The following information is courtesy of Sam in Europe. Thanks Sam. If anyone has any additional information or can ID these nets please contact me at the email address in the masthead.
Unidentified Nets 17xx related to 5201
Unidentified Nets 17xx related to 5201
Frequencies (USB) : 4900.5 6881.5 6902.5
ALE ID’s: 1704 1706 1717 5201
Channel Activity
1704 4900.5 and 6902.5#
1706 6881.5#
1706 clg 5201 6902.5
1717 6881.5 and 6902.5
5201 6881.5#
5201 clg 1706 6902.5
Unidentified Nets 55xx
Frequencies (USB) : 4900.5 6881.5 6902.5
ALE ID’s: 5500 5502 5511 5512 5513 5533
Channel Activity
5500 5575#
5500 clg 5513 6881.5
5500 clg 5513 6902.5
5502 4900.5 and 6881.5#
5511 6881.5#
5513 clg 5500 6902.5
5533 6881.5#
Unidentified Nets 51xx related to 7004
Frequencies (USB) 5667.7 6789 6881.5 8600 10390
ALE ID’s: 5111 5112 7004
Channel Activity
5111 5667.7 6789#
5111 clg 7004 6881.5
5112 6789 6881.5 8600 and 10390#
7004 6789 and 6881.5#
Note: # following the channel indicates sounding only.
Historic note:
5111 9200# (13/02/05)
5112 clg 7004 5478 (27/05/05)
7004 clg 7011 8600 (03/09/06)
7011 11495# (27/06/04)
The Id’s listed below are only included because they share the same channels and the Id’s are similar. I have yet to monitor an association.
7001 6583 and 8180#
7003 6881.5#
7010 5575 and 6902.5#
7012 6881.5#