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Saturday, July 01, 2006
North Atlantic HF Aero Frequencies
From time to time I enjoy monitoring the HF MWARA frequencies. And the most active in this part of the world are the NAT family of frequencies. Here is an updated list for those we need it.
North Atlantic Major World Aero Route HF Frequencies
MWARA (Major World Air Routes) North Atlantic (NAT) family of frequencies. Here you will find airline, charter, military and biz aircraft (mode is USB):
NAT-A North Atlantic Family A: 3016.0 5598.0 8906.0 13306.0 17946.0
Canarias, Gander, New York, Paramaribo, Piarco, Santa Maria, Shanwick
NAT-B North Atlantic Family B: 2899.0 5616.0 8864.0 13291.0 17946.0
Gander, Iceland, New York, Santa Maria, Shanwick
NAT-C North Atlantic Family C: 2872.0 5649.0 8879.0 11336.0 13306.0 17946.0
Gander, Iceland, Shanwick
NAT-D North Atlantic Family D: 2971.0 4675.0 8891.0 11279.0 13291.0 17946.0
Arctic Radio (Baffin), Bodo, Churchill (Emerg's Only), Gander, Iceland,Shanwick
NAT-E North Atlantic Family E: 2962.0 6628.0 8825.0 11309.0 13354.0 17946.0
New York, Santa Maria
NAT-F North Atlantic Family F: 3476.0 6622.0 8831.0 13291.0 17946.0
Gander, Shanwick
The best online guide I have seen on this that will answer many questions is at: www.liveatc.net/downloads/NAT-HF-Guidance.pdf. You should download this and study it to understand completely the NAT MWARA system.