
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

VHF Low Band Skip, Tuesday 20 June 2006

Caught what looks like the tail end of a VHF Low Band E-skip opening during the afternoon of 20 June 2006. Saw a maximum MUF of 39.2 MHz.

Receiver: Uniden BCD996T, BC-790T, BC-895. BC-898, Icom R-7100 Wideband 30-960 MHz preamp.
Antennas: Grove Scantenna, Discone

Here are the intercepts.

Freq PL Time EDT Notes
30580.0 114.8 14:32 Unknown user/usage, unid foreign language
30600.0 91.5 14:17 WPKM358 Central Car Service & Limo Elmhurst NY SS taxi dispatch
30740.0 107.2 15:14 SS dispatch
30880.0 225.7 14:16 SS taxi dispatch
30960.0 173.8 14:40 SS taxi dispatch
31000.0 173.8 14:36 SS dispatch
31020.0 123 14:14 EE Biz dispatch
31040.0 177.3 14:41 EE YL noted
31080.0 74.4 14:17 SS taxi dispatch
31080.0 94.8 14:34 EE Unknown user
31080.0 100 14:51 EE YL dispatch, sounds like a transportation outfit
31120.0 100 15:24 School bus dispatch
31240.0 136.5 14:51 Unknown user/SS taxi dispatch (NY?)
31400.0 91.5 14:41 SS OM dispatch
31480.0 127.3 14:54 SS dispatch
31720.0 103.5 14:18 SS dispatch
31940.0 118.9 15:18 EE OM
31960.0 DCS606 14:55 EE YL dispatch accented
33100.0 100 14:18 Base to 716, larry
33240.0 107.2 14:12 SS dispatch
33680.0 127.3 15:02 Fire Dispatch
33740.0 192.8 14:07 YL Fire Dispatch
33780.0 110.9 14:13 Fire Dispatch: Charleston Township
33820.0 179.9 15:06 EE OM dispatcher
33860.0 114.8 14:45 Fire Dispatch
33900.0 No PL 14:15 KGC755 Lancaster County PA Fire Dispatch EDT two tones distorted
33940.0 114.8 14:37 Fire Dispatch
33940.0 179.9 14:57 Fire Dispatch EDT time zone
33940.0 77 14:58 KNBX247 Berks County PA Fire Dispatch
33960.0 167.9 15:19 Fire Dispatch EDT
35080.0 146.2 14:46 SS taxi dispatch
35100.0 141.3 14:38 SS taxi dispatch
35110.0 186.2 14:43 SS dispatch
35140.0 97.4 14:52 EE OM dispatcher, no hot water, possible electric
35180.0 82.5 14:53 SS YL dispatch, echo effect
35740.0 203.5 14:15 SS Taxi dispatch to 7 Eleven
35820.0 179.9 15:03 SS YL dispatcher
35860.0 156.7 14:22 SS YL dispatcher
35860.0 123 14:59 Unknown dispatch
35880.0 131.8 14:48 SS Taxi dispatch
35900.0 203.5 14:16 SS OM dispatcher
35900.0 162.2 15:28 EE OM dispatcher
35980.0 141.3 14:38 EE YL dispatcher
37260.0 146.2 13:53 KBK833 Lebanon County PA PD dispatch, OM Dispatcher EDT time zone
37580.0 94.8 15:21 Brief keyup, lots of white noise
37880.0 88.5 14:24 SS OM dispatcher
37940.0 No PL 15:16 EE YL asking if she heard Beverly
37980.0 DCS047 13:43 OM Dispatcher
37980.0 173.8 14:35 Hrd OM/YL dispatcher (Mary) talking abt something at High School right now, probable school bus dispatch
38500.0 14:09 Possible KY-57 encryption
39020.0 173.8 15:31 LE dispatch, officer giving mileage
39100.0 85.4 15:13 EMS dispatch
39160.0 141.3 15:22 LE dispatch, mentioned Northfield
39180.0 114.8 15:05 EE dispatch

Nice opening, hopefully this will translate into a higher MUF opening during ARRL Field Day this weekend. We will be up looking for new 6-meter grids/states.