Field report on the GRE-500 regarding the VA STARS:
"Loaded VA STARS, it works (even better than the 96 or 396)."
I think we can close the files on this issue regarding the GRE scanner and the VA STARS radio network.
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Original Report:
I had a piece of correspondence this morning regarding the issue of monitoring the VA STARS VHF System on the new GRE digital scanners, the PSR-500/600.
From the GRE staff I received this reply to my query, "Our STARS beta tester reported "flawless" performance on STARS."
I also understand that Uniden has fixed the problems they had with the BCD396T/996T scanners.
Since this system is still under test, no one can be 100% sure that the bugs are worked out (including the engineers working on the system). but I feel confident as a reviewer that both GRE and Uniden have the VA STARS TRS issues well in hand.