Update on verifications for WMRO 1560 kHz Gallatin, TN DX Test
Due to a continuing heavy work load, Scott Bailey at WMRO has agreed to allow the IRCA/NRC Joint Broadcast Test Committee to validate and verify reception reports from his DX Test conducted Jan. 15, 2007. If you heard and reported the test but have as of yet not received a verification, please send a duplicate report to the BTC. A choice of standard postal QSL cards or eQSL cards will be offered for correct reception reports.
For a standard postal QSL card, please submit your report via postal service mail along with return postage in the form of U.S. stamps or an SASE. Recordings on disk in .mp3 of .wav format will be accepted as proof of reception. Please, no cassette recordings. Address for postal reports is: Joint IRCA/NRC BTC, WMRO DX Test, P.O. Box 3777, Memphis, TN 38173-0777. Recordings cannot be returned unless accompanied by a CD mailer and sufficient postage.
For an eQSL, you may submit your report and/or .mp3 or .wav file via e-mail to KH2AR@comcast.net
Scott added that he will be happy to conduct another DX Test over WMRO with 1,000 watts and a non-directional antenna pattern later this DX season. Details will be announced when a date and time are worked out. Please address any questions to me at the same e-mail address shown above.
Jim Pogue – KH2AR@comcast.net
IRCA/NRC Joint BTC Coordinator