
Thursday, August 02, 2007

First 40 MHz Amateur Radio Propagation Beacon On The Air

For VHF amateur radio operators and scanner enthusiasts this beacon could be a great propagation tool. Thanks to, M5AKA, AA7BQ, and Mark KB4CVN for passing this tidbit along.

Ivan OZ7IS has announced that the first 40 MHz Amateur Radio propagation beacon OZ7IGY is now on the air on 40.021 MHz

The European Radiocommunications Office (ERO – now ERC) of the CEPT launched in March 1993 Phase II of a Detailed Spectrum Investigation (DSI) covering the frequency range 29.7 - 960 MHz.

The results were presented to Administrations in March 1995 with the objective of facilitating a European Table of Frequency Allocations and Utilisations to be implemented by the year 2008.

Regarding the Amateur Radio Service the DSI Management Team recommended (among other things) that 70 MHz to be considered as an amateur band AND: “frequencies in the vicinity of 40.680 MHz be considered for amateur propagation beacons.”

During the IARU, Region 1, C5 meeting in Vienna earlier this year David, G4ASR, told that the RSGB were planning such a 40 MHz beacon. I promised him to take a similar initiative when returning to Denmark.

In July the GB3RAL 40.050 and 60.050 MHz VHF beacons were approved and shortly after OZ7IGY received the permit to operate on 40.021 MHz.

On 26th of July (after paying the licence fee) at 18.20 UTC OZ7IGY became operational on:

40.021 MHz near Jystrup (Ringsted), JO55wm, 97 masl / 5 magl. The antenna is a dipole heading 255 / 75 degrees. Will shortly be changed to a Turnstile (X-dipole). The output to the antenna is 22 Watt keying in F1A (frequency Shift Keying) according to the IARU, Region 1, standard. 250 Hz shift.

The “licence” is valid for a year and the results of the experiments are to be reported to the ITST.

The “licence” is “experimental” on a non-inteference basis and will not create a precedent for any other kind of amateur radio activities in this part of the spectrum!

Please report to DX-summit whenever you hear the beacon. Then we can collect data for the report to ITST and may be able to argue for a renewal of the licence next year?

In 1993 the head of ERO was David Court, EI3IO (G3SDL, OZ3SDL etc….) I have a feeling that without his “stamp” on the DSI report we would not have had the ever increasing access to 70 MHz throughout Europe or these 40 MHz amateur propagation beacons!

Vy 73 de OZ7IS, Ivan - Email: oz7is at
Beaconkeeper – OZ7IGY -

Related URLs :

GB3RAL now licenced for 40 and 60 MHz (7th July)

Denmark to get 40 MHz beacon (19th July)