Here are a few things I heard while lounging around in the Btown Monitor Post 3/3/2007. Rcvr: Icom IC-706 MKIIG, Decoder: Skysweep Standard Plus, Antenna: Varierty of wire antennas. Times are UTC and frequencies are kHz unless otherwise indicated.
8476.0 Probable French Navy station at Fort de France MRT with Stanag 4285. Could not get a good enough synch for a printout. Tried several settings. At 1530. Looks like a 300L 5N2.
8502.0 NMG-US Coast Guard New Orleans, LA in USB at 1545 with Perfect Paul offshore weather information.
8540.0 Another probable French Navy station at Fort de France MRT with Stanag 4285. Could not get a good enough synch for a printout. Tried several settings. At 1555. Looks like a 300L 5N2.
8566.0 Another probable French Navy station at Fort de France MRT with Stanag 4285. Could not get a good enough synch for a printout. Tried several settings. At 1605. Looks like a 300L 5N2.
8788.0 WLO-Mobile Radio, AL in USB at 1612 with Sexy Susie offshore weather information. Not in synch with 8806.0.
8806.0 WLO-Mobile Radio, AL in USB at 1612 with Sexy Susie offshore weather information. Not in synch with 8788.0.
8916.0 CAR-A MWARA New York Radio working a wide variety of aircraft in USB at 1518.
8971-2.0 Feedback circuit noise are pretty much wiping out this USN HF assignment.
9010.0 US DoD Link 11 data transmission at 1622.
9029.0 Encrypted RTTY signal at 1622.
9084.0 Encrypted RTTY signal at 1625(NPG Stockton CA?)
9106.0 Shares SCN channel 5 active with ALE traffic.
9215.0 Encrypted RTTY signal at 1635. This one is a flame thrower here.
9370.0 [SWBC] WTJC-Newport NC USA, EE with hymnal religous music at 1637.
9385.0 [SWBC] WWRB-Manchester TN USA, EE with some fire brand southern style preaching at 1641.
9450.0 [SWBC] WEWN-Birmingham AL USA, EE a religous play about Mother Theresa at 1643.
9480.0 [SWBC] KAIJ-Dallas TX USA, EE preacher discussing Judges 5 and how its relates to today's society at 1650.
9610.0 [SWBC] Radio Canada International, ID//multilingual service on Sirius satellite. At 1705 EE news.
9625.0 [SWBC] CBC NQ SW Service, in EE real weak with fading at 1208.
9830.0 Encrypted RTTY signal at 1712. This one is a flame thrower and is definitely transmitting inside the SWBC band. Verified on several receivers.
9955.0 [SWBC] WRMI-World Radio Miami Intl, with SS programming. Heavy bubble jamming that wipes them out when WRMI fades. At 1719.
9985.0 [SWBC] WYFR-Family Radio, with EE religous programming at 1720.
10000.0 WWV-STFS Fort Collins CO with usual tick tock fair.
10330.0 [SWBC] All India Radio, Indian music noted through heavy QRM from Sailmail Radio, Rock Head SC Pactor-2 burst at 1729.
10331.0 KZN508-Sailmail Radio Rock Head SC with Pactor-2 burst at 1729.