callsign 938
till 01/06 4K3K and 4J0K: Nagorno Karabakh (Azerbaijan) 941
till 01/06 A35RK/p: Vava'u (OC-064) 938
till 01/06 EJ6DX: Aran Islands (EU-006) 941
till 02/06 5H1HP and 5H1MS: Zanzibar Island (AF-032) 939
till 02/06 AH2Y and KH2/WX8C: Guam (OC-026) 939
till 02/06 K3VX/KP2, W3WH/KP2, W3WN/KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 939
till 02/06 TA3J/7 and TA7KI: Turkey 943
till 02/06 W9UK/KP2 and K9CS/KP2: Virgin Islands (NA-106) 939
till 03/06 FK/G4JVG: Noumea (OC-032) 941
till 03/06 OH0/DJ7JC, OH0/DJ9IE, OH0/DK3QZ: Aland Isls (EU-002) 941
till 03/06 OH0/DL1EKC, OH0/PA0R, OH0EC:: Aland Isls (EU-002) 941
till 03/06 SV5/G0TSM: Kos Island (EU-001) 941
till 04/06 8Q7GP: Maldives (AS-013) 942
till 04/06 TM100C: special event callsign (France) 942
till 05/06 5H2WK: Tanzania 942
till 05/06 TM2RPC: special callsign (France) 941
till 06/06 SV8/HA0HW and J48HW: Thassos Island (EU-174) 942
till 07/06 SV8/PA3DEU: Alonissos Island (EU-072) 942
till 07/06 UE6LHP and UE1RLH/6: Beglitskiy Lighthouse 943
till 08/06 TM5RPC: special callsign (France) 941
till 10/06 II6AN: special callsign 941
till 13/06 9A5AN, 9A2AA, 9A3KS, HA3HP: Croatian islands tour 942
till 17/06 TA0/WA2KBZ: Buyukada (not IOTA) 942
till 19/06 ZK2V: Niue (OC-040) 940
till 20/06 S21XR: Bangladesh 940
till June 5X4X: Uganda 923
till June AP2AHSF: Pakistan 929
till 02/07 TT8CF: Chad 930
till 20/07 8J040M-8J940M: special event stations 940
till 20/07 IY0GM: special callsign 942
till 20/07 IY0NGM: special callsign 938
till 24/07 5N0OCH and 5N0EME: Nigeria 933
till 31/07 HG160FNY and HA160: special event station and prefixes 935
till 31/08 LY1000: special prefix 924
till 31/08 VR2/F4BKV: Hong Kong Island (AS-006) 908
till September LZ8WHST and LZ17ARDF: special event stations 924
till 30/11 FT5WO: Crozet Islands (AF-008) 916
till November HF0APAS: South Shetlands (AN-010) 921
till November OD5/W5YFN: Lebanon 915
till 31/12 9A09P: special event station 932
till 31/12 9A48IFATCA: special event station 926
till 31/12 9A800VZ: special event callsign 933
till 31/12 GB250RB: special event call (Scotland) 925
till 31/12 GB40WAB: special callsign 922
till 31/12 HE8 and HB8: special prefixes (Switzerland) 921
till 31/12 IA3GM: special callsign 927
till 31/12 II2RAI: special callsign 924
till 31/12 IY7GM: special callsign 939
till 31/12 LZ50BNT: special event station 940
till 31/12 Z30MCWG: special callsign 928
30/05-06/06 9A/OE3WGC and 9A/OE3ZK: Palagruza Island (EU-090) 931
30/05 GB5BOO: special event station (England) 942
30/05-06/02 IL7G: Tremiti Islands (EU-050) 933
30/05-06/06 OZ/NX1S: Romo Island (EU-125) 943
30/05 PA08DWN: special event callsign 942
31/05-01/06 IK4GLV/4, IK4JPR/4, IK4RUX/4: EU-155 942
31/05-01/06 IZ4CCO/4 and IZ4ISX/4: EU-155 942
31/05-12/06 SD1B/7: Oland Island (EU-037) 943
31/05-14/06 TM6ACO: special event callsign (France) 942
May H44MY and H44TO: New Georgia Island (OC-149) 942
01/06-15/06 8Q7CQ: Maldives (AS-013) 943
01/06-14/06 C6AMS: Nassau (NA-001), Bahamas 943
01/06-31/07 EM15DIG: special callsign (Ukraine) 943
01/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
01/06-30/06 VE7IYOA: special event station 943
03/06-05/06 F5AAR/p and F5OZC/p: Yeu Island (EU-064) 943
03/06-08/06 F/ON6JUN/P: "D-Day" special event 943
03/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
04/06-12/06 FS/K9EL: St. Martin (NA-105) 943
04/06 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
04/06 HV5PUL: Vatican City 941
