Here is another unidentified HF ALE network profiled by my good friend Sam in Europe. As always, if you have anything to add, please pass it along using the email address in the masthead.
Network: 1K5 [15xx]
Frequencies (USB) : 4900.5 5002 5575 5600 5667.7 5817 6789 6881.5 6902.5 8600 10596.4
1500 1506 1508
1511 1512 1513
1542 1543 1548
1550 1552 1554 1556 1557
1574 1575 1577
1580 1581 1588 1589
1590 1592 1595 1597
Channel Activity
1500 6902.5#
1506 6789#
1508 6789#
1511 5575 and 6881.5#
1512 5667.7#
1513 5575#
1529 see history note
1530 see history note
1542 clg 1556 5575
1542 clg 1543 6881.5
1542 clg 1556 6881.5
1542 clg 1580 6881.5
1542 clg 1543 6902.5
1542 clg 1552 6902.5
1542 clg 1556 6902.5
1542 clg 1580 6902.5
1543 Not monitored
1548 5667.7 6789#
1548 clg 1542 6902.5
1550 6881.5#
1552 clg 4066 6902.5
1554 clg 4066 6902.5
1556 clg 1542 6881.5
1557 6881.5#
1561 5575 5667.7 and 6881.5#
1574 Not monitored
1577 5002 6789#
1580 see history note
1581 clg 1590 4900.5
1581 clg 1590 5575
1581 clg 1574 5575
1581 clg 1590 6789
1581 clg 1592 6881.5
1581 clg 1595 6902.5
1588 5817#
1589 see history note
1590 Not monitored
1592 clg 1575 6902.5
1595 not monitored
1597 5575 5667.7 and 6902.5#
Note: # following the channel indicates sounding only.
Historic Note:
1529 8600# (16/10/06)
1530 10596.4# (13/10/06)
1558 clg 1556 10596.4 (20/09/06)
1580 5600# (10/04/06)
1589 8600# (08/04/06)