
Monday, May 26, 2008

Celebrating Our 2nd Year Anniversary of this Blog

It doesn't seem like it, but tomorrow is the 2nd anniversary of this blog, the Btown Monitoring Post and its sister blog, the Milcom Monitoring Post. On Wednsesday of this week it is the 2nd anniversary of Gayle's Shortwave Central Blog.

Gayle and I would like to thank all who have contributed to the effort to make these blogs the best in the world of radio. No one else even gets close in reader traffic or news content.

We would also like to take a second on this Memorial Day weekend to honor all those who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military. We would like to honor the service of those who have given the ultimate price for this country, and to all the military families. These are the folks who are always in our thoughts and prayers and we will never forget and will always honor.

So on this fantastic weekend, the official start of summer, let's celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the Monitoring Post Radio Blogs - Milcom Monitoring Post, Btown Monitoring Post, and the Shortwave Central. Again thanks to all who have made these blogs possible with your stories, frequencies, and laissez les bons temps rouler.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Breaking News - Earthquake in China - Ute Freqs

Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army (Photo courtesy of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Malta)

Here is a list of frequencies that have been monitored in the past from China. There is no guarantee that they are in use during the current crisis, only extensive monitoring will be able to determine what is in use at the present. Copyright 2008 by Teak Publishing. All rights reserved. Links to this material only.

People's Liberation Army (CW) 3330.0 3846.0 4440.0 4874.0 4928.0 5385.0 5588.0 5635.0 5755.0 6508.0 7079.0 7300.0 7307.0 7310.0 8042.0 9350.0 10820.0 10822.0 kHz

FSK8 (1750/125) 7070.0 14000.0 14002.0 14011.0 14035.0 14103.0 14104.0 14234.0
14325.0 14346.0 14347.0 kHz

Diplo (ALE) 7885.0 9050.0 11105.0 12335.0 14560.0 kHz

Military (Various) 5051.3 5227.0 5405.0 5416.5 6840.0 7059.0 7601.4 7978.0 8083.0 8803.0 8808.0 8889.0 9072.0 10130.0 10415.0 10466.0 10972.0 14216.0 kHz

Navy (CW) 3330.0 4440.0 4874.0 5383.0 5588.0 5588.0 5727.0 6508.2 6982.5 7052.2 7060.2 7074.0 7079.4 7083.2 7300.0 7307.0 7310.0 8042.0 8120.0 8438.3 9267.0 9343.5
9349.7 9437.0 10820.0 10822.0 kHz

And finally, Ray W5XE, on the UDXF newsgroup reports, "BD5RV sent a note on and requested two frequencies be kept cleared for emergency work in the quake area. They are: 7050 and 7060. Chinese linguists might be able to listen and pick up other freqs."

Shortwave broadcast information is available from our sister radio blog at