04/06-14/06 PA6JEROEN: special event station 943
04/06-07/06 SY2DDAY: "D-Day" special event (Greece) 943
04/06-12/06 TM5BBC: special event station (France) 943
05/06-08/08 F/PA65DDAY: "D-Day" special event 943
05/06-15/06 JW/OK1IPS, JW/OK1IEC: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard 943
05/06-15/06 JW/OK1JK, JW/OK1JST: Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard 943
05/06-14/06 TM6SME: "D-Day" special event (France) 943
06/06-07/06 EG3FI: Formigues Islands (EU-078) 943
06/06-07/06 II3JD and IY1SP (Museum Ships Weekend) 943
07/06-09/06 G4JVG/VK4: North Stradbroke Island (OC-137) 941
08/06 F5HTR/p and F5LKW/p: Riou Island (EU-095) 943
08/06-16/06 IM0/I0PNM: San Pietro Island (EU-165) 943
10/06-15/06 ZY0F: Fernando de Noronha (SA-003) 929
11/06-14/06 PT2T: Ilha da Moela (SA-071) 939
13/06-14/06 DF0WFF: Nature Reserve of Flusslandschaft Elbe 939
13/06-28/06 IY1GMN: special event station 931
13/06-25/06 S92LX: Sao Tome (AF-023) 943
15/06-22/06 ES8/DL3BQA: Kihnu Island (EU-178) 939
15/06-02/07 RZ3AMW/1: Ryashkov Island (EU-162) 943
16/06-06/07 7U2ISM: special event station (Algeria) 943
18/06-12/07 PH100EL: special callsign 939
19/06-05/07 5J0M: San Andres (NA-033) 911
20/06-02/07 HB0/DL5YL and HB0/DL5YM: Liechtenstein 941
20/06-21/06 SX2MT: special event station 931
26/06-05/07 TZ6EI: Mali 941
27/06-28/06 SX2MT: special event station 931
29/06-03/07 3D2YA: Mana Island (OC-121) 939
June 4U1WED: special callsign (Austria) 943
June KL7RRC: Delarof Islands (NA-233) 943
04/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
05/07-07/07 SX2CM: special callsign (Greece) 927
09/07-28/07 Glorioso Islands (AF-011) 941
12/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
15/07-27/07 VE3ZZ/VY2, VE2BR/VY2, VY2Z: Prince Edward Isl (NA-029) 943
19/07-31/07 F5SGI/p: Belle-Ile (EU-048) 943
22/07-29/07 VK9AAA: Norfolk Island (OC-005) 941
23/07-27/07 C6APR, C6AXD, C6AQO: Crooked Island (NA-113) 937
23/07-26/07 CG200I: Ile Verte (NA-128) 937
23/07-27/07 GS3RCM/p and MM3M: Isle of Arran (EU-123) 939
23/07-26/07 OZ0FR: Romo Island (EU-125) 939
23/07-26/07 W4T: Tangier Island (NA-083) 937
24/07-27/07 MM0NDX/p and GM5A: St. Kilda Islands (EU-059) 943
24/07-27/07 VC8B: Banks Island (NA-129) 943
25/07-01/08 OZ/PA1H and OZ/PA7PA: EU-172 941
25/07-01/08 TK9X: Corsica (EU-014) 943
26/07 GB5LB: Isle of Man (EU-116) 940
26/07-06/08 OH0/CT1BWW: Aland Islands (EU-002) 943
27/07-29/07 OY/IW4BLZ: Faroe Islands 935
31/07-11/08 TF/IW4BLZ: Iceland 935
July-December 4U30VIC: special callsign (Austria) 943
29/09-12/10 TX5SPA: Tubuai (OC-152), Austral Islands 941
09/10-19/10 K4M: Midway Island (OC-030) 935
16/10-22/10 TX5SPM: Marquesas Islands (OC-027) 941
19/10-26/10 N0TG/CY0, WA4DAN/CY0, AA4VK/CY0 Sable Island (NA-063) 938
19/10-17/11 VK7ACG: Tasmania (OC-006) 929
20/10-30/10 J68JA: St. Lucia (NA-108) 941
22/10-26/10 P29VCX: Tanga Islands (OC-102) 939
27/10-31/10 P29VLR: Green Islands (OC-231) 939
02/11-09/11 P29NI: Woodlark group (OC-205) 939
11/11-13/11 P29VCX: D'Entrecasteaux Islands (OC-116) 939
24/11-03/12 XR0ZN: Juan Fernandez (SA-005) 937
425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: http://www.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS ARCHIVES: http://list.425dxn.org
425 DX NEWS MAGAZINE: http://www.425dxn.org/monthly
Direttore Responsabile
Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 057216
Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
Roma, Italia