
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Intelsat is Changing its Lineup

As of 1 February 2007, Intelsat will change the names of 16 of its 51 satellites. The name change is part of our integration efforts, and is being implemented based in part on consensus feedback and recommendations from our customer community.

The changes being implemented are the following:
1. Galaxy (G) replaces the Intelsat Americas (IA) brand
2. Intelsat (IS) replaces the PanAmSat brand (PAS)
3. Unique or joint venture satellites, such as SBS-6, Horizons or APR, will retain the same name.

New Satellite Names Conversion Table
Effective 1 Feb 2007

Location / Current Name / New Name / Acronym
129°W / IA-7 (Telstar 7) / Galaxy 27 / G-27
121°W / IA-13 (Telstar 13) / Galaxy 23 / G-23
97°W / IA-5 (Telstar 5) / Galaxy 25 / G-25
93°W / IA-6 (Telstar 6) / Galaxy 26 / G-26
89°W / IA-8 / Galaxy 28 / G-28
58°W / PAS-9 / Intelsat 9 / IS-9
45°W / PAS-1R / Intelsat 1R / IS-1R
43°W / PAS-3R / Intelsat 3R / IS-3R
43°W / PAS-6B / Intelsat 6B / IS-6B
26°E / PAS-5 (Arabsat 2C) / Intelsat 5 (Arabsat 2C) / IS-5
45°E / PAS-12 (Europe*Star 1) / Intelsat 12 (Europe*Star 1) / IS-12
68.5°E / PAS-7 / Intelsat 7 / IS-7
68.5°E / PAS-10 / Intelsat 10 / IS-10
72°E / PAS-4 / Intelsat 4 / IS-4
166°E / PAS-8 / Intelsat 8 / IS-8
169°E / PAS-2 / Intelsat 2 / IS-2
Future / IA-9 / Galaxy 19 / G-19
Future / PAS-11 / Intelsat 11 / IS-11
Future / Galaxy 17 / Galaxy 17 / G-17
Future / Galaxy 18 / Galaxy 18 / G-18
Future / Horizons 2 / Horizons 2 / H-2

You can download a pdf version of the conversion table above at