
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Monitoring Hotlanta

Last week Gayle and I ventured down to Atlanta GA and did a bit of monitoring. The mil stuff is on our milblog, but here is a summary of truck systems and conventional frequencies we snagged during our day trip.

Atlanta Public Safety and City Services
Motorola Type II Smartnet
856.4625 856.4875 857.4625 857.4875 858.2375 858.4375 858.4625 858.4875 858.7625 858.9375 859.2375 859.4375 859.4625 859.4875 860.2375 860.4625 860.4875 860.7625 860.9375 866.0625 866.3125 866.6125 866.7875 866.8625 867.1375 867.1875 867.3125

Forsyth County Public Safety
APCO P25 Exclusive
866.1000c 866.6500 867.6625 867.8625 868.2750 868.6000 868.9875

Fulton County Public Safety and County Services
Motorola Type IIi Hybrid
853.0375 854.5125 854.5625 855.6625 855.7375 856.3875 856.4125 857.3875 857.4125 858.3875 858.4125 859.3875

Georgia Emergency Wireless Interoperable Network (GEWIN)
APCO P25 Exclusive
Cobb County 856.2125 857.2125 858.2125 859.2125 860.9875 866.8875 867.5500 868.0375 868.3000
State Metro Atlanta TRS
866.4500 866.7500 867.2375 867.2875 867.4375 867.4875 868.0375 868.0875 868.3250 868.7000 868.7875

Conventional Frequencies
154.025 Calhoun PD repeater output (141.3 Hz PL)
155.625 Fannin/Gilmer County SO/PD Interagencysimplex
156.1275 Blue Ridge PD Dispatch repeater output (DCS 412)
156.240 Woodstock PD Dispatch repeater outpout (141.3 Hz PL)
158.730 Fannin County SO Dispatch repeater output (141.3 Hz PL)
158.730 Cherokee County SO Dispatch repeater output (156.7 Hz PL)
158.850 Gilmer County SO Dispatch repeater output (74.4 Hz PL)
159.540 Gordon County/Calhoun PD repeater output (141.3 Hz PL)