Carl Starnes, W4EAT, manager of the Carolinas Slow (CW) Net has announced that the net has been moved to 3571 kHz in response to the FCC's pending rebanding of 80m. The CSN serves both North and South Carolina and meets nightly at 8pm, running CW at 8-10wpm. The net is a great place to get some training in CW traffic handling and you might even find your code speed creeping upwards! The net's web page is if you'd like mor einformation.
As a reminder, other North Carolina Section Nets include:
7:45am, 3.926MHz: Carolina Morning Net (SSB) -
6:30pm, 3.923MHz: North Carolina Evening Net (SSB) -
7:00pm, 3.573MHz: Carolinas Net - Early (CW -- 20-22 wpm) -
7:00pm, 3.908MHz: Coastal Carolina Net (SSB) -
7:30pm, 3.923MHz: Tarheel Emergency Net (ARES Net -- SSB) -
8:00pm, 3.571MHz: Carolinas Slow Net (CW, 8-10wpm) -
10:00pm, 3.573MHz: Carolinas Net -- Late (CW, 15-18wpm)
73 and Happy Thanksgiving!
Tim Slay, N4IBNC Section Manager