
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Homeland Security Equipment Missing: Worth Millions

Well, the US Government agency I love to hate is in the news again.

So what has the infamous Department of Homeland Security done this time? It is not hard to guess if you have read the stories I have published on this blog in the past. Yes, they have wasted more taxpayer money, and this latest fiasco has now put this country in more potential jeopardy from a terrorist attack.

Television investigative reporter Brian Collister on the WOAI-TV website has uncovered a very disturbing story involving national security, theft of US government property, and the war on terror.

He reported yesterday that agencies within the Department of Homeland Security have lost over $32 million in missing equipment used to fight terrorism that was paid for from taxpayer money. And what makes matters worse is no one knows if the bad guys have gotten a hold of the missing equipment.

The list of missing equipment includes thousands of computers and laptops, some containing sensitive information US Government information; devices to detect explosives, like the ones used to scan your bags at the airport; and thousands of pieces of surveillance equipment, like night vision cameras used along the Mexican border to spot people illegally crossing into the U.S., including potential terrorists.

You can view the complete video story at

You can read the complete story at

The Btown MP believes if you were one of the individuals within DHS who lost any of this equipment, especially the computer equipment with sensitive information on on it, you should be held criminally responsible and also have to reimburse the taxpayers for these losses.

Also to those jerks in the US Senate that are so concerned about who sees what NFL football games on TV. Time you quit your stupid political games and get to the bottom of this mess. Get the hearings started on what we pay you to do, or we, the taxpayers will have to see about putting someone in office who will do the job.

Who are these idiot senators wasting the taxpayers time and money?

Sens. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee; Sens. Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, both D-R.I.; Pete Domenici, R-N.M.; Mike Enzi and John Barrasso, both R-Wyo.; Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent; Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; Ken Salazar, D-Colo.; Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent; Wayne Allard, R-Colo.; and John Thune, R-S.D.