The Croatian CW Contest, North American High Speed Meteor Scatter Winter Rally, NCCC CW Sprint, Russian 160-Meter Contest, MDXA PSK DeathMatch, OK DX RTTY Contest, Feld-Hell Sprint, ARCI Holiday Spirits Homebrew CW Sprint and the International Naval Contest are all scheduled for this weekend. The Lighthouse Christmas Lights QSO Party runs from December 15 to January 1. The Run for the Bacon QRP CW Contest is scheduled for December 17.
The GEMINIDS meteor shower will have a PEAK at 1645 UTC 2007-12-14. The BCC MS contest will be held again also in this year! All 2006 Results and the 2007 Rules will be available from MMM to a link to DL1MAJ Page:
See the ARRL Contest Branch page, the ARRL Contester's Rate Sheet and the WA7BNM Contest Calendar for more info.