
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Interesting Intercept in ITU IM #313

Here on the Btown Monitoring Post I have written several times about the HF XSS ALE net. And in my previous post to this blog I mentioned that the new International Monitor #313 is now available from the ITU website. I just started reviewing this doc this morning and found an intercept on page 2 that immediately caught my eye.

G BALDOCK 3161.00 19 02 0733 0733 XSS 2K80E J7D 248 B MIL-188-141 ALE

Based on day/night propagation patterns(a 0733 local time intercept in England), the intercept above adds more credability that the mysterious XSS ALE net is a UK based network. Based on monitoring it is widely believed that ALE address "XSS" is the netcos for this HF net and if so then this is most likely a British HF net (some estimates say British Ministry of Defense).

More as it becomes available.