
Friday, December 28, 2007

FJ/OH2AM Ops May Not Count for New FJ

To use one quote, "this has turned into a can of worms." Below was posted to this blog earlier this month courtesy of the ICPO bulletin.

18/12/2007: On Friday December 14, 2007 the island of Saint Barthelemy was added to the "Dependencies and Areas of Special Sovereignty" public list. Martti Laine, OH2BH and Olli Rissanen, OH0XX/HP1WW begin activity December 18th around 1200 noon local (1600z) as FJ/OH2AM from St. Barthelemy (NA-146, WLOTA L-0377). They will have two stations, using an FT-1000MP and FT2000MP along with Fin Fet amplifier. Initial operations will begin on 20 metre SSB and 17 metre CW. The goal of this operation will be to give as many DXers as possible a new country. Additional bands may be added as the DXpedition goes forward. Concentration will be to have one station on CW and one on SSB. They will remain active until December 27th. QSL cards for this operation should go via OH2BN. Further information to follow. *Approved by the ARRL DX Desk - FJ is a new country starting with December 14, 2007, contacts.* [K2FF]

Well folks it may have been a fruitless effort.

Laurent Beugnet, F6GOX / FJ5BL, President of ARP Radio-Club de Paris has written Bill Moore, NC1L, on the DXCC Desk and asked them not to allow the FJ/OH2AM operation for DXCC credit. Yes, you may have it in your logbook, but it may not count for FJ St. Barthelemy (NA-146, WLOTA L-0377).

Beugnet says the operation violated regulations "French-CEPT TR/61-01 (sections 2.3and 3.1) and hence the requirement for validation of an expedition settlement of the DXCC ( article III.1), by amateur radio "FJ/OH2AM" from 18 to 27.12.2007 at St Bartholomew."

Beugnet writes to Moore:


It is illegal in France to use the prefix "FJ/OH2AM" whether a radio-club or absence of the operator « OH2AM » or « OH2BN » who was not on the spot.

This was indeed the case because the operators were at St Bartholomew holders stations « OH2BH » and « OH0XX ».

It would be desirable, given the very strong feelings raised by the conditions of this activity, the committee's DXCC the ARRL does not endorse a breach of the French legislation and thus its own rule III.1 of DXCC Award.

It is requested that the committee DXCC the ARRL not validate the activity "FJ/OH2AM."

It is requested that the committee DXCC that the first operation "FJ" valid under the new country DXCC No. 338 is that of "FJ5KH" Radio-Club of St. Bartholomew.

Notes :
« OH2AM » is a Radio-Club, « OH-DX-Ring Ry », PL 73, 02381 ESPOO.

« OH2AM » was updated the 17.12.07 sur QRZ.COM « Jarmo J. Jaakola, KIILLETIE 5 C 30, HELSINKI FI-00710, FINLAND », sames words than « OH2BN ».


« OH0XX » is OLLI RISSANEN, Apartado 0860-00432, Villa Lucre, Panamá, PANAMA.

You can read the entire letter at